I'm really not a fan of post-patch tears, however...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deepjay, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Deepjay

    1. You take damage standing on the roof of Sunderers now?? Like so fast that you're dead in 2 seconds if you dont get off it. WTF?!
    2. My Vanguard is firing shells, but its as if they dont exist - broken by the hotfix by the likes.
    3. You cant even go anywhere on the new spawn buildings without it being a restricted zone. Absolutely cant touch them. This is a *horrible* idea. The new buildings seem much better, but being a restricted zone.....utterly awful. Where did this idea come from? There's camping spawns and there's valid building combat. By adding more outlets and bigger entrances it's nullyfing much of the camping. By stopping players from even going on the building...it's way way way way too heavy handed..
    4. And i still have terrible framerates since that hotfix. I'm assuming it wasn't to fix FPS.
  2. Dulu

    I agree with everything you said, and instead of making a thread of my own, I'd just like to add a couple gripes here...

    -Jackhammer buffs weren't enough, it still is an inferior version of stock shotguns.
    -Smaller windows = less access/escape points for infantry. Vehicle spam relatively unaffected.
    -IRNV no longer shows cloakers.. I think this is a mistake. This is the main selling point of the scope for most people.
  3. Fluffer

    Figured I also would post here instead of making thread...

    First off, the patch was delayed. I figured, yeah, I don't really care it means they are taking the time to work out the bugs. But holy ******* sht. Based off the FORUMS alone, I see at least 10 MAJOR problems. Not to mention that the patch isn't downloading for me as it should... 10KBPS is bull **** when I just downloaded another file at 2megs. I can't wait to get in game and see for myself how f-ed up it is. I have a feeling I won't be getting better FPS as I had hoped, since I see 3 threads with people with my video card complaining....
  4. Deepjay

    Bugs aside, I'd like to know the logic behind not being able to stand on spawn buildings, or moreso, Sunderers. That is just utterly beyond comprehension.
  5. fastdak255

    have you not noticed how they changed the cloak? LOL i can spot it from far away just as easy as a non cloaker.