AA MAX: Charge or Ammo Canisters?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Jaeger41, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Jaeger41

    I play a lot of dual-Burster FlakMAX. Twice in the last week I've run out of ammo and there hasn't been an engineer or Sundy to get resupplied. Does anyone use the Ammo Canisters? Or is Charge better for the AA MAX to run from cover to cover?

    How do the Canisters work? Do you just see the extra ammo on your guns, or is there something you need to do in-game to load the ammo into your weapon? Does one canister load both weapons, or do you need two canisters?
  2. Stormlight666

    Save your certs. Either play AA next to an engineer or terminal or don't - the game doesn't want you to ever walk 100 feet outside a base by yourself. Wait until they finally decide to work on the Max Cert tree to spend certs on them.
  3. Purg

    For me the option to charge in defensive situations far outweighs extra ammo. When I know I'm close to being left behind by my squad, I make sure that I'm fully stocked before they end up running off on me. :p
  4. Revorn

    I certed the Ammocanisters, because i play most times solo. But i realized that the Canisters dont work properly with the ClipSize Cert. If i take the extended Clips, i have less overall Ammo.
  5. Takoita

    Shouldn't you be able to benefit from both of them at once?
  6. Daswen

    Imho, charge is better, especially after the MAX rendering patch. Now every aircraft can spot you from a very long range, and you are an easy target.

    So keep charge cooldown to avoid to be killed like a sitting duck ;)
  7. Kubor

    Personally I went for the ammo cannisters and certed them out to the full for AA use.

    I do miss the MAX charge but being able to carry so much ammo outweighs the benefit of being able to run away. It's such a pleasure not having to constantly return to a terminal or pray that at least one of the 20 Engineers that run past you will drop you some ammo.

    One thing I did notice is that once an Engineer realises that you can carry so much ammo, they're more than happy to keep on supplying it :D
  8. MaxDamage

  9. MaxDamage

    AA MAXes run woefully short of ammo in no time.

    Even rank one ammo cannister upgrade is better than top charge rank.. it adds an additional magazine per arm which is superb.

    I have found charge useful in the past for running up to infantry in order to melee them (but we can damage them more effectively with bursters now); and against a liberator, being able to charge to cover can mean the difference between life and death, but you will still usually need help taking it out.

    Ammo all the way.
  10. Soylent

    Charge imo. If there's no engi or terminal nearby to supply you with ammo there's really no point in grabbing a DB Max in the 1st place as Bursters chew trough ammo so quickly.
  11. Revorn

    I would say, i should, but if i slot in the exptended Clips, i am at a lower total Ammonumber than before.:confused:
  12. 01101010

    Ammo Cans for the burster. Find a good spot with some kind of cover to set up at and then have at it. Walk around structure/rock/cover if you are taking fire. Flak armor will help with the air volleys, but nano-regen works wonders if you have a spot to take a breather. Charge is not needed in these conditions. Out in the open a lot? Charge would probably work best, but MAXs in the open are just silly to begin with.
  13. Kiddneey

    Charge - because dual bursters or not, you need mobility.
    Mobility to get away from that Lightning.
    Mobility to get away from that squad of angry Infantry that were sent to kill you specifically.
    Mobility to get away from that Liberator with the Zephyr which parked above your head and doesn't care about your flak.

    I'd rather run out of ammo sooner, than wind up dead.
  14. Takoita

    Tooltip says that it adds aditional magazine's worth of ammo to all your weapons total, thus helping out with that extended mag induced problem. So it doesn't work as it says?
  15. exLupo

    Charge will save your life more often and enable more kills than the ammo cans can begin to dream of. For Scats it's a no-brainer but every MAX can make use of it. It'll get you out of danger in the blink of an eye and if you run up against some cheeky infantry who thinks your AA or AV is an easy mark, a blast or two followed by a charge+melee will end their run right quick. 650 damage punches, fyi.

    Ammo cans are only helpful if you are solo and not near an equipment terminal. If that's the case, you've probably screwed up.

    Extended Magazine gives you more shots before reload but they don't give you any freebies so even that first load reduces your total reserve. All weapons with extended mags work like that. I think you're mixing up extended mags and additional ammo.
  16. Revorn

    It looks so.

    I have bouth, Extended Clips and Ammo Canisters, and i guessd, that i would get more Ammo. Because i have more Clips and more capacity inside the Clips.

    Unfortunaly it dont seems to work that Way.
  17. exLupo

    Huh. I wonder if there's a math bug somewhere in the interaction between the two. So, if you put on just ammo cans and then put on extended mags, the ammo cans goes down by more than the amount the mags increase the weapon's capacity?

    I'm assuming Extended Mags is just +x magazine -y reserve and Ammo Cans is +x reserve

    Mag: Stock +x
    Reserve: Stock -y +z

    or something. Judging by some of the weapons in beta that had the wrong amounts added, I'm pretty sure they're using static numbers.
  18. Revorn

    I guessed it the same way. Sad thing, that they mad it working this way. The Math could have be done simpler, for not making ppl woundering what happend. The Way as it is atm, i feel a little tricked. But well, thats Gamedesing and Balancing. :rolleyes: