Weapon Statistics Definition

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by magirken, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. magirken

    I've been looking at some of the weapon stat charts floating around and would like to know what the ADS Movement Speed Multiplier is. Can anyone advise?
  2. Terrarion

    If i am not mistaken it means your walking speed while you are aiming down sight. so 0.5 means you walk half the speed while aiming with that particular weapon.
  3. Marked4Death

    Yep, Terrarion is correct. so the 0.75 weapons mean you will move faster when ADS.
    The only thing I'm not sure of, is if the resist shield movement penalty scales with that, or does it make the 0.75 benefit redundant?
  4. magirken

    Ah, OK thanks guys, that makes a lot of sense. You bring up a good question though Marked4Death about the shield slow down.