This game is so frustrating...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheUprising, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    Do you know how difficult it is to play infantry in places other than bio labs and the crown? You just hope the enemy is stupid enough to bring infantry for you to fight with and run like hell away from the tanks. Infantry are just so... situational, rather than air and tanks being situational, in this game game its infantry lol. And I play light assault, the most situtational of the most situational style of play. I hardly ever feel like I am better off as an LA than the plethora of other classes, unless I get a really good spot to perch on and get 2 kills, and then a sniper takes me out.

    It just takes like hours and hours to find a good infantry fight, or any fight at all if the zergs refuse to fight each other and are just ghost capping places.
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  2. Protential

    Meh, most of my flustration comes from.

    My team failing to cover my flank.
    My team killing me.
    And Invisible forces killing me. (Especially when they hit me over and over and I can not tell where they are coming from, nor can I see what is actually doing the dmg near me.)
  3. Shizzlesticks

    aw troll ****, since when is this game primary goal to run around as infantry.....
    I believe they created cod + bf for that.
  4. Talizzar

    Vehicleside at its finest. Most of our outfit would prefer the game have no tanks or Libs.... They are farming machines only.
  5. TheUprising

    Its sad that I have to say this, but I honestly think that BF3 is tons more fun than ps2 in the gameplay department. Unless you came into ps2 accidentally and meant to click "World of Tanks".
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  6. Shizzlesticks

    There you go wrong again, is ps2 focussed on bein played by tanks and tanks only?
    Please, if you have no clue what the idea of a game is you play, and you start to blame on things, ****.
    This game is not about only infantry, not about only tanks.
    Now if you go cry about only ESF you can **** also.
    Please. visit and before you do anything, hit overview and read, a few lines will do i guess

    edit: you make me a bit anoying, you complain about something you have no idea of.
    if you really think you are right, then please. give me proof that this game is ment to play only as infantry or tank or whatever you like
    and that you have to run solo to achieve the most fun......
  7. Shizzlesticks

  8. TheUprising

    Bro do you even play this game?

    Its Liberators>Tanks>infantry. Infantry are at the bottom of the food chain, just bags of xp for the vehicles.
  9. Raital

    I don't share your difficulty with tanks. If the enemy brings tanks, you have Heavy Assault/AT Mines/C4 to deal with it. There seems to be a general frustration of vehicle drivers towards lock-on missiles nowadays, you could try that too. I'm assuming you're not very far into the game yet, so Heavy Assault would be your best option to deal with the tanks.

    Infantry are extremely powerful when used right. They don't really cost anything by themselves (grenades/explosives do, but not the infantry themselves), can spawn anywhere with a sunderer, can deal a lot of damage in numbers and can be resurrected on the spot by a combat medic. Infantry also have access to flak armor which at higher levels makes tanks far less threatening.

    Tanks cost resources, have cooldown timers, can only spawn at vehicle terminals, MBTs only spawn at warpgate or when tech plant is connected, have a limited area in which they can move (except magriders), are somewhat slow, take a while to bring to the fight, have rear armor that increases the damage dealt to them (not sunderers though, never target sunderers in the rear, go for the sides or front), die fast to concentrated rocket fire even if hit in the front, take time to repair when damaged, have a hard time hitting moving infantry, often lack a second gunner which neuters their effectiveness somewhat...and when they're blown that's resources down the drain, of which the ease of replenishing is wholly dependent on how well your empire is doing on the continent.

    Once you get some cert points, cert into C4, you'll have fun dropping presents on tanks that are stupid enough to get close to you.
  10. Sebastos

    Lol, what are you talking about?
    During base fights tanks and aircraft are supporting infantry.
    In between bases infantry support tanks and aircraft.

    Seems fine to me!
  11. Dulu

    The problem is the resource system.

    People spam tanks and air because they're cheap. Generally, if you blow up a good pilot or tanker, he will already be ready to spawn another. If you happen to kill him while he's current vehicle is on cooldown, he can just switch to another type of vehicle.
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  12. fastdak255

    I play mostly as infantry on my NC, which is the toon i've pretty much focused on last couple weeks. I primarily play two classes, HA or engi, but mostly HA. Why? Cause HA melts face with the Gauss SAW, at any range, once properly certed out. Decimators quickly take care or MAXes and can two shot tanks when u can get the tank in the ***. If I play engi its to support MAXes and/or go for enemy sundies with tank mines. For the most part i have a blast doing all this.
  13. fish998

    Even with all the balance adjustments nothing has changed, vehicle spam still wins nearly every fight in the game, and it also ruins nearly every fight in the game. It's actually not possible to fix this without redoing every little base. The new spawn buildings will make no difference, you're still going to die if you step 1 mm outside, you're not going to be able to kill that hovering lib, or those ESFs or mags, and you're still going to have 100 yards of empty space to get across to reach the cap point. And when you get there you're supposed to stand on the cap point dodging shells and rockets for 5 minutes?

    All the spawn building will do is let you kill any infantry that's stupid enough to sit where you can shoot them, but you'll still all be stuck in that spawn building.

