Let the Vanu Whine Commence

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EsoEs, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Wren

    OP and winning the challenges

    Yet facebook and the website said "TR WON"? Whos really op?
  2. sebo

    only because VS was outnumbered something like 32% to 41% TR..
  3. Jaquio

    I don't really think any of this is indicative of whether or not VS is OP or not.

    I DO think it's indicative of how SoE doesn't know how to run an event.

    Having map competitions and not resetting the server at the beginning to level the playing field is bush league amateur nonsense.
  4. Oreo202

    TR had about 3 platoons sitting on top of the ascent that they decided to leave there instead of using them to cap the bastion.
  5. DamageKing

    Guys, need to lob 100 grenades to point B!

  6. Pat Cleburne

    I don't know what you are smoking but every time I looked at the pop it was almost dead even. In fact, at the end of the game it was VS with the advantage in pop. Not their normal 15-20% advantage on SolTech, but a little.
  7. Zanduh

    It was a fun fight on SolTech all around. Give us our due we won that third fairly
  8. Raap

    Just reposting this from another thread (since I play on Miller too)...

    I even forgot about this event, honestly I thought it was limited to US server(s) only, and I wasn't the only person who thought it was US-only.

    On Miller, during this time, TR captured Indar with what seemed like a full faction population map-cap... Although we did have a 5% experience boost for being underpopulated. The word in /yell was that this was an event on an NA server which I always thought was correct, so most players ended up ignoring the broadcasted messages.

    Shame on SOE for not using communication methods most players use (forums, ingame). Apparantly the 'real' information was exclusive to social websites, which many people do not use.
  9. Pat Cleburne

    I am.
  10. Fox Reinhold

    Actually that worked to our disadvantage, as the lag was so bad, any attempt we made to retake B (or C) usually ended up with lagged grenades going off in our face. C was so hilariously full of lagged grenades on Mattherson that it was impossible to enter for a good minute or two at a time we didn't even own the point.

    At one point I was so lagged that I literally killed two people AFTER dying. With that said, they could've been dead before I died and the deaths didn't register until later.
  11. Dkamanus

    I think the main VS beef is:
    - The Magrider being able to go to places easily where NC and TR can't follow (this isn't agility based, it's a straight buff for VS)
    - The weapons being the single most accurate ones in the game while having a small counter to it, which is long range combat (and even at that, it wouldn't matter, since hitting more bullets = more damage applied = more kills)
    - The scythe being the best ESF (I don't ******* know, I don't fly, just saying what others say)

    In a straight match-up I've seen magriders getting crushed by Vanguard. But today I saw something very derpy on the bastion Event. A magrider climbing the hill to the east of the bastion, where no other tanks can catch him. C'mon, this is the main (and only issue imo) with the Magrider I have. He can be more agile on those mountains but god damn it, let me go after him as well, or don't let neither go up those walls like that.

    And the NC weaponry could use some small buffs, like a less spread randomness on their weapons.

    The only critique I have against the magrider is this. People complaining about their AP secondary. It hits for the same damage as the ML85 (yes, the ML85 hits like a HEAT round, but its a 1750 HEAT round, alas the AP secondary of the magrider hits for 1750 of the magrider, so damage wise they are the same). The HE secondary is very good, and makes both TR and NC a waste. Buff those up.

    The VS weaponry isn't that bad to fight against once you get the hang of the NC weaponry. Though I think they should lose damage faster then TR and NC, @ 65m like both to hit their minimum. As of now, they are considered "OP" because they have the least drawbacks compared to TR and NC.
  12. Vertabrae

    I was playing on Matherson, didn't even pay attention to the event. Was enjoying a boatload of certs at a 3 way biofarm on Indar. The other conts were pretty bare, I logged out for about 10 mins and for the first time ever had to wait to get back on Indar.

    As for the VS going on about winning an event, whatever. I don't really care. I will say I've seen extremely well organized groups in every faction. I find it odd that the VS all claim they are by far the best organized of the three. Why? Because people who like purple and lasers are just naturally better at following orders? No, I see some balance issues. Whether or notSOE agrees, the majority of people on the forums here seem to agree. I play a VS myself, and it certainly is easier to play. That's why I call VS the easy mode faction. Don't have to think as much. i play them when I just feel like being lazy.
  13. Clutchstep

    I'm pretty sure the website is only talking about the live event, which the TR team won. For the servers they do show the scoreboard.

    I wasn't able to play during the event, but at the end of the day it is probably a huge data mine for SOE. I don't think the results themselves are evidence of VS being OP, but SOE should be able to look at relative populations, if anyone had advantages (i.e., already owning a base at the start of the challenge), etc. At the end of the day, SOE has the data to show how well players fare against each other, and if everything was equal and VS still won the most anyway then there's probably data from the event that will give SOE guidance on how and where to swing the nerf bat.

    That said, I primarily play Helios and before the event began I was guessing that the NC was going to win. NC on Helios are really well organized.
  14. KoooZ

    Actually, where there's fire, there's smoke. The other way is less certain.
  15. Kapernum

    Let me know your future progress in your quest to invalidate this widespread saying!
  16. KoooZ

    I hope you don't really believe a saying being widespread makes it true.

    It has to begin ending somwhere.
  17. VSDerp

    we don't need a nerf but if they do nerf us.we still will be victorious!
  18. Xada

    Yeah! the vs got cheated out of a win, LET THE WHINE COMMENCE, ill go get the cheese, im hungry
  19. Grimlore

    On Jeagar we dragged our heals but We did well afterwards, we consolidated our forces and concentrated on capping around the bastion before preparing (( I have never seen so many tank mines)) The NC met us at the north, the TR at the south. Thankfully they fought each other so much at B and C we where able to hold off the cap and then some. The Third Event was just a sight to behold, a fleet of gals lifted off from the WG, we swarmed south and held off the NC's push west, the TR pushed right north and we headed east and back capped them, owning 44% of the ter at the end. The TR had pretty much nothing because they threw everything at the NCs WG while we eventually WG'd them and disconnected them from all their Ter.
  20. Elidion

    Well we NC on Genudine won all 3 objectives and all we get are cries about us outnumbering them. While true...it was odd since VS typically has the world population advantage. Some of us, including myself took time off work to be there, so that might be why our pop was higher than usual.