Lock-ons are getting out of hand.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Malkontent007, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Malkontent007

    If you expect every single tank to cert into smoke lets make it baseline. That seems pretty balanced.
  2. Malkontent007

    Really? What about going into a zone that has nothing to do with the zone your in? Because thats closer to the truth.
  3. Malkontent007

    You want to make it about you needing 500 range to defend yourself. That is just not the case. It's gratuitous and abusive.
  4. Fraya

    All the zones have something to do with one another.. its all on the same map and they're all strategic assets.

    You may not think the guys on top of the crown have anything to do with whatever goal your currently focused on but its all the same war and by killing you even if your in the next zone over they're helping their teammates.
  5. Malkontent007

    Yup, they are helping, its just not balanced to spam rockets at anything and everything in render range. I understand its a decent cert farm because it is currently uncounterable. But that is exactly what makes it overpowered. Do you think your pro finding a high place somewhere inaccessible and pew pewing at vehicles all day? That somehow you and your handful of buddies are pro for putting an enormous amount of area on lock down. Effectively rendering all enemies vehicles useless for an obscene range. Explain to me how you came to this conclusion. Is it because you spent some certs? I am just failing to see what makes you feel entitled to be capable of this.
  6. Dakkaface

    No. The point of Lock-ons is LONG RANGE accuracy. Magriders are flat out impossible to hit at 200m or farther when using ordinary dumbfire rockets - they're too slow, they have too much drop, and any decent Mag driver is going to be strafing near constantly.

    Conversely, if your launcher is one of the sort that can ONLY lock on, like say, the Annihilator? You are useless at short range. When fighting around buildings or even in areas with light cover or a single tree at under 200m, the dumbfire can put two or sometimes three rockets into a tank in the time it takes a lockon launcher to fire one. The lockon user has to stand out in the open to lock on for 3+ seconds, during which the tank can just roll up and kill you. If the tank's center of mass passes below a hill's rise, behind a tree, building, or pile of barrels, the lock is lost and you have to reacquire and go through the whole process all over again.

    The Crown is the preferred niche of lock-on's. Elevated position, long fire lanes, no cover for vehicles to block missiles with or shake locks. Of course you were getting pounded - that is the IDEAL position for the lock-on launchers. If you want to beat it - take smoke, or organize a tank rush and sprint up the hill with a dozen tanks.
  7. Fraya

    Umm because your team is doing it to our vehicles too? :p

    A coordinated defense should be near impossible to break by what its meant to defend against.. however if the engis supplying ammo and covering the heavies rear get caught off guard by a LA drop one C4 and suddenly all the launchers are dead and your free to move in... is that fair?
  8. Malkontent007

    200-300meters maybe 350 meters i can see your point. But, we aren't talking about these kinds of ranges. There is a big big difference between 200m and and 500m. There is no rolling up and killing anyone. You wont even see wheres its coming from till it hits you. If you find a high perch you have a down angle to shoot at your basically reprimanded to hugging a tree. Might as well get out at that point because eventually your gonna die its just a matter of time and if you don't your certainly not going to be contributing anything meaningful. The crown is just an example as I've said many times. You can do the same exact thing anywhere you have a high point. The range is just too much. For such a small force to require such a dramatic response is the epitome of over powered. 6 tanks? Just get 6 tanks and go kill them. 6 ESFs? Just get 6 ESFs and go kill them. 6 Heavy Assault? Hell no, better get 50-100 ppl to take the crown back. This is the kind of logic your trying to use to defend your lock-on range. How can you not see that.
  9. Jake the Dog

    Your first mistake was attacking the crown in a vehicle herp derp
    • Up x 1
  10. Malkontent007

    /facepalm. Get out.
  11. Fraya

    6 heavy assault focused away from the tower just have one guy with a jetpack go up there and shoot them in the back or blow em up.

    They're easily countered just not by tanks.. its not a tanks job to kill infantry on top of a tower its the infantry's job up there to kill vehicles

    Your not player 1 your not supposed to always be able to solve any problem in any way you want solo.
  12. Skadi

    Atm anything within 500 meters of the crown gets locked onto the second you exit covor on Sol'Tech... its actualy starting to get pretty ******* anoying.
    • Up x 2
  13. Jake the Dog

    Not even kidding. I would never bring my vanguard to the crown. I refuse to waste mech resources if you want the crown grab 6 gals fill em up and drop. OR grab 50+ tanks and sundies with hundreds of pugs and zerg the crown. There's a reason its called the crown and its hard to possess trust me I'm dedicated NC and no one is more screwed over for positioning in this game like the NC is. AND if you are in your base and you have lock-ons and you don't duck behind cover well lol you just had a herp derp moment. btw I was at the crown today and the mags were delicious. #Crow & #Vanguardontopofmother****ingmountain
  14. Malkontent007

    Your either dreaming, high or trolling. Maybe all three.
  15. Malkontent007

    Seriously, if your going to contribute at least have a slight clue as to the context of the discussion. Not trying to bag on you bro, but your way off base.
  16. Jake the Dog

    nah let me guess you were in a magrider to the north of the crown or the west for the matter you popped up where every other mag has before you and every NC (or TR for that matter) shot you from 1-2 klicks away. The missles do not instantly arrive at your face you have time to dodge hell ur in a mag I do this **** in a vanguard. Find a rock hide behind it look up shoot them duck back. I do it all the time on infantry with AP rounds whilst they're getting locks on me. Suck it up broski improvise adapt and overcome. Dont drive in a killzone learn where they are and avoid them. If you were to the North you face the issue of its a large wide open desert. I was in fact using a crow (the NC anti-tank lockon rockets) from the crown today the missles dont reach the base to the north unless the people who were shooting you were actually amongst the rocks at the base of the hill. If you were to the west you should've had plenty of cover. The problem isn't the range of the rockets its clearly your ability to break the lock and dodge them and then commence retaliatory fire. Remember I do this with AP rounds with much success.
  17. Malkontent007

    Sigh, your absolutely right man if i take a rocket in the face attacking the crown i had it coming. Now, can you get out or at least educate yourself as to what the hell your talking about.
  18. Jake the Dog

    lol I've been educating myself since beta. Lock-ons I firmly believe are fine. Every faction has them. Get some snipers and LA and kill the rocket spammers. Ive led platoons numerous times in this game this is not an issue. The issue is basically you cant assualt the crown all by your lonesome i hear BF3 has alot of functions like that you should try it and besides you made the post broski you got to brace for the feedback.
  19. Malkontent007

    Where is my button to kick clueless people out of my thread.
  20. Jake the Dog

    lol I wish there was one I woulda done that myself on a couple threads but then I came to realize that this is a viable weapon. read my post about the reaver shotgun I got blasted by the community. Trust me this weapon isn't OP but thats all i can offer you can choose to believe nothing i can say may change your mind but as it stands i am firmly opposed to what your saying. i drive tanks everytime I log on just stay away from the killzones its really that simple