[BUG] The locking sound

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Minecreeper, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Minecreeper

    I can not hear the warning sound, when I was locked

    it makes me confused
  2. Sinoby

    I hope it was reported already, but yeah - lock-on warning is broken. You see lock-on warning, but when lock-on process is complete - it just disappears. And no sound.
  3. Killjoy2503

    yes another fine bug that was introduced with their patch.. a patch which was suppose to fix stuff

    and inadvertently breaks a whole lot of other random stuff.. that was never assured on quality by sony their Q&A

    A disgrace really
  4. Tharrn

    I don't know what games you guys have been playing so far but I haven't seen a big patch in any game so far that didn't also break stuff. 'Don't play on patch day' and 'never take a day off on patchday' have been true throughout online gaming history :p

    Then again 'don't patch on fridays' (let alone saturdays) is also holding true ^^
  5. Minecreeper

    This BUG has not been fixed in the recent patch
  6. Brusilov [TR]

    Every day i can log into my favorite game without a basic installation/login/crash to desktop bug is a good day. I think they are not doing too badly compared to some of my other favorite games at release.

    Does have a bit of a beta'y feel though. Lots of bugs and balancing issues.

    I don't really mind... The only things that really get to me are things like paying real money for a Walker anti-Air turret, only to have it be changed into a G30 Walker, and then superseded with a Ranger. If i wanted a slow firing machine gun that can't shoot down aircraft very well, i would have stuck with the FREE default gun.
  7. Zer0range

    True, but this patch have undoubtedly set a new world record in broken stuff.
  8. G0RGAK

    Please fix this, thanks
  9. 2Slow2Calm

    This bug was in the game before GU02