This game is officially Vanuside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XRaDiiX, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Shizzlesticks

    Last thing im going to post here today is, you used flying skills in that video what 75% of the pilots are not even able to pull off,
    Besides you are just jelly, you know how the tanks/planes behave or are capable of, use that knowledge to kill them.
    When i play TR or NC i can do the same, why cant you? Are you really that bad you can only point and shoot?
  2. BalogDerStout

    Being an avid MMO player for several years I've learned something.

    If you think something is seriously that OP, roll it. The devs never nerf it fast enough before you get your chance to utilize it, if they nerf it at all, and it's much more fun to not have to worry if it's OP or not.

    Ever since I've started doing that it has improved my enjoyment of online games dramatically. I'm all for rooting for the underdog, but I also need to get a decent amount of tally marks in the win column every now and again, or I'm just not having fun, and being pummeled by something I consider OP is not fun. So I don't whine about it, I just roll that instead and carry on my merry way. Sometimes whatever it is turns out to be broken, other times not so much.

    What I'm really trying to say is... either switch teams or shut up about it already.
  3. Axiom

    So? I got the important part. The premise of your post is: Vanu guns are perfect at any range (therefore better than other faction guns) since they have no bullet drop and less recoil. And then you say most firefights happen within 100 meters to make bullet degradation look unimportant? You contradicted yourself without realizing (or maybe intentionally and hoped no one would notice, who knows) because you were trying so hard to whine about vanu guns.
  4. Siq6Six

    @Phyr Lol they bury quick because they are far & few. What, gonna cry because an AI MAX killed you before you could knife it to death? That's the only "best" we got. =< 5m no infantry will survive AI MAX... After that its equal or (mostly) less than everything the VS & TR has.

    @XRadiiX I didn't miss it. I'm just pointing out that basing it off your mains career will also be skewed by time spent learning. Personally, I've got a big hole to dig out of on my mains "stats" because I had to learn the game (didnt play beta, or ps1). With that said, my BR5 VS LA w just cert spent on first jet pack upgrade & optics for the stock gun does as well/better than my NC w plenty of Certs spent & "side-graded" weapons. VS feels like EasyMode, without a doubt. I suicide w him a lot and come off with kills left & right. It's stupid easy & honestly a crap load of fun! Heck one time I Drove a mag rider past a tank-line to take out an enemy lightning, just needed that last shot & they kept doing the back & forth pot shot crap. Just as the mag was about to get blown up by a rocket I hopped out of it, jetpacked straight up into the air & still managed to acquire and eliminate one of the enemies. Honestly I couldn't believe I pulled it off. Playin VS feels like cheatin'
  5. shakkar

    blablabla.... exactly the same feeling i have playing nc... blablabla.
    most you just suck, in every faction.
    learn to play or leave, pls!
  6. Ghroznak

    After reading this thread I am going to start playing VS.
  7. Ianneman

    Yeah, it's not like 50% of threads nowadays are about the Vanu ridiculously overpowered

    I mean, if so many people complain and can't enjoy the game anymore because the Vanu are obviously overpowered, then of course nothing is wrong! Everything is perfectly balanced, so many threads of complaints are no indication of a problem at all!

  8. maxkeiser

    So overpowered and yet on most servers they can barely even control one continent.
  9. Machine Spirit

    you need to learn a few things about people like that, and the people who actually play the game, in my steam list, I've infected everyone with the PS2 virus, and when I tell my TR friends that you guys are at it on the forum again, they just laugh and wonder why the VS doesn't dominate them everywhere.

    all in all, most of the people on this forum are simply people who are overly sore losers, and will stop at nothing to nerf their enemies and try buff themselves, because aslong as you win the game is fun right? ofcourse, now you're thinking ''coming from a Vanu player.'' and I'll say ''Coming from someone who plays all three factions and simply chose VS cause of their lore and laser tech''
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  10. maxkeiser

    Great post.
  11. Ianneman

    Except that if that were true, there would be an equal amount of threads about the NC and TR supposedly being overpowered.

    But there aren't

    They're all about the Vanu.
  12. Slyguy65

    I actually kind of agree with this, though i heard the Vanu were a bit OP in first game as well, but IDK.

    The point is, I don't doubt the NC will become OP if they keep buffing them the way they are now, every patch dealing with factions seems to always buff something on the NC.
  13. Machine Spirit

    if it worked like that it would be far to easy, there's always one target, after the VS gets unjustly nerfed, the next victem is up.
  14. maxkeiser

    Whinerside 2, more like.
  15. Aerensiniac

    Once again: 0 evidence, all out assumptions, opinions, crying and implying that NC and TR cant kill anything.
    Cool story bro. Thats all there is to all of these topics.
    None of you nerf champs actually managed to get to the point where they ask SOE for the actual numbers and stats of weapons based on which we could have a discussion.

    Show me where the OP is bro. VS Carbines fire 3/4 the time of your basic TR crap rifles and have fewer bullets in the clip altogether, so i would say for that little bit of extra recoil, you get 25% larger clip sizes, and the counter arguments rage on.
    Sorry man.
    Its all just whining.
    Its like having flames painted over your paper tiger Russian Trabant. It wont go faster at all, but you have imagined it into it, so it seemingly does.
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  16. Ianneman

    Oh and I forgot to mention that you can barely see them AT ALL at night
  17. Grammer

    I am all for finding a good balance between factions but that will never happen unless both sides are realistic about the game. Can we please stop acting as if the CARV is some ridiculously hard to handle monster?

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  18. Metalsand

    Yeah, Vanu are the easiest to play still, it doesn't take much skill to play. Does that mean I will ever taint my hands to play my level 8 Vanu scum?

    ...ok well maybe for the OPRider. :p Come on, you can FLY if you get the magburner. Whats not to love?
  19. Jurav

    What?!? The Vanu have a consistantly higher population on Soltech. usually 35/33/33 world and Indar is insane, it's usally 45/25/22 on indar.
  20. Negator

    because of ******* bandwagoning with the other sheeple