A few things that I think would help PS2 right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lockster, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. bendplz

    1. OK
    2.already underway
    3. agreed
    4. yes
    5. indifferent
    6. negative, its fine as it is.
    7. OK
    8. indifferent
    9. no
    10. agreed, or give us something to do while we cap bases.
    11. good idea but its the goal of the squad leader to get people to follow the waypoint.. its not really a major issue to have incentives for this, but still a good idea.
    • Up x 1
  2. technopredator

    I have unlocked and upgraded to my satisfaction a 250 cert wep with nice performance for me, my kill rate has gone 2-3x, even when is difficult to aim, what your whiner friends wants are the advantages that a 1K cert wep gives, IMO they should be 700 certs, anyway my kill rate went up because I didn't spend any certs on my default wep at all waiting for the 250 cert one, so if they have a high ping and they expect to kill 90% of the fights they're mentally ************ and they should play single-player games and not multi-player ones, because that's what single-player games give you, 0 ping and 70%+ kill rate, so tell your friends to adapt or stay away.
  3. Lockster

    Yep, they are staying away, and so is almost everyone else! Hope you enjoy your new weapon on those big old empty maps.
  4. technopredator

    Wrong, not everyone else, only losers like you and your wimp crybaby moron friends think that way, so glad you're staying away, if you don't have the balls. PS2 is a big hit and it has always players, at least on Jeager Server we do, what is big and empty is your brain because your mommy told you, that you have to always win and kill everyone on the map... pffff LOSER.
  5. Vashyo

    No to shorter cap times, it allready takes too little to cap pretty much anything, bases flip color every minute. If you want to cap faster, stand on the capzones.
  6. Lockster

    It's ok you won, no need to be rude. You and your three 'winner' friends can enjoy the game until SOE shut down the servers way earlier than planned.
  7. technopredator

    whiners and wimpy losers like you deserve such answers, so play with dolls or runscape "killing" gelatine "mosnters", 3? 300 at least on big battles, unique exciting manly battles, so girl, because you have to be a girl, let the boys play with their toys.
  8. Lockster

    Sure bud keep playing with yourself ;)
  9. technopredator

    you must be r3t4rd3d, I wrote 300 you m o r o n, get it now?
  10. Jex =TE=

    People keep saying this but why is it true? If the game was so awesome, people would not suddenly quit it would they. So that must say something in itself, especially when the game is free!
  11. Lockster

    hey I'm back to take a big dump on your f@gg0t face, soe just got sold and a bunch of the ps2 devs all got laid off. Guess they needed me tostay and keep sspending. Suck my big hairy dong
  12. Lockster

    And Briggs was empty for ages