Top 2 Things Missing from Patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EsoEs, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. EsoEs

    1) Auto-resupply for infantry items doesn't work

    Edit: Ok apparently its intended function is to resupply only when you have 0 of a given item, but I am sure I'm not the only one who thought it would automatically purchase the item every time I used one.

    2) Damage-taken cooldown for deconstructing planes/vehicles

    1 is just a user friendly thing but I thought it would be an easy and obvious fix, 2 also seems obvious and yet we still dont have it, so lame firing that rocket you KNOW will kill that juicy 2/2 prowler and instead you just watch it blink once and *poof* its gone, no XP for me :(

    What are your top 2 fixes you were hoping for but didn't get?
  2. MrPokealot

    Sundie Repair doesn't give xp, special grenades don't really work(i.e. sticky nades)
  3. Eleniaki

    XP sharing between drivers and gunners in vehicles (especially the Liberator).

    XP for damaging any vehicle, as infantry (and possibly MAX).
  4. VethEU

    I think it does work but not as I would like it. At the moment it automatically resupplies you if you don't have a stock. I'd rather see that the stock is also resupplied whenever I have the resources

    Definately, this has to be implemented. Additionally, there has to be a timer for logging out so you can't just escape death in an ESF by simply logging out in time.

    My personal two things:

    1) Rework of the flinch mechanic

    2) Battle rifle buff
    • Up x 1
  5. EsoEs

    So 15 minutes and the thread is already buried by whiners ;)
  6. Tuco

    1) PS1 cloaking AMS

    2) PS1 CE deployables
  7. Jestunhi

    Simply wanting them isn't enough, there has to be a reason for them to be added.
  8. Tuco

    how about to fix camping, fix braindead empty base capping, make caps more challenging and therefore more rewarding, create more interesting battles, put infantry on equal footing with vehicles/air, move most battles away from the 100 meter radius around spawn points...
  9. Poulpe

    The y didn't fix the joystick sensitivity and behaviour, judging from the patch notes...
  10. psychotika

    I've been waiting on server transfers, personally. I don't know if they're in but not in the notes or what, still patching my client.
  11. Koadster

    They missed out on medals for weapons !! my Burster and MCR3 Mercy still dont have medals
  12. fish998

    Patch notes didn't mention fixing the med kits bug, where no one can buy them anymore. Really hope that's fixed. Other thing I was looking forward to but seems to be missing is PhysX.

    The changes that did make it are all good stuff though.
  13. Otulien

    Dude, This game isn't PS1. Also, it will most likely never be equivilent to PS1.

    Give up, The rest of us have.
  14. Thornton14

    Still no xp for damaging a tank ffs that is lame
  15. LowTechKiller

    1. AA turret option for Sunderers. Hell, just raise the shooting angle on the Basilisk and I can hurt the hovering gunship's feelings before I die of rocket poisoning.

    2. [VS] MAX anti-infantry guns that can actually kill infantry.