I foresee it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Feb 2, 2013.

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  1. Nyscha

    EU servers going up just as we go to bed, and the US servers coming online perfectly just as the Americans wake up.
  2. Bagginz

  3. Jac70

    The servers should be back up in about 20 minutes. I expect a delay mind you, maybe an hour and 20 minutes.

    Worst case scenario, servers go back up. No one can get into the servers. They come down and then people find another 4.5Gb patch waiting to download :D
  4. Brissles

    Is this really an issue?
  5. 13lackCats

    Go ahead... do it:

  6. Dusty El Lion

    SoE is a US based company, and its on the opposite end of the US from you. Timezones are a thing. I'm sure if Sony where EU based I'd probably be as screwed up by time as you all are.
  7. ShockATC

    thats the behaviour we need here... more insults ...
  8. Lord Robert

    Are you really complaining that American devs working on a game made in America in a building in America are working on an American time frame?
  9. CactusLynx

  10. Cinnamon

    You go to bed around mid afternoon on a Saturday? I thought that most gamers only started waking up around then.
  11. Leathrewulfe

    England should have had the foresight to win the American Revolutionary War for Euro-gamers everywhere! Blame England!
    • Up x 2
  12. Dingus148

    Oh come off it. It's not a tragedy. The patch is a little inconvenient, but big whoop. It'll be up by tomorrow. Europeans don't realise how good they have it, and the cries of "OH NOES, OUR MULTIPLE SERVERS ON OUR HIGH SPEED CONNECTIONS" ring a little hollow. All I'm saying is it could be worse. Don't act like I'm poking fun at the terminally ill and get a sense of humor, you wet blanket.
  13. Vreki

    No, but I am still pissed that they cant be bothered to give us the time in UTC or GMT.
  14. ArmedGoose

    Sleep instead of playing Saturday nights?
    Begone Weakling!
  15. ShockATC

    see... another insult... why? what did i do to you? did i stole your bread or something?
    Why do you call us "Eurojerks" ? cant you people from down under behave like normal people? did a kangaroo punch you on the head? what happend mate? whats wrong with you? need some talk?
  16. HannaDest

    My dear fellow European. these people live and work on a different continent. They have work shedules and need to sleep sometimes. Often it is night there and day here and vice versa. Their behaviour is understandable given the context in my book.
    • Up x 1
  17. Kediec

    Deal with it.

    Downtimes are part and parcel of MMO's, especially when they are being as actively developed as this one.
    If you can't handle it, go and stay with offline single player games.

    Yes, i am in the EU, and no, i couldn't care less if they only come up at midnight tonight, i will still be able to play tomorrow, and the day after that , and the day after that etc etc etc etc.

    Anyone would think SOE was removing days from your actual life with the way people cry over downtimes .
  18. Dingus148

    Okay, I'm going to assume English is your second language. Jerk is nothing, like bastard. You call your friends jerks. (Down here we call them something else, but it'll never get past the filter.) And no we don't talk like normal people, but at least we don't annex Poland
  19. Kracken

    Then crashing all day and being brought down so they are all nice and fixed for you whiny euros :p!!

  20. HannaDest

    Are you aware that Poland is an European country ?
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