[Suggestion] Customize Airframe Chassis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Phantomstrk, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Phantomstrk

    I enjoy playing NC very much. However, after playing Vanu I enjoy the Scythe Airframe, the feel of it as it fly's.

    It would be my suggestion that you could unlock different Airframe's from the other Races. I mean as NC it would be nice if you could "steal" the plans for the Scythe Airframe and unlock it to replace the look of the reaver. This would all you to customize the look and feel and flight capability of your fighter without having to play the other race. I am not saying you would copy the weapons loadouts or offensive / defensive tatics or weapons, but the airframe itself.

    Again, just a suggestion.
  2. sladuog

    Nah, the whole point of having different empires is that they have different characteristics and feel different when you play them. You might as well have suggested that we be able to buy vanu weapons from the store, because they feel better. In my opinion the reaver should be even more different to the other fighters than it currently is, but it's very difficult to achieve a balance that way.

    By the way, get the dogfighting airframe, it'll make you as manoeuvrable as a scythe at the higher levels.

    Hacking enemy vehicles and stealing weapons from their corpses however, now that would be something I could get behind.
  3. Phantomstrk

    That is why i specifically said that the weapons portion would not be able to be customized to the other side, just the airframe itself.

    But you have a point there on hacking enemy vehicles...perhaps even incorporate it into the idea i propose, once you hack 1000 unique player planes, you can customize your own airframe....
  4. Poobah

    I wouldn't want the exact model of the Scythe, but maybe a "slim, sleak, flat Reaver"...

    An alternative design to the Reaver we have now. We could call it a "Salamander" for all I care.

    • Up x 1
  5. Poobah

    Yes, that artwork is amazing, I know.
  6. Linc

    Would be nice to throw in different airframes to add more variety to customization, but keep the empires separate. I don't want to see a blue scythe flying around, it'd make me throw up. Custom airframes should stick to the theme of the empire and possibly add a cosmetic and functional effect on flying.