What is Connery like?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Dartaris

    I'm going to be honest here.

    Connery blows. Yes the pop is even most the time, but the only damn fighting that goes on is on Indar. Yes i'm TR, yes i appear to be the majority. However, my faction pisses me off. They are literally ruining the fun for me by not getting off of Indar. Its like DE_DUST2 in Counter-strike. I freaking hate it, i want a change of scenery, but the only place to get a real fight is on Indar. Its TR's Fault, as well as the other factions. I mean 70% Pop on Amerish for NC, and 68% Pop on Esamir for VS, 45% TR on Indar. EVERYONE IS ON INDAR, IM SO SICK OF INDAR.
  2. NoXousX

    VS are the biggest group of failures I've ever seen on Connery. It's flooded with asian players making kill-trading very common and irritating. Also there's nothing quite like the experience of chasing down warpy ESFs.

    There are tons of hackers, and we see them every day. The server is overrated.

    I have seen a large fight off indar a grand total of 0 times after the first 2 weeks of PS. I can not wait to get off this server.
  3. TheShrapnelKing

    Now, exactly how good is the 666th? Because they're large and famous, but a lot of people seem to refer to them simply as another zerg. I want to know because if I hop on Connery tomorrow I need to know the nature of my enemies as well as my allies, and I have little reference because I have not seen "bad" NC, because the Waterson NC are good. Very good.
  4. TheShrapnelKing

    *looks at sig*
  5. AnuErebus

    666 has its good members and its bad members. They're mostly known for their numbers and with that comes the reputation of a zerg. They're far more effective than your typical zerg but they're also not what I wold call a crack outfit with every member pulling 2-3x his weight. The most dangerous things about them are their air wing and their MAX crashes. Just imagine a few squads of Hacksaws and Scattercannons blasting their way through a biolab. Rashnu is a giant deathtrap if 666 comes prepared.
  6. Onetoo

    I don't know a lot about the 666th, but I want to give them credit for doing a fair amount of small squad ops deep in enemy lines. I was impressed that the times I have fought them, they didn't seem to be 'rolling with the zerg'. Also, they don't seem to back down easy even in the face of utter hopelessness.

    About Connery though, it seems like a good server, but it does have a small VS player population, if that matters to you. I don't recall ever signing in and seeing TR or NC with less players than the VS and I am usually getting a fairly good XP bonus due to being outnumbered (I mostly play VS).
  7. Edgar Allan Bro

    Nice K/D bro...You are probably considered an easy kill. Wait maybe not since it seems like all you do is fly around in a Mosquito, considering how many vehicles you have killed and your most played class, nice.....
  8. riker

    let me put it simply
    the TR kicks *** on indar most of the time.
    the vs owns more than half of esamir most of the time
    and amerish...........nobody gives a **** about amerish, people on connory almost never go to amerish
    the TR owns at air , their fighter pilots are really good
    NC doesnt do air all that much except for them dam libs
    TR mosquitos are a pain in the ***
    vs Scythes are very very very powerful when they team up, VS is really the only faction that does serious tank colums which sucks cz there arnt any other tanks to fight most of the time, which ever faction you like then i guess thats the one you should play
  9. riker

    oooooooo its time to strike, GATHER THE TROOPS!!!! VS WILL BE VICTORIOUS!!!!
  10. Owleyes

    Connery, All empires = When the going gets tough, Run to another Continent and ghost cap :p
  11. Vortok

    It's a circle jerk around the Crown and adjacent territories like every server, there's just more people still there at off hours compared to some other servers.

    The faction pop is usually close enough to be fine and allow fairly even/solid fights. It's not dead even, but it doesn't need to be either.

    In busy hours, you can actually find fights on other continents but you have to look for them. It can be very easy to run around Esamir and feel like it's empty because you weren't able to find where most of your faction was fighting.
  12. Nepau

    Ya thats kind of true, much against our attempts to stop them, just too many on both sides not acting on the command orders.
  13. Nepau

    I find the 666 is a mixed bag when it comes to the player skill. Because they are a large outfit you will find that they will have a few really good players and a ton of ok ones.

    Also I hate to say it but the TR cant quite say that one side sucks more then another when they do in fact tend to have far more numbers and it does affect how easy it is to take any spot. When a small squad can be countered by a platoon you cant really say that the squad sucks.
  14. DarkestMan

    actually i disagree. NC air is normally very good, but the pubbie forces don't really pull them effectively. 666th air wing is great imo, CCG is really good, but I don't see many organized groups besides that. TR on the other hand have about 4-5 times that many people who are decent fliers, if not as good in quality, and are fairly organized. It creates a real issue for us NC on connery because of that imbalance. VS air are the worst though. Without heavy ground support a decent air wing can tear apart anything the VS air throws at them. On indar, fighting heavy TR air means they have like 20+ mossies in 3-4 hexes. Fighting heavy VS air means fighting 5 scythes in about as much territory.
  15. Zazwon

    Connery is usually fairly well balanced, althought the VS population is usually low. A few big coordinated outfits for VS are Baid, JACT, TPLR, PYCS and a few others (sorry if i missed you guys) and Com chat is quite well organized, we can hold and take continents at 25% pop.

    Also Hi Wibin, good to see a fellow VS commander is also active on the forums.
  16. NyaR

    Ooooh we got a KD scrub, go back to battlefield or cod or wherever you came from. Bet you can't even have fun in the game because you stay worrying about KD.
  17. Edgar Allan Bro

    LOL "a KD scrub". That doesn't make much sense calling someone a scrub when they have a high K/D. I'm sure in all other competitive FPS games you would be alot closer or labeled as one with your cool stats.

    You're sig doesn't make much sense to me.
  18. NyaR

    Actually, it makes perfect sense. You just think that scrub means the same thing as noob even though it has a different definition.
  19. Effect

    It makes me sad that someone has taken the name of arguably one of the greatest PS1 outfits and used it for their own stuff :(.