Opinion on new patch?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ricco959, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Ricco959

    I'm wondering how everyone feels about the patch.

    I really dont like the changes to the UI. Why would you change it if it worked fine before? Now all the colour changes are confusing and ugly.

    I'm still not sure how I feel about the warpgate shuffle as I raged quit soon after seeing the changes in the patch. While it might be interesting and fresh to see the maps in a new light, i will definitely miss the old layouts. My favourite thing to do in the game was to fly around in a mosquito and use the J908 Impact Site. Things just won't be the same. It's also a shame as all the effort that has been put in to defend certain bases now seems wasted and fruitless as they are now on the other side of the map deep in enemy territory.

    As a TR I can even feel sorry for the Vanu for their tank nerfs.

    I would really like to see a rollback in at least some of the features of the patch.

  2. RblDiver

    I haven't found a change I've not liked. The UBGL arc took a bit to get used to, but I still think it has a ton of potential.

    The UI seems sharper, better outlined, which I love.
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  3. Talizzar

    I like many of the changes. The color changes are poor and the performance issues make this patch a fail. Sorry! With all the talk of delaying it so there would not be major bugs, one would not have expected so many major issues.
  4. Eleo

    You can fix the colors at your liking, this is the whole point, you can get the exact same color scheme than before if you want it.

    Efforts put into defending a base wasted? Come on dude, in its current state defending or taking a base means nothing, it always swap from hand to hand in a matter of minutes.

    Warpgates rotation, how could you dislike it so much? It gives a fresh air when you play the same faction over and over. And if you hate it so much, how much are you gonna hate the game when factions will have their planet sanctuaries, and warpgates will be nothing but a mean to warp from planets to planets.

    You feel sorry for the Vanu tank nerf? come on man, its not like SOE cursed their mothers, the game need balancing, people will cry over any nerf even if it put them back to level of other players.
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  5. esotericist

    This is unfortunately not the case. The color of base amenities (weapon terminal, vehicle terminal etc) is now bound to the minimap indicator colors. So before you'd see red, blue, purple for base icons, but teal and red for ally/enemy contact blips/doritos.

    Now, you can pick between faction color coding for EVERYTHING, or friend/foe color coding for EVERYTHING. We can't have it split like before.
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  6. Eclipson

    I miss riding around the crater and canyon areas next to the old TR base with my flash. I am going to miss the old warpgate locations. Imo they seemed to fit the factions a lot better than the warpgates now.
  7. fish998

    Seen quite a bit of stuttering, but it has been around some huge fights, so who knows. The actual base changes, pretty good I'd say. SMGs, kinda surprised they fire so slow. Warpgate rotation, nice to see some new areas and NC domnating the north like the TR used to.
  8. Eleo

    I see, but quite frankly I think its just a matter of getting used to it, I mean it makes much more sense now, everything visual apart from minimaps is clearly geared toward the color of your empire, so it makes more sense to have everything the colors of your faction, even the radar. I played only NC at the begginning so It made sense for me to see my friends and terminals appears blue and enemies red on the radar, but when i switched tr and my friends and terminal would still appears blue greatly confused me, as I expected them to appear red.

    Now I have everything TR red, NC blue and VS purp, and I think it is better that way cause it is consitent.
  9. innociv

    Okay, except for the bugs.
  10. JackD

    Got massive Bugs since the patch. The FPS drops, sound when iam getting hit or hit something doesn´t work sometimes. ESF just disappear when they explode.

    Hope they can fix this, the changes itself seem fine for me.
  11. Ricco959

    I was probably too harsh with hate and game ruining. You know how it is,venting over the internet. I suppose ill wait and see if i get used to it
  12. LabRatTy

    I love this patch.

    The interface improvements are great, and all the base redesigns are great. And tons more little things I can't remember, but I loved all of it.

    The main problems: framerate stutter, bugged magrider strafe speed, and anchored prowler projectile speed. I expect they're all really high priority and will be fixed very soon.
  13. Endlos


    The UI cleanup. Everything is crisp, pops better, and now we don't have stupid, mismatched coloration. Playing as TR with some friendly HUD stuff being red, some being green, and some enemy stuff being purple, or blue, or also red was tremendously annoying and inconsistent.


    The spawn room improvements. Fighting for a base for the entire duration of the cap is pretty nice, and feeling like the defenders can "break out" of the spawn at any point gives a good sense of urgency to the attacking force, and removes some of the hopelessness of being spawncamped. I'd file this under "love" but I do think that explosions are, at least some of the time, still going through the shields, and now there's just way more shields for people to exploit. Either explosions are traveling through the shields (some of the time) or if a friendly is in the shield, the blast is carried through their body.

    Hate hate hate HATE:

    The "performance improvements" that have gutted my FPS. From calm surroundings to massive firefights, I always had 25-60 FPS. Now I regularly get 30-40, which I'd be okay with, but when moving around quickly-ish in any vehicle, I take massive stutter-hits, sometimes dropping below 1 FPS (not a typo, less an a frame a second) for no discernible reason. I'm not the only one getting this, and they seem to be kind of location specific. I came across a column of friendly tanks just all sitting in a field where no combat was, and then when I got near them my FPS plummeted. We had to stutter our way off of the plain before performance picked up again.

    Still waiting to try:

    Jackhammer improvements and MBT main cannon improvements. I hear good things but I don't have the certs (and unwilling to spend new smedbux until the game overall is in better shape) to spend on AP cannons or a 7$ gun.

    Really, really wish was in this patch:

    Some kind of fix for infantry rendercapping. I hate seeing a guy disappear when I ADS in a huge firefight because he's a meager 30m from me.
  14. Daioh

    delete the "useropition.ini" file and it should fix your framerate issues.
  15. FlayvorOfEvil

    They broke the grenade launcher even more by "fixing it"

    Now it reloads normally, but you could have it reload normally anyways by knifing after each shot.
    The current grenade launcher arc is as flaccid as an 80 year old with ED. That's less than the potato cannons powered by hairspray that I use.
    New damage upgrades makes flax armor more useless against it since there is far less splash damage and a lot more direct damage.
  16. strateUPjanky

    i love everything about this patch. thank you so much devs :D
  17. Stellus

    I'm enjoying it so far.
  18. Endlos

    Holy crap I wish I knew that trick. I had the GL on two different characters early on and gave up on it because the damn thing was so finicky about when it would reload.
  19. Morgante

    The best thing for me was the new HOTSPOT indicators. Being able to find the frontline battles and join in exactly what I want, and those little red/blue bubbles popping up makes all the difference in the world to me.

    Amusingly, attacks still spawn camp in towers (while the spawners hide behind their spawnroom shields and kill the fools who run into their field of fire) but now the campers have fewer angles to get away with camping.

    A minor but welcome improvement is the new respawn range a player has when they die/suicide/redeploy. I used to have to redeploy 3 or 4 times to move across the continental map when I wanted to join in the battle, now: just once.

    Sadly, there are some areas of extreme lag (1 frame per second). For me it was at the southward pass between the Watchtower (near the Crown). I thought the game was going to crash for about 3 minutes... but it pulled through.
  20. PresidentFreeman

    Does anyone who has owned a GD-7F or equivalent TR or VS QCQ gun have any comparison to the SMGs. I don't want to drop SC on one if it is going to be worse.