I'm doing my part

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KILLFACE, Jan 25, 2013.


    Yeah man, was some tough fights against VS and TR, even both at the same time at some points, but I made a point of saying GG over /yell and I'll say it again now, GG lads.

    Yeah Rocko The no bullet drop I can handle but the Tanks that strafe Rockets and other tank rounds? ffs.
  2. Riekopo

    My fear is that the devs will nerf the game's factions into being almost exactly the same with only a difference in how they look. The ideal balance is one like Starcraft if you know what I mean? With asymmetrical factions that are still balanced.
  3. Big Cyz

    I did my part on Briggs. NC dominated Amerish for 95% of the time the challenges were on.
  4. Elidion

    NC doesn't normally have the population advantage during prime time, it's almost always VS. But a lot of us, at least in my outfit ADK, coordinated and took time off work to make the event.
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    I'll admit that was the most organized I've seen ADK, they are normally looked on as a fairly haphazard bunch with guys scattered all over the place, but they did good today.
  6. Recce

    Nope NC was 36% Vanu was 34% I believe. TR had the disadvantage

    I kinda like the challenge now :D
  7. Elidion

    We're pretty organized believe it or not...problem is since we run public platoon, there has been an issue when platoon and squad leaders log out, not changing the name so we have adk platoons out there that aren't even run by offical ADK platoon and Squad Leaders, sometimes non outfit. But that's been getting better. But yeah it's not just any ADK member that leads and starts platoons...you gotta apply for the position on our website and everything and you get promoted in rank. I would stand by any of our official squad and platoon leaders, me being one of them. Of course at 3am PST I don't think there are very many on or at all so if you do see an ADK platoon around then, chances are it's just a ghost platoon...it might have some ADK members in it...but doesn't mean it's being led by us...especially in any official or tactical manner.
  8. JojoTheSlayer

    Miller was disappointing, but I guess many Werneriens where on Connery in a Amerish line just like me.
  9. Recce

    Man I'mm glad I fought on my own server, way more fun than sitting in a queue on Connery!
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    Yeah I know what you mean man, I run a crew, finding quality Officers ain't easy, let alone employing those Officers in a job that's a good fit for them.

    btw we normally steer clear of open squads. Whenever we on formal outings we have closed squads not only because of a hatred of in game comms but so they all Clan Members who know whats up and are focused and we have proven commissioned and non commissioned Officers on Jobs that suit them, we quite often find the very distractable Zerg more a hinderence than a help. We leave open squads for recruiting n whatnot, even then we usually do recruiting through observing someone being a good team player and sending them a squad invite and going from there, excellentz for example, I noticed him being proactive and showing initiative so I had a crack at recruiting him (that offers still there btw =P) but he's a senior ADK Officer so left it alone. We prefer 1 bullet in the right place to 100 in the right area so we not overly fond of open squads.
  12. fish998

    Since they failed to communicate the rules in advance, I, along with a ton of other players, were on Connery Esamir trying to get onto Amerish, and didn't know I could contribute by playing my main on Woodman. I then switched to my alt, VS on Miller, and there were a tons of people on Indar.

    Either most people didn't know to be on amerish, or didn't care.
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