Patch messed with infantry mouse/aiming?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by maxkeiser, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. maxkeiser

    I'm quite sensitive to changes and to me post-patch it appears that infantry gun control/aiming is not the same. It's almost as if raw mouse input is not working or something.

    The control seems slightly more laggy/imprecise. As if its moving in treacle a bit.

    Anyone else notice this?
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  2. Duvenel

    Not sure if it's a placebo. But with the amount of bugs the patch has given people, it might have.
  3. Littleman

    I'm doing... better since the patch?

    Might be on to something, though I feel my bullets are actually counting like they're supposed to too. By that, I mean no more hit registration issues. Bunny hopping seems less effective for my enemies anyway.
  4. Soloviev

    Very low mouse sens here, I noticed a definite difference of some kind related to character movement or aiming.

    I cant put my finger on the exact issue but something felt very different last night after the patch; and its not microstuttering or fps issues.

    Seems like mousemovementrecorder is noting some negative acceleration happening in game (not occurring outside planetside) - I dont know if this was the behavior prior to the update, but its there now.
  5. Tiedemann

    I've got the same "problem", feels like mouse smoothing is on even though it isn't.
  6. kill

    There's a new checkbox in the options called something like "remove input lag" or something. I think it's new anyway. I have that checked a long with raw input. I honestly didn't feel much of a difference playing yesterday when my FPS was over 60. And I'm usually very sensitive to things like that.
  7. Jex =TE=

    Even though my FPS went done, my kill rate went up lol - go figure...
  8. IMTasty

    Agree with what Soloviev said, it feels like neg mouse accel to me. Don't know if that's it though or if it's something else.
  9. Soloviev


    I wish I had tested it before the update, but this is how it looks right now.

    There shouldnt be any red fields, they indicate negative acceleration (I believe)

    No accel in other games/windows
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  10. Itermerel

    cool program, never seen that before
  11. Cinnamon

    Depends. If you dropped to 30 fps from 60 you have a huge relative advantage over the people who drop from 30 to 10 with the game just being effectively frozen for a fraction of a second every second.
  12. IMTasty

    Thanks for confirming, great post.
  13. Jex =TE=

    I never get over 30 fps
  14. Mightyhalo

    I went from having perceived mouse issues to that feeling going away after the patch. I made the mistake of reading a "how to tweak mouse settings for best results" and it ended up being a massive fail for me.
  15. Spiritualised

    Ive used mouserate myself for years, I also use the mark c fix. What your seeing is a false positive. Its caused by lag between game client and mouserate updating. If any accel was present, there would be a red block actually on EnPtPr and the columns you see marked in red would be flagged as on not off. Its a widely known issue among users of mouserate