[Suggestion] Perhaps Lock-On weapons are a little OP now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crunkmonkey, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. TheEvilBlight

    I bought the G2A first, and it sucked. I trialed the Annihilator and got more hits, then figured hits were better than hypothetical 1.5x damage and bought the Annihilator. Then I bought the AA bundle for giggles. Now I have G2G, G2A and Annihilator.

    Annihilator is my first choice since I never know when I will be facing enemy vehicles at range, but it's often obvious when they are barreling into your spawn: in which case I rapidly switch to G2G or G2A or dumbfire as needed.

    Which basically proves your point about pathetic G2* weapons driving people to the Annihilator.
  2. HadesR

    I normally use either Anni or Dumbfire .. Due to Anni only locking on the center of the vehicle I like dumbfire to hit them when only a tanks nose is poking out from behind a rock
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  3. Agile

    pilots should ALMOST NEVER EVER be able to "out maneuver" a lock on missile and ABSOLUTELY NEVER EVER plain "outrun" any missile... outrunning a missile is patently absurd.

    FLARES - you get locked, pop your flare and GTFØ.
    The fact that an aircraft survives a single missile strike is blatantly OP but oh well, enjoy that gift from SOE.

    pop your flare, GTFØ... repair in safety if you can find it, and return to take a few more shots from above.

    this thread is ridiculous
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  4. Jestunhi

    It seems some people are unable to read what was actually written both in the quote in my post or my reply, so they have to add in additional criteria which were not part of the comparison.

    Well... flyboys don't have a lot of choice, since it's obvious how hypocritical it is of them to whine that HAs can counter too many things at once when they can counter everything in their ESFs. Best to try to divert attention (or just go straight to personal insults - because that really shows how valid your argument is!!)
  5. Gavyne

    I love this new misconception that lock-on rockets are overpowered. It takes 1 player to pilot an ESF, there's no reason there should require more than 1 lock-on rocket to destroy that plane. But yet as-is, the ESF will win a 1 on 1 against any HA with a lock-on rocket launcher. Liberators on the other hand, got the hp of a space station it seems, because I can shoot multiple lock-on rockets at it and it still won't blow. The way I see it, air still has the superiority because air gets to choose the engagement. This is possibly the biggest advantage anybody can have. You can fly in to make a run when you want to, and you can fly out when you want to. With the recent anti air's ever so slight boost, pilots have to take greater risk making those bombing runs yes. But contrary to popular belief, the sky is not clear, air still gets the advantage of having the speed and sky to maneuver in. And yes air still gets the advantage of having the bigger bombs that can kill multiple ground units at once.

    I know people aren't gonna believe it without seeing it, so a couple of days ago I took a video. This is on Genudine, we get great 3-way battles there, so I don't complain much even when I die. But to say anti air is too overpowered is nothing but an exaggeration. Air to this day still has the advantage over ground. Anti air just now are starting to become slightly a "deterrent". But most kills still go to the air bombers. By the way the video was taken in a bio labs defense, where ground vehicles have no access to, yet air gets plenty of kills.

    People will still criticize maybe that I was the only one shooting air air rockets, but we did have 3 AA MAX there. Out of the whole time, I didn't get one single kill. If anti air lock on rockets are overpowered, I would've gotten one kill yes? I had at the best 2-3 assists, that was it. Multiple deaths. By the time I left the sky was still buzzing with jets. If anti air weapons are so overpowered as pilots like to suggest on the forums, the sky would be clear. But that's simply not the case.

    In my opinion lock-on rockets still take too long to lock-on, and the range is still too crappy. But hey, when you're at the bottom you are happy with whatever the devs decide to give you, no matter how slight the boosts are.

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  6. Good_Kitty

    Eh i dont think its op. I do think it gets people off the cookie cutter setups on their tanks and makes them use IR smoke which imo is better.

    The lock on launchers are by far not a total replacement due to this. Lock ons take time and line of sight to function. In a tank zerg where you dont have time to lock on these annihilators are useless.

