[Suggestion] All Infantry Explosives Should Cost Resources

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Intolerant, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Sowahka

    Well to me it doesnt make sense to pay 400 vehicle resources for a Sundy and then spend all the rest on filling the basilisks with ammo, so if their ammo did cost resources it'd make sense to remove the cost of the vehicle, at which point the timer makes little sense if the expense of the vehicle is in the use of the vehicle rather than the creation of the vehicle.
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  2. Intolerant

    A) Less rocket spam in infantry only fights, leading to fewer lame instagibs. Rockets are supposed to be fired at vehicles, not infantry. This is something I don't understand: how do people complain so much about vehicle instagibs when any heavy can simply gib them with a launcher, for free with no cooldown, despite having the most effective anti-infantry weapons in the game?
    B) Less under-barrel grenade launcher cheese.
    C) I suppose annihilator squads would have to do something else every once in a while. Maybe.
    D) A bit less heavy infantry spam.

    I just don't see how. Heavy is by far the most played class. A reasonable cost for rockets would not change that fact considering they still have LMG and overshield.

    As for "what happens when you get pushed back to your warpgate?" How is that different from now? You think heavies can push a zerg out of the warpgate? I've never seen that happen. If you get pushed back to your warpgate, you lose. Move on to another continent. I for one would be happy to be able to play in a populated fight somewhere other than Indar for once.
  3. HadesR

    Well in the context of this topic the associated resource cost would be because a vehicle is a HUGE upgrade from Infantry in terms of defenses , survivability , maneuverability etc .... Rather than it's ability to constantly spam optional extra's such as HE's shells , pods
  4. {joer

    Sounds like the UK gun policy :p
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  5. Sharmanti

    Infantry gets armor? What?

    And as previously said, if they decide to force players into buying rockets I'd gladly see this being done to vehicles aswell. Ammo conservation is a good thing.

    And as contrary to what our good friend robotninja suggested, neither the rockets or the shells should be 200 resources each just because C4 costs 100 each.
  6. Intolerant

  7. Guyshep

    If rocketspam is a problem, why not change the stats on the weapon itself so that rocketspamming at all is unviable? Slapping on a resource cost doesn't stop it from happening, it just makes it end somewhat sooner. If I were SOE, I'd require the RPG to charge for about a full second or two before firing(so as to give the other player time to run or shoot), or make the rockets unable to detonate and deal damage when hitting anything other than a vehicle or turret.
  8. Cinnamon

    If ESF rockets and missiles cost money it would mean that ESF could get the option to change the equipment on their hard points at rearmament. That would be awesome. Wonder what the balanced resource cost of lib bombs would be though. If HA rockets had a cost they could probably also still be spammed just there would be a limit. Not being rearmed by engi ammo packs would be the real change in behaviour. Getting more ammo for tanks already has a decent enough scarcity mechanic,
  9. NovaAustralis

    EX ******* ATCLY
  10. NovaAustralis

    This is the discrepancy:

    Infantry - no resource cost to spawn, a lot of resource cost to use.
    Vehicles - resource cost to spawn, no resource cost to use.
    Aircraft - resource cost to spawn, no resource cost to use.

    We all know that it would be game-breaking if Infantry classes used Infantry resources to re-spawn, because when you run out then it's game over properly. (The MAX suit excluded... )

    However, what if Vehicles and Aircraft were free to spawn?
    Except their shells and missiles now cost Vehicle and Air resources?

    1. So I jump in my free Vanguard, cool.
    I then proceed to shoot 25 HE shells at the enemy, each costing me 10 Vehicle Resources a shot, for a total of 250 Vehicle Resources.

    2. So I spawn my Reaver for free, very nice.
    I then proceed to spam lol pods because I am a noob scrub with no skill (I don't actually have or use A2AM or pods but for the sake of the example...) each launch costs me 20 Air Resources, for a total of 200 Air Resources.

    I like this, because it's essentially user pays.
    If you spawn a vehicle and don't use it, it costs you nothing.
    If you spam the main weapon it costs you a lot.
  11. Kurreah

    A) It is a lot harder to kill with a rocket launcher than a tank round for example. The rocket moves slower, only gets one shot, takes a long time to reload, leaves a clear trail to its position, and (unless this has been fixed recently) does no damage if you die before it hits.
    Generally they are only effective against infantry if you're hoping to splash damage around cover. Most of the time using the LMG will be more effective. Certainly the majority of times that I have rocketed infantry have been when gunning for a tank with the launcher and run into a soldier when stepping out of cover.

    A + B) If your issue is with the effectiveness of rockets and UBGL fire against infantry, suggest something that will address that issue, not something that will cause even more problems with the infantry-vehicle dynamic.
    Remove blast area from rockets and the descriptions that state that they are anti-infantry as well as anti-vehicle. Reduce their damage, but allow bypass of vehicles' damage resistance.
    Remove impact damage from underbarrel grenades so that they can't be used to headshot or one-shot some troops, and just deal their blast damage.

    D) Give engineers anti-vehicle MANA turrets, Infiltrators anti-materiel rifles, all classes access to anti-vehicle grenades and options to carry extra.
    Once there are more classes capable of killing vehicles, there will be less people forced into playing HA to do so, leaving just those who simply like the class.

    C) Annihilator launchers don't fire against infantry. They literally can't. If they are firing, it means that they have enemy vehicle or aircraft targets in view. Generally the situations where there are enemy vehicles and air power in view, they need to be destroyed, since they will wreak havoc on the rest of your faction unless driven off or destroyed.
    Annihilators can't "spam" rockets. If they are firing, they are firing at targets.

    Neither of which makes much difference about the issues that the proposal raises, which are about infantry vs vehicles and air power.

    Heavies are the only resource-free way of killing vehicles (other than the very small UBGL damage). Without them, a force literally cannot damage a blockade consisting of a few vehicles.
  12. HannaDest

    Smart and straight to the point. Bravo