Is It True

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SlayersGhost, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. SlayersGhost

    So is it true that the TR and NC have formed a inter-factional alliance on SolTech.It seems to me(and I am prone to being wrong)that the TR and NC never battle eachother.But I am Vanu so
  2. HannaDest

    Yes it is true. SOE even changed the colour of our doritos to blue so we dont shoot each other by accident.
  3. Sinoby

    Please, try to use meaningful titles for threads. Something like [SolTech] Is the TR and NC alliance real? would save people some time of not opening the thread at all.
    Thanks in advance.
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  4. Netham

    I've heard rumors of other factions forming alliances on other servers, so I wouldnt be surprised.

    Hey, people wanted Meta-game. I'd say that counts as meta.
  5. Compass

    Yes, it's true. I hosted the negotiations myself. We agreed not to kill the NC as long as they would stop that incessant yelling about "I think I broke it."
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  6. TheEvilBlight

    I'd believe it. A week or two ago there was combined TR/NC pushing us back to WG and trying to WG us. Hung on by a shred at Ceres and ARC. Fun, especially for AVspamming.
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  7. Xizwhoa

    VS and NC do it to TR on Mattherson so it's entirely possible.
  8. UnknownSolder

    Not an alliance but simply they tend to stay together on one cont while vanu is generally spread across all 3. (At least when im on) Indar is almost always split evenly across all three empires.
  9. Dusty El Lion

    Nein, at least not one our particular group of outfits is aware of. Hell we were all the way up at Mao Tech plant last night and not one person on either side mentioned any kind of truce. It's all in your head OP. Hell with the way the terrain is laid out on Indar NC seems to get 2 on 1 fights a lot of the time.
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  10. Xaturas

    Is it true that Vanu and TR work together against NC on Miller?

    Same **** can be said on every server, just factions/alliances change.
  11. Chipskream

    Heh, I always thought its 'I think im broken.'
  12. SlayersGhost

    So what did you think it was about not my fault you clicked it
    lol knew it
  13. {joer

    Hahaha, TR has been gangbanged by NC and VS all week. I log on about 5-6pm, NC pushing from the East, and a OMGWTFBBQ amount if VS mag/scythe/lib zerg up to the TR warpgate.

    We SHOULD gang bang VS though being you guys get up to 40+% of the server.
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  14. TheEvilBlight

    Dusty, for the most part the empires don't work together, but generally won't hesitate to push Vanu at the same time. If either empire senses weakness for the Vanu on Indarside, they generally pounce at about the same time. This is often made worse when we have too many people at Crossroads and/or Ti alloys: TR rolls through Quartz to Hvar and Allatum, NC rolls through Regent to Peris and then from Tawrich to pocket the VS. Once Crossroads is down, VS holds ARC and the two Ceres, plus Indar Bay Point if lucky, but often not.

    I imagine the NC have been pocketed by the TR/VS more than once, but I can't recall many events where VS/NC pocket the TR. I've been going up to Mao as a VS more than usual these days..makes me remember a point in beta when we were in the north and Mao was "ours"
  15. Sinoby

    well, technically it is your fault, since you have created the thread and used a meaningless generic title.
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  16. Dusty El Lion

    Well for the most part the NC and VS are forced to fight in the southern part of the continent, and then where ever the TR comes down it becomes a 3 way fight. It has to do with bad Continent design mostly.
  17. {joer

    If only. What usually happens is the TR start to push the VS to the WG, and then the NC decide it time to go north and take empty territory.

    Its going to be very interesting to see how this works out once they rotate the WG's.
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  18. Tigga

  19. SlayersGhost

    Well why dont you make a PSA or a Guide on "How to make thread topics" or "why did I click and read something just to make a generic comment"
    Oh that would be nice
  20. Syylara

    It does seem like there are several points during the day on Indar that TR and NC both push at as simultaneously while all along their border there's "no activity". I counted 53 hex-sides of peace and quiet when they pushed us earlier this morning (we managed to cap a territory 10 seconds before losing our last one, saving the continent bonus!). A little over a week ago, they were actually using the /yell channel to coordinate with each other.

    Temporary cooperation to achieve larger goals is one thing, but when you frequently see 1-2 hour long sustained collusion, it isn't just the usual ebb and flow of a 3-way war.

    In the end, it's fine by me. They are usually quite farmable and even 2-on-1, they can't seem to take our continent bonus away, just feeds the ego that much more :9.
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