[Guide] Front-Loading C4

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Compass, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Compass

    Front-Loading is a commonly overlooked capability related to C4. Specifically, you can front-load a C4 by throwing it down early (and technically detonate it any time afterwards).

    That being said, C4 is volatile as soon as it is dropped, so you can do a lot of things with it. This is especially practical for those carrying shotguns or who do not like the grenade launchers.

    Front loading for an air strike is simply laying the C4 out and calling in an air strike.

    Front loading for 2 Extra C4 is a trip back to the spawn for 2 extra C4 and grenades as needed, in the event that the enemy is spamming Engineers. As soon as you're in range, det or grenade, and then finish it off as needed with C4 or additional grenades.

  2. Iridar51

    Nice, valid tactic. Though, tbh, I think you're better off with getting some help. Heavy or another LA.

    If enemy has an engi with half a brain looking out for their Sundy, he'll notice you've placed C4 (cuz why else enemy LA would suicide run sunderer). Then he'll detonate it himself and repair the sundy, while you respawn/run again.
    Rinse and repeat.

    If you want this tactic to succeed with guarantee, you need to use stealth approach and, ideally, place C4 on Sundy's bottom, while crouching under it. Then escape safely and suicide run from distance, staging this as failed attempt to suicide C4 run, you may even want to get the Detonator in your hands.
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  3. Caracal

    I always thought that when you place a 3rd c4, the first despawns.

    So, Ive been blowing up the initial 1-2, while moving into position, then immidiately placing the 3rd.
  4. Compass

    Yes, that's what I did. Only I detonated with the grenade launcher, tried again, noted that it had additional HP, and then placed the 3rd.
  5. drNovikov

    No more 3rd C4 for those who used that bug :)
  6. Compass

    I don't have 3 C4 in those videos. Front loading is still viable.
  7. Lakora

    On the other hand the only thing that worries me... Have the fixed C4 ownership? As in if someone else detonates it will I know actually get proper assist for it?