    I also think they should keep Annihilators from initiating a lock on behind barrier doors. You have plenty of time to aim a rocket behind the door PLUS the lock on alert on the enemy just tells them to move the **** out of the way anyways...
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  7. Zer0range

    It depends on the size of that planet.
  8. Dryka

    Personally believe that homing missiles should be out-maneuverable. At least - if you shoot a missile at an oncoming ESF it should not turn on a dime and make a hit. Plus a distance warning/tracking would help.
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  9. Hzymind

    There are plenty ways to work with this,

    1. A stealth airframe - each level adds 20% missile acquisition time
    Each level also reduces %20 of max armor making you more voulnerable to nose gun or flack shells.

    2. A torpedo like pinging from your equipable missile radar.

    3. A missle jammer that adds %15 to locking but disables your minimap and IFF tags.

    4. Make each missile launcher fire different missiles that each have their own flight characteristics. Some turn tighter, go faster etc…

    Hzymind out
  10. TheEvilBlight

    Depends on context of the tank zerg. On a bridge tanks are usually averse to rushing ahead to set off mines or get dumbfired.

    In the open if it takes you a few seconds to close the distance you are also toast, especially with HA properly dispersed instead of clumped for easy killing.
  11. Gavyne

    ROFL nice catch. Fixed, thanks :D
  12. soeguud

    ANTI TANK MISSILE PROJECTILE SPEED BUFF PLS. S1 LAUNCHER AOE NERF PLS. It's the only freakin weapon of all factions that kills with splash damage, an honor that should only have been bestowed on us NC idiots. you know, high damage and what not.
  13. Crunkmonkey

    Right right so making a 90 turn around a building then weaving through some trees and the damn thing still hitting me is just plain absurd.

    I pop my flares and fly... to where??? I have 0 let me repeat that I HAVE 0 IDEA WHERE THE THREAT IS! Am I flying to where it is being shot from or away from it?

    What if I don't want to have to use flares when I fly? Maybe I like scout radar or one of the other options in the utility slot. But no it is currently a waste of certs to buy anything other than flares.

    Your comment is ridiculous.
  14. warmachine1

    Modern targeting computers make "upward flip" in that case & missile will continue to pursuit
  15. Agile

    if you shoot a missile at an oncoming ESF the velocity of the missile should be so great that the direction of the ESF becomes irrelevant... and the missile should hit the cockpit killing the pilot instantly
  16. 13lackCats

    Do you think that any of the people yelling for their own specific self-interest considered the consequences?
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  17. Crunkmonkey

    Right so that HA that can see me but I cant see him locks on to me. I see lock on warning and duck behind a mountain. That missile should GO AROUND THE FREAKING MOUNTAIN AND GET ME? Oh right right its traveling so fast I shouldn't even see the lock on warning.
  18. Gavyne

    Pot calling the kettle black. What if I didn't want to hold an anti air rocket launcher to try and deter you, making little to no cert points, having no fun shooting things into the sky and really not blowing many planes up in the process? You coming in for a sweeping aoe bomb, you are looking to make mass kills, you are looking to destroy the fun ground units are trying to have...you know, on the ground.

    Complaining about not being able to use other utility slot items because you need to equip flares to counter lock-on rockets is completely ridiculous.
  19. Agile

    you fly to another grid, and if you don'thave any idea where safe ground might lie then you're too deep in enemy territory to expect to survive.

    also, reading comprehension fail. Nobody said out-manuvering should be impossible, and if you were fortunate to have a gauntlet of steel infrastructure nearby then MAYBE you should succeed in dodging it. Even if you did not YOU WOULD STILL SURVIVE. The more common scenario (open air)... what in the world makes you think that any vehicle carrying a human being should be able to out manuver a missile? It is embarrassingly fallacious. As to your rare-case scenario, you may gettododgeit...andeventhen YOU WOULD HAVE SURVIVED.

    can air pilots be any more ridiculous..??? i think not
  20. Dryka

    Aside from visual flavor, the 3 faction launchers are identical in damage, blast radius, reload, travel speed and such.