So when i farm you hard in my mag after patch am i still OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. PaperPlanes

    What are you talking about? All the Magrider main guns have drop. You're talking about a sniper now which is off topic because this isn't about infantry weapons, but to humor you, a VS sniper at long ranges can't one shot anyone due to the damage dropoff being more severe. As well, projectile speeds for most VS infantry weapons are slower and the counter for having no drop is that we have to lead a lot more, meaning people who change directions a lot are much more difficult to hit effectively. All of our weapons have higher first shot recoil as well.

    But these facts make your anti-VS propaganda look bad, I guess it was mean and offensive for me to point these out. Better report me.
  2. Deavonere

    No. I'm saying that if you have a tank with high manoeuvrability against slow hard hitting one, then fast tanks should have guns with slower projectile speed and with less damage as opposed to long range fast and more damaging (with lower RoF) ones on slower tanks. Also for long range vehicles like vanguard there should be less dropoff.

    That's the purpose of long range vehicles.

    And right now we have tanks with high manoeuvrability (clearly designed to flank) and with sniper cannons that can take down tanks that are too slow to react.
    At the same time we have vanguard tanks with no gun stabilisation, which mean stationary firing and enforcer with drop off and visible projectiles.

    That's what I'm saying.
  3. PaperPlanes

    You do realize the reason Magriders do this is because, unlike the absurdist propaganda claims, strafing as a Magrider throws our aim all out of whack, right? And that we don't get no drop on our main cannon, right? And that you have to stay really still or else your Saron gunner won't hit the broadside of a barn because of how badly his aim is bouncing around, right?

    It's not derp, it's how you accurately shoot at long range as a Magrider. You don't strafe dance at range unless you want to struggle to hit things. It sounds like you're another person who believes the myth that we can fly around at full speed and hit things with no effort. Everytime I move my Magrider, my crosshair for my main gun needs to be readjusted to compensate, usually I will hit a small ripple in the terrain and my entire vehicle goes to a slight angle.

    And you realize there is no non-predictable pattern to strafe, right? You only strafe at 20 KPH MAXIMUM with full rival combat, which isn't fast at all. How much variation can you actually come up with for strafing when it goes so slow? Not to mention it comes to a complete 0 KPH stop when you try to change direction. Hitting a strafing Magrider is one of the easiest things ever, don't toot your own horn so much.

    You're halfway to enlightenment, though. You're realizing Magriders aren't the hot **** they're made out to be by QQers, but your logic is still wrong, because you're thinking it has to do with you being some kind of awesome ace tank driver. The reality is the Magrider just isn't nearly as good as the liars have made it seem, by beating Magriders, you are just exploiting their weaknesses, all that's left is for you to stop thinking it's because you're an ultra skilled reincarnation of Erwin Rommel and you'll be able to see it from the VS side.

    Calling us all "derps" is just silly. What would you have me do when the best I can do is strafe at 20 KPH? Left-right-left? Right-left-right? What difference does it even make? The change in strafe direction always provides a huge window to hit what is basically a stationary target. Only a complete idiot would have trouble hitting a strafing Mag.

    The fact is there is nothing magical about the Magrider. The one benefit it had, which was being adept at hill climbing, has now been taken care of according to the patch notes. And in response to this, the other tanks got direct combat buffs, meaning a Magrider will now lose 100% of the time in direct combat assuming all parties are of equal skill. That's "balance", apparently.
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  4. JonboyX

    Report you? You've not said anything offensive? You're just wrong.

    I think however all non VS and quite probably a high proportion OF VS would say that the Saron is your main gun, it being ubiquitously used. Nobody has mentioned a sniper rifle. No one cares about your sniper rifles in this, a tank discussion. And frankly; I'd pitch NC snipers against VS all day long.

    So, that said, Quote Virrago, link here:

    Quote: "

    Saron Laser Cannon
    • Projectile speed decreased slightly. (The Saron has no bullet drop, while equivalent cannons do.)"
    Saron. VS gun. Yes no? Drop. Yes no? If you want to talk about your anchored gun then fine. My comment was about how ironic it is that VS, with low recoil, zero drop, high accuracy, highly "spray and pray" favoured guns should mock any other empire about having to aim.
  5. {joer

    Yes because they didn't fix the problem. The zergling ability. Any CoD xobox player can figure out how to "drive" a mag, its easy tank mode. The only amusing thing about it is mag drivers are so awful in terms of actual ability that I can C4 them very easily. They are so used to the mighty zerg they have no situational awareness.
  6. Brissles

    You have to realise that you might be a good player. Perhaps far better than average. It doesn't mean that balance issues don't exist.

    It's like those TR/VS idiots who claim there's nothing wrong with the SplatterMAX because they personally can deal with them by whatever means. That means nothing. If the average person can't, then there's an issue.

    tl;dr We don't give a shiit if you're good in a Magrider. We just don't want balance issues.

    I also find it funny how you think farming infantry in a tank is noteworthy.
  7. Antich

    You my friend have no clue about what you´re talking about.
  8. Brissles

    And you don't know what an apostrophe is.
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  9. 13lackCats

    One man's nerf is another man's raise to the skill ceiling.

    It is a shame that the nerf crowd does not understand this. If they did, they would seek to improve their own play, instead of seeking to handicap others.

    Also, the nerf crowd never stops seeking nerfs and buffs, dependent on their special interest. They never stop. Ever.
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  10. Antich

    Whatever you say mate, the problem still stands, he has no clue of how vs sniper rifles work.
  11. Brissles

    So if something needs legitimately nerfing, you don't say a word?
  12. Brissles

    So if something needs legitimately nerfing, you don't say a word?

    Server error, accidental re-post. Sorry.
  13. Brissles

    I didn't disagree with you. Just learn where your apostrophe key is.

    It does my head in.
  14. Jestunhi

    This is the best part of the post.

    Lets look at weapons with over 600 projectile velocity:

    VS: 9 weapons
    NC: 5 weapons
    TR: 4 weapons
  15. BlueyTheWolf

    Too bad that skills cannot be downloaded ,you can farm infantry with your oprider but in the end someone like me will sneak up and plant C4 on your rear armor and all you see will be a BOOM
  16. 13lackCats

    No. Not until I am positive.

    You see, a few moments of frustration do not make a proper sampling.

    I know the special interest crowd. The consequences do not matter, as long as the sources of their brief moments of frustration are punished, and their own interests are furthered.

    What is your proof against being in the special interest crowd? How do *YOU* protect yourself from being biased towards your own self interest?
  17. Bambolero

    You ain't gonna farm shiat.
    You just gonna squeal like a lil girl when you die and run to forums to QQ where I will be waiting on you with a bucket I bought today just so I can fill it up with VS tears and you will be contributing to that objective.

    Your turn... gimme your best nerdrage...
  18. Sharpe

    I'm sorry, but if Pong was mainstream today, the left paddle would be clearly OP. And it would be a horrible game due to obvious imbalances.
  19. Brissles

    So how do you determine that the 'nerf crowd' which you appear to distance yourself from haven't considered the balance issues as seriously as you have?

    You appear very presumptuous and it's irritating.

    Also, I don't have any proof, nor do I need any. You have the burden.
  20. pucwyczes

    Ive put over 7000 in my lib and I dont give a crap about your mag, nerf nerf nerf if not now, next patch.