Is the Blueshift really that bad?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by umopGpisdn, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. umopGpisdn

    I have a Vanu Sovereignty character, and despite its alleged shortcomings actually enjoy fighting in a MAX suit.

    I don't have a great deal of trouble handling infantry at close range, but the default Quasar is all but useless starting at medium range. For this reason I actually find the Comet/Burster (especially the former if I have altitude) defaults helpful, but I sense upgrading my weapons would be better.

    I want a setup that would make me as effective as possible at greater ranges. Looking at the tool tips of my options the improved accuracy of a Blueshift seems like it would be the best, but all of the people I've asked in-game -- and all of the opinions I've read on these forums -- paint Blueshift as the worst possible weapon to spend my certifications on. Someone even pointed out that the arbitrary "accuracy" meter in-game is actually lower than that of the other weapons. In fact the tool tips of all of the weapons completely contradict the more quantified damage/accuracy/reload speed meters.

    The consensus I'm hearing so far dictates that all of the anti-infantry weapons are so poorly implemented that there's hardly any noticeable difference in how they perform relative to each other. If they're all equally inaccurate can anyone confirm that for instance the Nebula actually has a visibly greater rate of fire than the other weapons? At least that would help me mow down enemies at a greater rate at close ranges. Ironically the Cosmos has been suggested to me the most, but magazine size is literally the attribute I care least about improving. I would take 10% better killing capacity while I have bullets in my clip over not having to reload as often.

    I guess my other option would be to just get a second Burster. I've find its accuracy decent for hitting infantry at range, and I know running two of them would really improve my anti-air capability.

    I've read pleas among the player base asking SOE's development team to improve MAX suits in general. I do worry about spending a couple thousand certifications on the "lesser evil" of these weapons in the short term only to have them become more defined in a later patch. Perhaps it would be better to spend my certs on more tangible upgrades until we hear more about this.

    I realize that in the meantime I can probably try these out in trial mode if I really want to see for myself, but that's sort of like trying a mattress for a few minutes at the store to figure out whether or not it's going to be comfortable for hours and hours each night. I've tested out a couple weapons with trial mode before, but I am unsure if the game will allow me to try multiple weapons at once. Can anyone speak to this?

    As an aside I just want to premeditate my response to the inevitable "VS MAX sucks" comments. In my opinion unbalanced weapons/factions is a forgivable, fixable mistake, but this lack of transparency in information is clumsy and unacceptable. I really like this game, but I'm not going to pay real money for items that would violate a lemon law!

    Thanks for your time.
  2. Vansoth

    VS MAX are a bit better than TR MAX because they have have an ok AV option. The blueshift actual numbers do not reflect what is listed int he game. The Cosmos is the most accurate of the VS AI weapons and also boosts a large clip size and dps equal or better than the rest.
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  3. Cryptek

    Here's the thing with the blueshift: The tooltip is a LIE.

    it has the worst accuracy of all the VS guns

    Get cosmos, it's about as accurate as a Mercy, only you get 25 more shots than him. Hell just trial it and you'll be able to see that it's noticably more accurate than a quasar. Then if you really want to make sure, trial a blueshift and discover how terribad it is.

    In my opinion the VS MAX is better than a TR MAX <_< but the blueshift is a terrible lie.
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  4. Oreo202

    Think I'd be able to get a SC refund on the blueshifts then?
  5. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Yes, it is.
    Here are the Stats.
    As you can see, the Blueshift is literally the least accurate MAX weapon, on par with the Grinder Shotgun for NC.
    However, there's reason to suspect the VS weapons were simply a victim of data errors;On the TR, they have a fast firing weapon with lower projectile speed, a weapon with high ammo, and one with high accuracy.
    Nearly all those quirks are on the cosmos, so it's possible that in the future it might become less accurate, while the Blue**** will become more accurate.
    If you're convinced by it's current stats, I thus recommend buying one, for the right arm.
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  6. Xasapis

    Hehe, I already got dual cosmos so I wouldn't like to see them changed, but I understand if they do it. I'll just have to re-collect 2000 certs, no biggie.
  7. LoveJuices

    I've done the homework
    I've regretted my willingness to believe tooltips
    I've spent nearly a week combined asking,begging,pleading,threatening,and nagging SOE customer support to correct the problem that stemmed from their end

    I am going to save you much grief. Buy the Cosmos.
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  8. ghnurbles

    The Blueshift would be fine if it were more accurate than the Quasar, like the description says it is. Someone mucked up the data entry so that it's actually less accurate than the Quasar - it's a direct downgrade at the moment. I'm still waiting for this to be fixed, as I thought I had purchased the most accurate variant :(
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  9. Village

    Yes the Blueshift is worthless. Anyone who actually bought it should ask for a refund because the item was NOT what was advertised and you were miss-led completely by the description, send a ticket asking for a refund.
  10. umopGpisdn

    You all have been fantastically helpful. Were I a little bit less new I would just get a dual Cosmos loadout based on this information, but the more I think about it the less I want to spend my certifications on something that will in all likelihood get fixed (and rightfully so). I hope none of you feel as though I've wasted your time.

    That is a real shame. It's also exactly why I'm holding off. I'll contact them and let them know that they will not get a dime from me until they ensure their customers get what they pay for. Best of luck.
  11. Nikelspank

    I picked up a second Quasar for my VS MAX after it seemed the most well-rounded in the description, and it meant not spending another load of SC for two guns if I were to go Cosmos.

    Had a blast with them so far, obviously in CQB they are at their best but I've had favourable experiences using them at medium-long range with single shots to distract/annoy enemies while I flank them. Using the sprint to jump between rooftops and taking out half a squad before they know you're there has made playing MAX fun for me; totally different experience to the beta when I was trying to use it as an all-round weapon for anti-vehicle.
  12. mags

    None of our weapons comes even close to the Mercy when it comes to accuracy. I've played quite a bit with the Mercy, and it is outstanding.

    And yes, compared to the other factions weapons, the blueshift and nebula/cosmos are inferior.
  13. Ayre

    Cosmos has the exact same accuracy as a mercy though.
  14. mags

    Not even close, the "stats" are all messed up on just about everything
  15. Ayre

    Look at the actual numbers that have been datamined and linked in this thread. They're literally the same.
  16. Vorpal

    The cosmos and mercy have the exact same accuracy. Look at the data mined numbers. Ignore in game tool tips and colored bars. They are all lies.
  17. mags

    Try them. They sure aint the same