The Infiltration Guide, Phase Four: The Cloak, The Hacking Tool, and Supporting your teammates

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ztiller, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Ztiller

    Now, this is where the Infiltrator gets the most hate. We have already covered a lot about the Cloak, but it's a vital part so i want to dedicate a special part just for it.

    The Cloak

    Like some smart guy once said: The cloak is not an invisibilty suit. It is a high-tech ghille-suit.

    The cloak should not be relied on to do the work for you. You still have to use your brain and eyes if you want to survive. You have to use cover, bushes, and other objects in order to remain stealthy.

    What it does do however, is to increase the time it takes for the enemy to detect you. And in good cover, it makes you practically invisible.

    The cloak should be used as a assistance tool. A tool to make your job easier, not to do the whole job. That extra time it takes for the enemy to notice you is often enough for you to get between the covers and remain undetected.

    The cloak also reduces the enemy accurace against you. While non-cloaked enemies have a distincs profile, the infiltrator blends in with the landscape and makes him harder to track. Once again, not by much ,but enough to make a huge difference.

    When assassination people from the cloak, you want to remain uncloaked as short time as possible.

    Tap F, kill, Tap F, bail. That is the standard procedure. Even if you are going to kill someone in 1 seconds, you will cloak inbetween.

    When your cloak is low, and you are running across a large area: Flash it. turn it off and on. It will also reduce your profile and increase the detection time, just not as well. You dont have to wait for it to fully recharge to use it.

    Often, during critical moments, my cloak never leaves red. And most of the time, i end up surviving.

    The Hacking Tool:

    Also a subject to much debate and complaining. The hacking tool can be used on Terminals and turrets. Both are effective, in their own way.

    Hacking a terminal is great for:
    A: Denying enemy class-changes or Armor/Air
    B: Allowing you to rearm and refill grenades and mines, and to change class, to for example a MAX or medic, if you need healing.

    However, it is also a very vulnerable position. Worth noting, is that you do NOT need to look at the target to hack it, only to start it. You can start hacking, and then turn around and prepare to kill anyoone ejected, or to bail if detected, as long as you hold down E.

    Now. There are two ways to hack a terminal. You can eithersit around, crouched like a little girl in a corner. But this will not stop most people from noticing you. If they are looking for you, they will find you, even if you are crouching.

    The other way is far more badass. Once again, you will use the tecnique of Blending in. Look at this video, it is quite self explanatory.

    You just stand, right infront of the terminal just like any regular dude would do. Now i got detected in this video because i was greedy and threw a grenade. Otherwise, i would probably have gotten away without a scratch.

    Hacking enemy turrets are great for other reasons:

    A: Denying enemy turret support. A watchtower without AA turrets wont last long. A liberator only needs a few seconds to turn a defense without AA to ash.
    B: Turning the enemy turrets against the enemy.

    Mostly, the enemy armor is facing away from their own defence turrets, leaving you with a nice juicy view of their butt. You can easily take out 2-3 even tanks before they even know whats going on.

    However, the turrets are more often than not occupied by some little joykiller. But fear not, it's just free XP for you.

    The two main turrets are the AT and the AA turret. They both require different approaches.

    The AT Turret: The AT turret have the barrel located on the Left side. That means that by sticking close, you can sneak around on the right side and sit on the ledge, waiting for the enemy to pop out. When he does, you will have your Sidearm ready and put 4 rounds in his face. The enemy always gets ejected at the same point, so its easy to predict where to aim.

    This is how you effectively hack a AT-turret:

    The AA-turret: This one is trickier. The two barrels on both sides prevents you from hiding on the edges. The second you have hacked it, the barrels will push you off the ledge. This is the turret where the AP mines comes most in handy. Just place one, sneak around to the front of the turret, and hack it.

    Alternatively, if you do not have the mines, you can sit in the back and prepare to shoot whoever pops out. However, this is high risk.

    Not only because you might get detected, but because if the turret is firing, the guy inside will be ejected with guns blazing. I have died more than once by an enemy popping out only to immediately replace my brain with lead, simply by holding down the Shoot button.

    The solution to this is to sit a little to the side. But it is still high risk and not recommended unless the gain of a decommissioned AA turret is worth it.

    You can also, with both turrets, just jump into them the second they are hacked. Most of the time, the enemy wont have any weapons to damage you with, but if they have C4, you are out of luck.

    Hacking unmanned turrets are mostly safe, but you still want to kep your eyes out so no enemy surprise you from behind.

    Supporting your Teammates
    The infiltrator is not a heavy assault. Dont try to charge the front door together with that friendly MAX.

    The infiltrator is a support and disruption class.

    Sitting entrenched with your enemies? 'What better way to disrupt you by making you watch your teammates drop one by one, from an unknown sniper. No place to hide is safe. The enemy will be more focused on running around, avoiding to get headshooted, than to notice the 2 friendly MAXs approachign their position. Anyone who takes time to counter them will get instantly killed.

    Hack terminals to cause disruption in enemy "supply-lines." No tanks without tank-terminals.

    Engineers repairing armor? Watch them panic and run for cover as their teammates drop dead. Now watch that armor try to fight with 25% health left.

    An enemy pilot got out of his aircraft to repair it? Mosquitos are much prettier without pilots.
    No infantry terminals=No MAXs

    Hack the enemy AA, and watch as your friendly liberators notice that the base is unprotected, and swoop in to carpetbomb those NC-nuggets back to the stoneage (AKA "Freedom")

    Enemy soldiers getting revived? Shoot him the second he gets up. He wont have enough health or shield to survive a bodyshot. Free xp for you, and no reinforcements for them.

    Enemy entrenched at a biolab? Snipe the engineers by the MANA turrets and watch your friendly MAXs turn the remaining defense to shreds.

    The infiltrator is a very useful, and resourceful class, if you just adapt to the strengths, instead of complaining about the weaknesses.
    • Up x 3
  2. LachDiggityDog

    You are one of the best Infiltrators I have seen on this game your guide has helped me Sooo much. Which Server are you on mate??
  3. Ztiller

    Thank you. I play on Mallory, but might move to Miller when you can move characters.
  4. Flukeman62

    awwww... but then i will have to kill you.
  5. Ztiller

    Oh, i wouldn't worry too much about that. Just remember to keep moving. And don't check the map. And dont try to spawn any vehicles. And to not get revived. And you better avoid that MANA turret you just placed.

    And its probably best if you dont try to use the chat to tell your friends that i am around either. You know what it says: "The dead cannot speak".
  6. Rhinzual

    Any competent outfit will be using a 3rd party teamspeak server.
  7. DarthGoogle

    Just remember to keep moving, secure the terminal area and have situational awareness. MANAs are worthless anyways.

    But anyways, nice one. Forgot you can kill revived guy even if medic had maxed meditool. When you can damage the guy - when he began to stand up or finished?

    Also - what camo do you use, infamous Giraffe?
  8. sosolidshoe

    I hope you do end up on Miller, I'd love to get a semi-regular all-Infiltrator squad going.
  9. Ztiller

    You can kill him the second he moves in the "ready to get up" position. But i don't like to doo it too much, unless i know the guy have a high BR. It feels like a dick-move.

    Nah, just the regular Pine-Forest camo.