Waterson Event 2/1/2012 8pm est

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fear The Amish, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Fear The Amish

    From the people who brought you BRIT v VA and VS v NC bring you.....

    For one night only lets all kick each others teeth in!
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  2. Reizod

    Oooh, time to dust off my trusty Tiger Fin Scythe for some action! :cool:
  3. joe smo

    VA is holding the crown and not the TR?

    *brought to you by a TR- Waterson

    glad to see more events, a big Thank you to the people that organize them.
  4. Hael

    Does this mean the NC won't be warpgated on indar for a whole day? Oh joy!
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  5. DukeFlash

    I hope TR/NC warpgate you then go for The Crown.
  6. guiltyspark

    this sounds pretty sic , does this mean TR dont shoot at NC?
  7. The Funk

    Team with TR? Pass.

    Wouldn't want the tinfoil hat guys realizing we actually fight the vanu.
  8. DukeFlash

    That's what the 'Vanu Alliance' is proposing but I seriously doubt the TR zerg would obey or even get word of it.
    Honestly, a 2 vs 1 challenge is a bit arrogant to me.
  9. mrmoneda

    The general theme for the TR and NC on Waterson currently seems to be "DON'T LET THE VANU TAKE ANYTHING" since the TR wrestled Indar from our weeks-long grip, so not really arrogant... just business as usual. :cool:
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  10. TheShrapnelKing

    Never. EVER. The banner really should have said VA/NC vs. TotalBiscuit's Army (the Waterson TR, but that's what I call them), since there's way more of them than there are VS.
  11. DukeFlash

    I've seen just as many 'don't let the NC taken anything!' moments on Waterson/Indar where both the TR and Vanu try to curb-stomp the NC into their warpgate for no reason other than they can.

    The NC and Vanu at other times have directly cooperated in trying to wrestle the bonus out of TR's hands...
    so don't act like it's all NC & TR, I see much much more direct and indirect cooperation between the NC & VS than NC & TR.
  12. VSDerp

    we never have events on mattherson :mad:
  13. Hael

    Yes we do. Every day is "warpgate the NC on Indar while they take both Amerish and Esamir Day"
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  14. VSDerp

    :eek: totally forgot ! lol
  15. Fear The Amish

    hey hey hey lets just have a nice big event to kick every one is the balls! sound good?
  16. mrmoneda

    Lies and propaganda!

  17. Moridin6

    XOO all the way
  18. Skadi

    Essentialy this event
    - Whoever owns the crown at the start of the event wins.
  19. The Funk

    We win.

    No TR assistance required. In fact, I have reason to believe they were shooting at us the whole time.
  20. Fear The Amish

    lol was alot of fun we got some GREAT fights against the TR at both Dahaka and Camp Connery. Glad the NC fell for the whole crown part of it kept you guys from being a factor ;)