Hey devs, some major spam in the off topic

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Alexlightning7, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Alexlightning7

    Just wanted to inform you.

    Any word on when that guy will be banned and the threads removed?

    EDIT: Multiple people are spam posting now, but I assume its the same person on 2 accounts.
  2. Hydragarium

    It isn't just here - just about every game related forum I visit have seen these floods of sports/television related spambots for months. Definitely an organized effort from somewhere - hopefully the FBI and similar instances will cooperate with the usual suspects and shut down the botnet eventually.
  3. Alexlightning7

    really? first Ive seen. I am usually on the steam forums and occasionally bungie and varies PC forums. Never seen sprts cast specificly.
    Either way, this should be fixed soon.
  4. Alexlightning7

    Oh no, its started in the Tech support now too!
  5. italktowalls

    its getting worse :/
  6. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    So much spam...:eek: I've reported it to our resident forum admin. They're on it.
  7. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    KABOOM! Begone, foul spammers!
    • Up x 4
  8. Tungsten

    It took me the time to read which off topic pages were infested to delete the spam accounts. Credit is deserved.
  9. Veratu SOE

    We're working to enable some anti-spam measures to cut down on the bot posting. Should hopefully have something up tonight.
    • Up x 3
  10. italktowalls
