Why did you deviate from these designs.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheAngryAadvark, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. TheAngryAadvark

    I was looking at some art from a guy on Deviantart who had done the models for Planet Side 2 . In short every single thing he did is better than as presently implemented in the game. Especially player models which actually look like futuristic soldiers. Like how the NC look like they've taped cardboard onto their armor .

    I just wanted to know why you deviated so much from his work , the tanks are beautiful and the models we have are less than satisfactory . THE PROWLER for christ's sake it looks absolutely beautiful :( .

    Vanguard http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE...viz__m439_vanguard_by_ukitakumuki-d58wezm.jpg

    Prowler http://ukitakumuki.deviantart.com/art/PLANETSIDE-2-Pre-Viz-2A1-Prowler-317287174

    What the Liberator could have been rather than a union of a humpback whale with a bee
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  2. Aliasse

    The liberator concept art looks amazing. (Though it can do without the silly propellors)

    All of it is concept art :(

    Prowler would look cool if it was like that. Maybe in the future they'll update and redesign em all.
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  3. RobotNinja

    Oh...and look...the NC players in this picture don't look like they're wearing armor made out of cardboard and cereal boxes.
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  4. TheAngryAadvark

    I agree it is concept art but all of the air vehicles for the TR and NC as well as the Galaxy are exactly the same except for a few differences.

    This guy was hired by SOE to create the prototypes for the models. Check out his work it is awesome.

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  5. Meh.

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  6. orthus2

    I honestly have to say they all look badass. Hopefully they add ways for the vanguard to dispense ammo or be long range artillery, the prowler to be an apc, the lib to have ways to deploy players into the battle via an air assault style repel.(maybe give up tertiary gun for it.)
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  7. Jex =TE=

    LOL "cardboard and cereal boxes" - never heard that one before - at least you don't have the pedo-TR Goggles!
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  8. Aliasse

    ukitakumuki is an amazing concept artist.
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  9. pucwyczes

    I like lib design ;o
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  10. Grayson

    Why? Because F2P, that's why....
  11. datfluttershy

    Well i think we can all agree that PS2 would have been amazing with more polish and some more work-effort put in here and there. Most likely the Devs are completly aware of that, but it is not really there choice of when and in which state to release the game.
    Investors want there money - no time to finish and polish the product anymore. Why do you think every modern game now-a-days comes with an integrated launcher to constantly update?
  12. TheAngryAadvark

    That may be true but I'm not talking about the whole gameplay experiance i have every faith that Higby and Co. will get things sorted.
    The models though, have no excuse. If they had accepted these models they would have been up since beta just like the Reaver, Mosquito and Galaxy.

    My question here is why did they deviate from these designs ? They work better in every way. And who the hell thought it was a good idea changing the player models ? NC really look bad, TR guns look like **** (Have you seen the proposed TR submachine gun ugggghhh!!) . It just doesn't live up to being Sci-Fi, as much as i want it anyway.

    " Why? Because F2P, that's why...." as for you Grayson i have spent more than a hundred and fifty dollars on this game, almost everyone in my outfit (300 odd) have bought SC and those who haven't have spent on either Alpha Squad or Membership. They are making money with this game, make absolutely no mistake about it , AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. SOE will make this game work because this isn't a one or two year game , more like a decade long gaming experience we're talking about here.
  13. Dubious

    Most of these "models" are inspired by PS1 vehicles, thats why they arent in PS2
  14. TheAngryAadvark

    ahem the galaxy, mosquito and reaver are. Besides it doesn't change the fact that the current tanks and player models are bad. Player models fine it will be a pain in the *** to change them and all the accompanying add ons.

    Higby,Malorn,Luperza please look into this .
  15. datfluttershy

    Setting the tone of PS2 to be inspired by PS1 and advancing the Layout of machinery is the most logical step in order to advance an already existing storyline and background.
    So basing the new PS2 vehicles of off PS1 pretecesors is the right step.

    What is most visible and leads back to a drasticly cut timeline for the designers: lack of detail on decals and textures on the models. Darn it, with enough time pretty much everyone that knows his way arround an editing software is able to come up with something 10x the quallity of what we currently have implemented in the game.
    Despite that: due to the pushed release there is other problems, bigger then visuals that need to be adressed in order to have people play this game in the first place. Im sure visuals and estathics are currently not a top priority.

    Sadly without any mod-support we wont be able to help SOE in this one. Understandable, but yet a tad frustrating.
  16. TheAngryAadvark

    True I guess i shouldn't be asking them to change all this at the moment but what I was asking was why they deemed it better to introduce these models in the first place,especially when they kept the air units. Any one can see how pleasing these designs are to the eye , i would love to have a relationship with my Prowler but it's too ugly :p(especially that gigantic unshapely ***) . I played NC before and loved the Vanguard , would spend hours in it. Now my clan went with TR so i had to give my baby up :(
  17. Grayson

    Don't be so naive....SOE will TRY to make this game work, and not for the gaming experience, for the money.
    That's why i said F2P, the less money they spend on a game development the more profit they will make. (And IMHO that's the reason why it have passed the CB tests).
    That's the reason why we have cardboard armors, and some "cheaper" vechile designs. (a.k.a. Prowler)
    But it is shame that they just throw out these ( clearly ) better designs. If this game would be a "buy to play" title, i think things would be much different....
    Before you even reply, i know that people are working on this all day :rolleyes: , and they need to pay them.
    Oh, and enjoy paying 7$ for a gun!:)
  18. datfluttershy

    Possibly the creation and implementation of thoose models would have taken them time they simply did not had or were not given by the investors. Sometimes as a Designer you just have to sit there and suck it up because there is nothing you will be able todo against a decision, even though you don't like your final ingame result you will still have to live with it.
  19. Eleo

  20. TheAngryAadvark

    Maybe i didn't put that the right way... this game is a game which will be up for a long time, so in that time they will be able to make meaningful changes to it. that's what I meant. Money wise yea the items are a bit expensive.

    CB test ?