"Strap in son, there's nothing like your first drop pod..."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duvenel, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Duvenel

    Just read the changelog and I feel a bit sad. I remember when I first started playing PS2. I'd been so excited because I had to wait 2 days for the game to download(extinct dinosaur of an internets). Then after making spending 5 minutes deciding what faction to join, picking a server, thinking up a decent name, clicking play, listening to the Morgan Freeman/Optimus Prime sound-a-like intro and then "we're over the landing zone now, prepare yourself".

    "OK, I'M READY!!!"

    -see's the ground rushing beneath him-

    "OH Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-"

    -Land ontop of a major battle. Dies almost instantly-

    Nothing like your first drop pod...

    Ok, now that my reminiscing is over. I did have thoughts at the time of joining that being thrown into the battle like that was a bit much. But I don't think I'll ever get that experience again. That sudden surprise of literally being thrown into a huge battle. That first drop pod experience really set the tone for my first session of playing and gave me a sense of "THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME!". Being thrown in like that made me adapt and learn the way the game worked very quickly. But with all that said, I do think that this will be easier on the new players joining the game, but I think they'll be missing out. Ah well another thing to tell the "kids"...

    "Back in my day you weren't just techno-magically teleported to a spawn point, we had to fly over in orbital spaceships without getting shot down and that was before we were even in the drop pods. The damn things barely worked half the time, and you were lucky if you survived your first drop. Damn kids, taking everything for granted!"

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  2. mags

    It's sad they're changing this, I'm sure I've gotten a couple of BRs on first-time droppers alone
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  3. Zanduh

    I have to agree that it was an extremely memorable experience to have some random person being like "Do you know how to fight? Of course not. Now let me be as confusing as possible while you plummet towards the planet. Oh did I not mention the fact that you will be in the middle of a battle in roughly 5 seconds? Yep."
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  4. Duvenel

    If you ask anyone, they'll all be able to tell you their stories about their first drop. I kinda feel sorry for the new players. Few days after release I saw someone drop in for the first time and shout in /yell "I'm new, what do I do?". I replied with "Welcome to the war. Pick up a gun and shoot the blue and red guys."(I did also give actual advice aswell, but that's not important)
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  5. Sebastien

    That's how I changed continents before I realised there were teleporters.
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  6. Hamakua

    "With your controls (not) inverted"

    Yeah, F YOU.
  7. Afifikas

    You're lucky. I had a supposedly friendly Frakkin' New Guy hot drop behind me... and straight away begin shooting at my ****.
  8. sideshow

    I thought it was an excellent introduction to the setting: a world in perpetual war, where no-one stays dead. Life is mind-bendingly cheap; here's your first one. Oops, gone now. Respawn.
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  9. Duvenel

    I've had one or two of those, you can usually tell a new player by how much they run around in circles...and of course by how much the TK you.
  10. RHINO_Mk.II

    When I go drop pod hunting in my reaver, I always feel sorry for the BR1's I kill.

    But the angry whispers from high BRs make it worthwhile.
  11. Sen7rygun

    Whats the change? Theres a half a**sed tutorial now that kind of explains how the base mechanics work but it still hot drops you into a flooded warzone doesn't it?

    Also, my first drop was much the same as everyone elses. Landed at TI Alloys under a heavy armor siege from the east and south, lived for just enough time to get to the front and see the sh*t storm of ordinance being thrown at us... good times.
  12. Regpuppy

    Rhino derped and necrod a nearly 8 month old topic. :p
  13. Sen7rygun

    Fallen for my own stupid forumside battle tactics -_-
  14. HooWoo

    My first drop-pod I died in the drop-pod, lolwat :'(
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  15. Sen7rygun

    Haha! Awesome.
  16. MrMurdok

    Zurvan Amp, enemy platoon detected, Titan 150mm HEAT to the face.
  17. UNSCSpartan051

    What It Should be changed to is after a tutorial and being able to tweak your settings, it Drop pods you to the biggest fight instead of the new thing. I remember the first time I dropped, It was into a massive tank battle and since I didn't tweak my FPS it was at 4 FPS. I survived long enough to tweak my settings and kill 1 dude before getting Zephyred.
  18. Bill Hicks

    I think I got team killed. Typical NC.
  19. Tragachinos

    My first pod died before landing, I think I landed onto some TR vehicle. First thought: TR is OP!
  20. johnway

    My first drop pod as Tr ended with me landing outside a biodome and getting blown away pretty quickly. i wasn't disheartened but i thought perhaps it could have been done smarter, like deploying in a really big zerg fight where there were plenty of numbers and at least felt like you were hot dropping into a battle rather then say being caught with trousers down.

    My NC drop was far more successful. Hot dropped onto a watchtower and took out 4 people before i got picked off myself. Convinced me to stay as NC for a long time from that moment on.