Why is the infiltrator not an infiltrator?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Rentago, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Rentago

    Infiltrators originally could only use pistols and pistol sized weapons.

    In return they were always cloaked, if you moved you were less transparent than if you stood still, and you could attack, but it also made you less transparent.

    Currently since you can just equip rifles, they made it so you can't attack while cloaked, that and you can only cloak for a certain amount of time, making your role more of a sniper than someone who actually infiltrates to assassinate and sabotage bases.

    Now, since you can't stay cloaked for at least long periods of time, you are only allowed to make short bursts of movement, which is good for a sniper, but nothing more.

    You sort of just cloak to get into position and then once you have someone to shoot at you just uncloak, take the shot, and then cloak to run somewhere else or avoid being spotted.

    I think they should have another ability which allows constant cloaking, but limits you to use only your pistol to allow players who actually want to run around inside bases hacking terminals, sabotaging generators, and killing targets.

    They should also allow infiltrators to have the ability to pass through shields to get inside areas that would normally require generator destruction, would be better if they had doors, because then they'd just be allowed to HACK doors to open, but since there is no such thing as doors in this rendition of battlefield we'll have to make due with what we have.
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  2. MooK

    Because it's a sniper.

    Doors would be nice. Not sure what else to add. This game is much too different.
  3. icesail

    Nanite Systems is using cost cutting measures by eliminating all non-essential components. After lots of focus groups, they come to the conclusion that nobody really needs doors or windows, therefore they did not bother manufacturing them.
  4. Vaphell

    yes, infiltrators forced to use standard ways to enter the base is weak. Fully shielded base = use small holes next to the gates or one of few jumppads = put mines there and be 100% protected against infiltrators. What do you need them for if you can have a platoon of LAs inside before the first infiltrator manages to enter?
  5. ArcMinuteLight

    Too much Battlefield 3. Too stronk Influence!
  6. VoidC

    Shield Diffuser !

    If we could have full shielded bases then infiltrator would have its purpose!
    the only way then to get into the base:
    • Infiltrator
    • Sunderer equipped with shield diffuser and loaded with a squad
    Maybe shield diffuser as passive certification for Sunderer as counterbalance to more defensive full shielded base design.
    Then Infiltrator name for this class would actually mean something.
  7. Ztiller

    What is it actually that you want to do? You talk of sabotage and assassinations. But that is something you can pull of right now. What is it that you want to assassinate? What is it you want to sabotage that you cannot do now?

    Yes, i'm reposting this everywhere, but i just cant figure out what so many players want to do, that they cannot do now.

    I don't see the infiltrator doing much in that video that they cannot do now, apart from blowing up the tanks. The way he uses C4 agaisnt infantry can be equalled to the AP mine we have now.

    Sure, you cant move through shields, but there is no stopping you from doing everything else that you lined up.
  8. Rentago

    Yes you are right, anyone can run DEEP into enemy territory and trash an entire base by themselves, everyone does it already, usually just one engineer so happens to pass buy and he fixes everything, it doesn't actually slow anything down, it was just a base you could trash for some easy experience. I mean maybe if you could trash that base RIGHT as your empire was carving their path to it so as the enemy was getting pushed back they'd realize "**** THIS BASE IS ALREADY LOST!"

    That's a huge game changer that wouldn't work so smoothly, but you can do it as it is.

    What I mean is actually infiltrate a base that is full of people already running around scrabbling to defend it, not something empty, and doing the **** you saw in that video, just placing C4 around, blowing up terminals, stopping the flow of vehicles, infantry, etc.

    Since before you were always cloaked, you'd just kind of be able to make your way everywhere, and you usually just hack vehicles to kick people out of them and hijack it, you could put viruses in bases to turn the defenses against the defenders.

    For assassination, you are right, there isn't like some VIP to go kill, but there are important roles to enable people to keep pushing, like medics, engineers, maxes. You know you'd ruin someone's day to just blow them up right as they pull out a max, sure you can sit back and snipe people, but then you are just sniping, and your overall ability to sabotage anything is limited by what you can see, and if it has a head exposed.

    Light Assaults are suppose to be harassers, quick to get in, quick to die, infiltrators are suppose to be the bane of any defenders since they are suppose to wreck havoc in the base and be alive to keep doing it. Since you can only cloak for a temporary amount of time you are really just worse off than a light assault, and since a light assault can actually make his way OVER and through everywhere, he just does it better, but the thing is he will be spotted and killed and only doing a little damage, maybe blow up an AMS while there are already like 5 parked to replace it.

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