7 day experience boost

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nella, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. nella

    Can you own an unlimited number of these? Because it's currently on sale and seems like a nice investment.
  2. sscarr

    Just bought 8 myself, If it is capped I'd guess it'd be around 50.
  3. nella

    If i spend all of my sc on these boosts now, I'll save 5250 sc. 21 weeks of 50% more xp for 5250 sc sure seems like a nice deal to me.
  4. Fiatsu

    Just get it already, what did you plan on buying 2Million dollars worth? >.>
    • Up x 1
  5. nella

    No but you never know with SOE. I don't want to pay for 20 and only get 10, I'd rather not have to go through ProSiebens customer service.
  6. illgot

    I doubt there is a limit. I bought 4 just in case a double exp weekend hit some time when I am off.

    7 days seems like a pretty long time to commit to a game when I may get called in and only get to play maybe a few hours that week.
  7. quicKsanD

    You can own a lot, and I mean a lot. If there is a sale then buying them isn't a bad idea.
  8. -TS-

    I bought 10 in a single transaction without issue.

    What I'd really like to know is if these will be shared across the entire account when cross-faction unlocks are implemented. I don't really want to buy a bunch of them on a low BR alternate character which I might not play.
  9. Zazen

    I bought 52 of them to go with my 1 Year sub, so if it's capped at all, it's not capped at 50...
  10. nella

  11. Albatross039

    i wish i could have 7 days just playing planetside2 ...no work, no girlfriend, just the game, that would be nice
  12. -TS-

  13. f0d

  14. nella

    True, but that goes for all the daily sale prices/bundles.

    Same if you just buy the weapons.
  15. SharpLight

    The words 'pearls' and 'swine' comes to mind :rolleyes:
  16. SpaceMuppet

    I'm glad I found this post wasn't planning on playing tonight but yeah, just logged in and bought 25
  17. unsinnsschmierer

    Holy **** I won't be able to log in the game until friday evening :(

    How long does the sale last? Is there a way to buy stuff from the depot from outside the game?
  18. LoneMaverick

    19 hours from now Unsinn

    Thx for the hint:). Just bought a couple of boosters. Though yet again the question comes up: will we ever be able to stack boosters on top of the Alpha Squad booster?
  20. -TS-

    I still haven't equipped my Alpha Squad booster. I remember reading during the first 2X experience event that RadarX said they were looking into a way around this.

    I haven't heard any news since.