The real reason for Vanu Dominance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x13eastmodex, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Drsexxytime

    Gauss is pretty high tech bro.

    VS = intellect = bazinga
  2. Zanduh

    This thread. This thread is going places.
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  3. BigMacDeez

    Yes, techno music. How did I not see this before? I gotta join the VS!

    Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity...
  4. Takara

    I find it entertaining how many people took the original post that seriously.
  5. Llaf

    My counter-argument is presented at the bottom of my first post.

    In response to the rest of this one:

    If you can't understand how every faction has the possibility of being appealing to all walks of life, it is clear to myself as well as others reading this discussion that there is in fact no hope for you, as you are making yourself out to be both arrogant and very close-minded.
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  6. Ghosty78

    Well as the Vanu say, find enlightenment.
  7. Itermerel

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  8. x13eastmodex

    There seems to be a misunderstanding here. I never claimed I PERSONALY was more intelligent then anyone else. Only that VS as a whole is.

    I just don't see a majority of the more gifted players siding with conventional arms over lasers and alien based weapons as a majority.

    One thing I find hillarious is how the Vanu tech is shunned until it comes time to be rebirthed. Then suddenly all factions are in agreement that Vanu tech is the best thing since sliced bread. The tr is a communist dictatorship and the NC gives you freedom. Freedom to be enslaved by corporations instead of government. But don't worry. If you join Vanu our tech will free your mind.
  9. OMGItzChucky

    You aren't very good at getting jokes, are you?
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  10. GImofoJoe

    Hmm... So you're saying Vanu got all the smart people while TR and NC got all the stupid people, and that's why they win.

    I can't stop laughing....

    Grow a few years older, learn some statistic, open your horizon.
  11. Guyshep

    So what about the smart TR or NC players?

    What you're saying is that smart people automatically like techno, hover machines, and lasers, as if it were a stereotype. What's stopping stupid people from joining VS? Stupid people are impressed by pew pew lasers, too.

    There's no relation between VS anything and its playerbase's intelligence. If there is, have fun explaining why.
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  12. Buntfunk

    Priceless. You attacked his grammar and embarassed yourself in the same sentence. Well played good sir, well played.

    You did manage to misuse "you're" in quite a creative manner though.
  13. Ghosty78

    I think he is talking about the factions, and not the people who play these.
  14. PheonixOmega

    LMAO!!!! Omg this post just made my day... The op has definatly mastered the art of trolling lol.
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  15. robotron2000

    Don't you find that VS have a creepy, cult-like vibe to them? Their promotional material makes them come across like some kind of intergalactic scientologists. I don't equate slavish devotion to religion as a sign of intellect, far from it. When it came to choosing a faction that aspect of the VS really didn't appeal to me at all.

    Maybe I'm too intelligent to be fooled by their disco lasers, flying tanks and WWF costumes.
  16. Itermerel

    if it was intentional he would have thrown in the classic "grammer" misspell, but he also used "your" correct in one instance, so i believe that wasnt a joke
  17. Snarkyfoo

    Does anyone else feel sad when people start tossing around I.Q. like it, a single number, can measure the mental capability of a human?
    How did the OP gain such an ability to ignore all the red lines that appear in his post? My bad grammar/spelling hurts my eyes/ego.

    Even if this is a troll post, I still ask these questions.
  18. R-A-B

    Your ignorant arrogance is astoundingly un-vanu.
    Vanu would dictate theories directly from results.
  19. Gav7x

    What do you expect from a faction that wears purple spandex and uses no-recoil laser weapons ?
  20. phungus420

    I have a vanu guy and a TR guy. When the game was released the TR heavy assault Carv was on an equal level to the Orion, they nerfed the CARV for some reason, and it is now noticeably worse then the Orion. Since well over half the players in the game are HA at any given point, and many of them are using the default weapons (especially in TR where the CARV is simply the superior option), this has a drastic effect. I now win about 30% more engagements with my VS as a HA then my TR, and that is completely due to them nerfing the CARV to be less effective then the Orion instead of on par with it. This is a huge effect, again since most players use HA the majority of the time (as intended), and most of them use default weapons.

    Also the Magrider is really just better then the other faction's MBTs.
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