The system can be exploited, but is it bannable?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cookiepiledriver, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Cookiepiledriver

    Two large outfits meet up in designated area not important to conquest around the outskirts of an objective and blow each other to smithereens.

    Medics are designated as friendly targets, so people can swap the role and kill others for inevitably implemented strongly diminishing returns.

    Not only is it hard/impossible to prove for certain, but it also is sort of a grey area, because at the end of the day this game IS about farming certs and not the actual conquest component that marginally complements it.

    So is this practice banable?
  2. Jestunhi

    Anything is bannable if SoE so choose.

    It is specifically mentioned in the rules:
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  3. Cirevam

    I don't see how it's bannable. It's a fight with the condition that medics are not combatants. Outfits stage fights with other outfits all the time.
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  4. Abyll

    That sounds like the outfits just wanted a private battle to themselves. If it's really just them standing in a line, killing and revving each other, yea ban all of em. If it's instead a planned out fight, where they're genuinely fighting over some made-up objective for their own sport, why not let them?
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  5. Jestunhi

    This. If it's a proper battle, then fine.

    If not, see my earlier post. ;)
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  6. Bloodmyth

    This, although that is kind of what the Crown is and the reason it's so busy there. However purposely not killing medics and for them to swap out could be close to stat paddling I guess.
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    it's boosting if they avoid killing medics on purpose. no other way the equation can play out.
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  8. Abyll

    Actually the outfits could have made a rule that revives are the only way to respawn, and medics are granted safety because they also can't shoot and can only revive teammates. Still, overall, I expect SOE would have to look at anything like this on a case-by-case basis.
  9. Ghosty11

    It's kill trading plain and simple, and against the EULA.
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  10. Armchair

    Two engineers meet in the middle of nowhere where they will never be found (by the water). They exchange ammo kits and begin shooting wildly into the sky.
  11. VelcroPudding

    It depends on how this is being done. If the teams are just standing there farming certs and killing eachother as they rez over and over, yes that's bannable.

    If the teams have designated to keep medics around to rez everyone so they can do mock encounters for training purposes, this is not bannable.

    It is a case by case basis, however I have been in scenarios where we have made alts to do training (for instance shooting moving targets or learning breach techniques) and this is totally fine. It's not kill trading if you are simply practicing, but it does depend on the situation.

    Honestly, I'd love for there to be some 'virtual training' facilities that would let us do things like test weapon loadouts, vehicle uses and squad tactics without having to do them in the active game, but there is no option for this. Until there is, this is going to be an issue we have to work around somehow.
  12. Cookiepiledriver

    When there is no opposition online (or while capping empty bases early in the morning).. I have been guilty of this, but seriously.. who hasn't?
  13. {joer

    *raises hand*
  14. Eyeklops

    I never kill enemy medics when they are reviving a downed player. I wait for the revive to go through then kill them both.
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  15. ArcMinuteLight

    It is illegal to shoot Medics during warfare. or at least, it used to be.
    You can be charged with war crimes for doing so.
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    true, if this were real life. but real life medics can't raise the dead and earn points for it.
  17. ArcMinuteLight

    Oh you'd be surprised heh.;)
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  18. Dryka

    I'm sure the geneva convention doesn't hold anymore hundreds of years in the future. Plus this is total war.

    Also, medics are armed, which makes them targets. Technically shooting people while you have a medic icon is also a war crime.

    USMC medevac choppers don't bother putting medic signs on themselves so they can strap on miniguns and blow the crap out of the OPFOR during rescue missions.
  19. Achmed20

    people who are dooing it for (intense) testing puposes have been banned allready so if they really leave all the medics allive and let them rezz the rest, then it would probably be bannable afaik.
  20. iller

    Sounds like a job for the GOONs... And if enough people got involved, SOE would have a hard time justifying bans for it.