    The vehicles kill infantry far too quickly, and too easily. There's no balance between the cost of a Lightning for instance, which is a 1 man vehicle you might kill 10 infantry with, and the cost of my 2x C4 which I'm very lucky if I get to kill a tank with - if they're driven well you won't even get close to them. And yet they cost the same. How is any infantry class supposed to take out mags when they're parked 200 yards away on a ridge line? (and no one has the lock on launcher). They can do this basically without any threat, and rack up kill after kill, just by shooting straight into buildings.

    There's nothing in the roadmap that will fix it either, the tunnels are only for amp stations and tech plants, not the little bases.
    If this is combined arms warfare, you can keep it, it stinks. It doesn't make an enjoyable game.
  14. cheerstoyou

    Actually I think you raise a pretty good point. Infantry should be situational -- they should not be able to cruise around in the open without being lit up. They belong in forests, built-up terrain, and defended/camouflaged positions. Or getting transported in vehicles. Why are there no gun ports on the APC, anyway?

    The problem for infantry is that: Planetside is mostly open ground, vehicles have unlimited fuel and ammo (with a sunderer to support), there is little rough ground to restrict their movement, vehicles don't have a damage model that degrades their effectiveness, and infantry don't have a lot of AT options to cert into. C4 is great BUT it doesn't cripple a tank from full health, and tanks are too mobile and have too much visibility to approach on foot as a dismount.

    In the winter war the Finns were literally crippling Russian tank by sticking logs in the wheels. I see a lot of ways to balance tanks -- they should be just as strong as they are now, but there's a lot of indirect fixes which would make the game more fun and complex IMO. Fun stuff to see in the future I hope!
  15. Nurath

    Believe it or not SOE didn't make those games despite worshipping their feet (and profit margins).

    If infantry doesn't have a serious role in the game, why add them at all?

    Your awesome sig and poor English aside, there is very little room in the game for infantry, which is daft when most players have no interest in tanks or aircraft.
  16. Shizzlesticks

    Well thats personal perspective,
    I do am aware of the fact soe needs money to even maintain the game a little, so main goal is fetching our money.
    For that its logical, i would do the same.
    For the other part, offc there are balance issues, they will exist while the game exists.
    100% balance is only achieved as i said in sometime a go in an other post, is only achieved if all factions are exactly 100% the same, even for looks and colours weapons everything, and the hexes are all equally devided, wich would be boring.,
    For the role of inf/vehicle in this game. Im not getting mad caus I die of being owned by a lib or whatever, i try to get them back, personal idea of playing i have.
    if you think about it, how many bases can you capture witouth infantry, be honest, you need inf at some point. I do understand its focused on vehicles, but thats they way they even promote this game.
    Anyway i do know my english aint that good..
    1- its late for me,
    2- its not my foreign language, im allready happy i can speak english ;)
  17. bluEyedillusions


    Massively Multiplayer

    First. Person. Shooter.

    Just saying, you don't have a real great argument. Just because you don't enjoy infantry doesn't mean the game is all about planes and tanks.

    Alternatively, I can use your argument against you: "since when is this game's primary goal to use nothing but vehicles? I believe they created created World of Tanks and Ace Combat for that."

    See, it's just silly.
  18. Shizzlesticks

    Sir that goes both ways, if you read just a few lines further (would take 5min i know) you would be suprised how they describe their game

    edit: Ive got the feeling people look at this game a bit too much like, I do this, I do that, I win, I lose, I hate, I like.

    Why not try to go into the WE form, its like said a MMOfps, means you got more people.
  19. Slifar

    The only real problem I see is with Liberators.

    A Liberator should NOT be able to just hover over an AA TURRET that is SHOOTING IT, kill it from full, and drive off with most of its health. What the hell are even the point of AA turrets at that point? Not to mention missles do such pitiful damage to them it's a joke. Libs shouldn't be as durable as they are; they're the BOMBERS, you're supposed to have to clear out the AA before they can roll in and nuke everything.

    Other than that the only problem with tanks and such is when they pull right up to the spawn point and spawnkill you without you being able to retaliate, but I honestly think the new spawnrooms will help tons with that. If a tank isn't right on top of you, then a couple lock-on rockets are usually at least enough to chase it off, and it's much faster for you to get more rockets than it is for the tank to drive off and repair. Sometimes the NC tank gives some problems with its shield and whatnot, but smart play makes them not too difficult to bring down.

    They're really good for pushing into a base, as they should be, but in most other respects they're mostly just annoying/frustrating to those who don't know how to deal with them. Unless they get like 15 in your base. In which case, you lost because you let the enemy push FIFTEEN tanks into your base, which ALSO means your defenses have likely all been blown to hell anyways, otherwise there wouldnt be fifteen tanks in your base!
  20. Accuser

    That's how it was in Planetside, but not Planetside 2.
    This game needs:
    1. Tougher vehicles with MUCH longer timers and MUCH higher resource cost.
    2. Long-range AV weapons (for both HA and Engineer).
    3. EMP grenades that disable enemy vehicle weapons at close range.
    4. AMS Sunderer invisibility shroud.

    And then you would have infantry and vehicles supporting each other, rather than vehicles farming with capture-puppets in tow.
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