Instead of fixing the G30, they fix the A30 and give us a G40.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. TheRealMetalstorm

    If this isn't a blatant moneygrab, I don't know what is.

    The A30 walker is mounter on Air units.
    The G30 walker is mounted on Ground units.

    (note: I know about the G30 Vulcan. This isnt about the Vulcan, this is about the Walker)

    Currently, ESFs instagibbing tanks from the rear need not fear the G30 walker because it's more or less pathetic.
    Liberators don't even notice it.

    The solution? Don't fix the G30, introduce to G40! Of course, with a shiny, shiny price tag.

    Liberators usually mount the Bulldog on the tail gun position to deal with enemy ESFs, because the A30 walker was pathetically useless against enemy ESF pilots. Solution? Get people to buy the A30 again, now that they've bought the bulldog!

    Why do you disappoint us so much, why?
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  2. Accuser

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  3. Tenmar

    And yet, 99% of the player base will NEVER move beyond the starter weapons!

    Honestly, this will only be powerful for highly organized platoons/squads/outfits who actually will day one invest money. The grind to even come close to unlocking weapons or anything in this game with just certs is pretty insane and I would say rivals if not beat League of Legends when it comes to the grind.
  4. Sturmhardt

    Fully agree. I feared it might happen like this with guns bought for money, but it is sad that it's really happening. No more buying SC from me Mr. Smedley.
  5. Novmiech

    I can only hope the G40 is like a G2A launcher or something functionally different than just a machinegun that can look up.
  6. Torok

    WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.... so few days ago i bought the Tank bundle because the Ground walker was in it... and yet they only "fixed" the Air one?

    i seriously hope they just mispelled the name............
    oh god why :\

    well atleast now i'll be able to fly the galaxy once again.......

    did anyone really spent SC on the Bulldog? seriously it was like 100 certifications ahah
  7. Armchair

    Has this gone live yet? Do we know for a fact that the G30 walker hasn't been buffed?

    SOE's track record with descriptions is pretty abysmal. For all I know, they told an intern to mention that the walker has been buffed, and the intern looked up the full name A30 walker without realizing that there is a ground variant.
  8. TheRealMetalstorm

  9. Canaris

    think the ol'OP has the wrong end of the stick here, the A30 walker is the MBTs AA defense weapon and it's been in desperate need of a buff to make it useful against AA, it was supposed to be a long range gun but anyone using it knows the meaning of frustration. hence the buff

    The G30 Vulcan Cannon is aclose range AV weapon that work fantastic against close range air targets even Libs(your lying on that OP) but can be used at medium range if the gunner knows how to lead his shots and compensate for the huge bullet drop.

    I use the G30 vulcan on my prowler, as does a lot of my outfit.
  10. Armchair

    The Vulcan is a TR weapon. There is a G30 Walker and A30 walker. Both were essentially the same weapon and were both terrible at AA duty.

    The notes claim that the A30 walker has been buffed. The G30 walker has either been left in a terrible state, or been mistakenly excluded from the patch notes.
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  11. Canaris

    sorry your right I forgot they changed the designation from just A30 to both A & G, to early no caffine :oops:
  12. TheRealMetalstorm

    My bad; you're right. The G30 IS the Vulcan. AFAIK the Ground version of the walker still needs upgrading.
  13. TheRealMetalstorm

    Similarly, SOE's track record for moneygrabbing says as much. One can only hope that you are right.

    One thing: I used to consider SONY a big name in gaming and multimedia... Until the following:

    Basically, they ****** their customers over, betraying their trust - installing a rootkit (total control over your computer without asking for it) to make sure you don't pirate. Malware writers soon learned that it was easier to attack Sony's program to gain full access to your machine, than it was to attack your OS itself.

    The XCP (eXtended Copy Protection) scandal cost Sony a lot in terms of reputation.
    Now, we have PS2. I was willing to give Sony a second chance. But they have been in general disappointing so far.

    You made the Playstation I had so much fun with. Why the decline? Does money supercede customer satisfaction?
    Sony's answer still seems to be: "Yes."
  14. Canaris

    actually bro you're right, who thought it a good idea to call 2 different weapon systems by the same name is beyond me.
  15. RideThePigGir!

  16. Riekopo

    Didn't the G30 have different properties from the A30?
  17. Compact

    Money to support the game's infrastructure, cover the initial development costs, and future development (such as it is) has to come from somewhere. It does not come from charity, it does not come from magical vanu trees either. I call it a business model, not moneygrabbing. And I'm fine with it, because without it, there'd be no PS2. Then again, looking at this forum, that seems to be the way the players would prefer it.
  18. Armchair

  19. RideThePigGir!

    It's a completely different weapon. G30 is a close-range chaingun secondary for Prowlers only (possibly other tanks; not sure). A30 is a gun that you can get as a secondary for a Prowler or in the tailgun slot on a Lib. Sucks on the Prowler - unless I get a nice, clear belly shot on an ESF that's already damaged, it's nearly impossible to kill anything. The limited range makes it hard as hell to lead targets, too.
  20. RideThePigGir!

    Let's hope not. It was in a ridiculously pitiful state as-is. The Lib one was at least useful while at high altitudes against unsuspecting ESFs.