[Suggestion] All Infantry Explosives Should Cost Resources

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Intolerant, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Intolerant

    For the love of god man, will you stop assuming you know why I made this suggestion?

    An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument.

    I know what ad hominem is. Do you?

    And yes, that is from Wikipedia.
  2. Dingus148

    Okay, forget it. You're a moron. Go away and come back when that waste-of-oxygen between your ears starts working. I tried to make it clear that your suggestion was flawed, but I failed to estimate the sheer depths of stupid contained within. Move along now.

    Ad hominem; best used when logic bounces off.
  3. Intolerant

    All I saw in your post was you arguing against a bunch of stuff I never even said. Sorry. Maybe I'm dense; I'll have to get my I.Q. checked again (it was 140 last time... could have lost a few points tho?). It's okay now, I can't see your posts anymore.

    Ignore: For when people thump their chests and repeat their argument again and again, and call it logic.
  4. Intolerant

    I love how on the Internet, people regularly accuse upper-99th percentiles of being stupid.

    Because calling people stupid makes you look smart, right?
  5. Sirisian

    You might be interested in the resource revamp in the roadmap. There are a lot of suggestions similar to yours to help direct specialization with infantry and vehicles so that when one specializes in vehicles they spend resources to do so like you explained. My suggestion is along your line of thinking, but taken to encompass all playstyles.

    We're still not sure what SOE has in mind for resources so you might post your ideas in that thread as they're looking for feedback. May is a far way off so it sounds like they're still unsure or they have big plans for resources that might take a while.
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  6. Sharmanti

    Well... Kinda sad that nades, c4 and mines cost infantry points when rockets doesn't :/
    Making them cost would probably take away the dumb-fire vs infantry ****. But it would also make tanks more powerful

    Just kinda, boring, to see a biolab entrance and 200 heavys just pouring missiles through it
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  7. MarkAntony

    Really? You're bringing IQ into this. rotflol. Have you lost all sense of dignity?
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  8. Brissles

    Infantry rocket launcher ammo shouldn't cost resources, SOE just need to seriously reduce the amount of damage infantry rockets do to infantry. Sick of being killed point-blank by idiots wielding an S1/Shrike.
  9. MarkAntony

    I have never seen this ever since missiles require a direct hit to kill making this the most useless waste of manpower ever thought of.
  10. Intolerant

    Rockets! Fill 'em up when you have resources and use them intelligently. Don't spam them at infantry, don't take potshots at tanks 400m away, and you will have them when you need them. To be honest there would still be tons of spammage even with this change; the spammage would just eventually trickle out or (preferably) people would get low on resources and hold their shots for when they know it will do some good.
  11. Intolerant

    I really think that this is just due to technical limitations with their engine and/or interface. I can't for the life of me think of any other reason why they would put resource cost on hand grenades, bombs, and land mines but not rockets and under-barrel grenades.
  12. MarkAntony

    Yes let's make vehicles OP by having infantry hold their shots for fear of running out of ammo while Vehicles can spam all day long.
    I can. Because it makes sense to do so!
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  13. Dingus148

    As opposed to lobbing tank shells into an area from outside render distance in the hope of kills? 9/10 idiots on Magrider Hill would disagree with you. Either all ranged explosives cost resource, or none of them do. Rockets are not that big of an issue, you're making a mountain out of a molehill and it'd be nice if you kindly kept your 'ideas' away from people with functional braincells.

    For the record, haven't done an IQ test since I was 12. I still beat you, AND I'm smart enough to know it's a meaningless metric. MAN, I love the internet sometimes.
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  14. HadesR

    Would only work if like others have said Rocket pod salvo's, Zeph rounds, HE Shells etc etc all cost resources to ... And yes vehicles cost resources but that is for the basic version not the advanced weapon systems ... and if they are free then wouldn't be long before the cost of a HA was more expensive than a ESF for example ... And then its' " Why pull HA when its cheaper to pull an MBT or ESF " and hello to Air/Tankside
  15. Malkontent007

    "Only if vehicle Ammo costs resources too. Oh and bullets. We should be reduced to knives because bullets are pretty powerful. But then again knives are dangerous. Better have them cost resources too. That way we'll be using fists and the game will finally be balanced." ~markantony facetious
    "There are ways to fix this problem, but what you have suggested is spawned of rage, not of wisdom. You're sick of being shot down or blown up and you're screaming for nerfs. Take a step back, punch a durrie, have a beer and come back." ~dingus148 Fallacious (ad hominem)
    " Please, use your mind and not your emotions when it comes to putting ideas forward. Your vehicle cost isn't for it's weapons, it's for speed and protection." dingus148 Fallacious (ad hominem)
    "Sure, but ONLY if every single shot fired from a vehicle ( air or ground ) also costs resources .Hell, let's make it so we can only run round punching each other after 10 mins of heavy firefighting because everyone has run out of resources ......... *rollseyes* If a squad is spamming rockets and you keep dieing to it , learn some NEW tactics and stop running at them from exactly the same place." ~Kediec first half facetious ending in a fallacy
    "Lol, vehiclewh*re wants SOE to make players pay for the things that counter vehiclewho*ring so he can safely vehiclewh*re. Doesn't think it should cost him extra to vehiclewh*re. I love hopping in a tank as much as the next guy and dropping rounds in the enemy's face but with great firepower comes great risks. If you're looking for a game to powder your bottom and give you a kiss, this isn't it. " ~Robotninja Whole thing is Fallacious rubbish probably needs to see a therapist
    "All i see is you basically crying because some heavies with rockets killed your vehicle so you want them nerfed, and attempting to hide that fact in a silly suggestion post that would bring no value to the game." ~kediec Fallacious
  16. MarkAntony

    I bet you feel real smart right now. Go apply for mensa before it wears off.
  17. MarkAntony

    You're the one who should be banned since you're adding nothing to the discussion while being arrogant and dismissive.
  18. Intolerant

    I just don't get how people equate resource cost for rockets/underbarrel grenades with resource cost for vehicle ammunition. There is already a precedent for infantry explosives to have resource cost. Look at hand grenades, land mines, C4, etc. It is entirely possible the devs would like for other explosives to cost resources but can't due to technical reasons.

    As for "why pull HA when its cheaper to pull an MBT or ESF?" These all cost different resources. Yes, when your infantry resources run out you might have to do without for a while. This is the point of resources. It is why they exist as a game mechanic. You can play another class, or pull a vehicle. Would it be such a bad thing

    In any case, rockets don't even have to cost that much. Using hand grenades as a guide, each spawn's worth of grenades costs you 45 resources (barring bandolier-toters). So 10-15 resources for each rocket or 20 per underbarrel grenade would result in about the same cost per spawn. If you are firing so many rockets that you can't keep with that then maybe you should try using your other gun sometimes ;)

    But basically it all boils down to this: Why are hand grenades, a short-range, non-spammable explosive, limited by resource cost when rockets, which are both long-range and spammable, are not limited by resource cost?

    If it's because everybody can have a hand grenade, then why are under-barrel grenades free?

    Could it be by design? Or could it be a result of technical limitations?
  19. Kediec

    Your whole post is redundant. I can't even give you a merit point for trolling because you failed at that as well.

    It would help if your going to even attempt to troll, that you can make use of the boards quote functions ( yes you can quote multiple people in one post very easily ).
  20. LameFox

    I wouldn't mind, assuming:

    • MAX AA and AV is exempt.
    • All explosives resupply (from your existing pool so you don't randomly go broke) from ammo boxes.
    • Prices are reasonable.
    EDIT: and regarding prices, the non-lethal options like medkits and smoke 'nades should be cheapified.
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