Light Assault needs some love

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fiatsu, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Fiatsu

    Flying is fun and all, saves the running up stairs and what not, but their flight isn't a real threat atm.
    If LA got Tank mines they would be very viable to help curb the tank zerg.

    At least try it for a while SOE.
  2. phungus420

    I try to be the most effective possible (in terms of capturing bases, or denying the same from the enemy, while still having fun -- which means getting into fights instead of ghost capping, which is still the most effective tactic in the game, just insanely boring). This means I spend roughly half my time as an engy and half as LA, with a smattering of using light assault and actually a decent amount of time in an AA MAX. Probably spent less then 3% of my playtime in LA if I tried to put a number on it. But I have had the best runs ever in this game as light assault.

    LA is fine.
  3. Aliasse

    Light Assualt are fine and annoying /w there suicide C4 bombing Sundy's
  4. Owleyes

    If you think LA needs love then your playing it wrong.

    I've seen some real bada**es f*** s*** up playing LA.
  5. Thagyr

    Ahah. Tank mines on an LA. You have C4, and that's something vehicles CAN'T spec into reducing the damage by a huge amount. Flight is their real threat as it allows them to get the jump on people. And in a game with such a low TTK that means death for anyone who get the jump on.
  6. HvcTerr

    LA have got plenty of love. Sure, "jetpacks" looks like just one item when you list it out, but they create an enormous variety of ways to assault and defend positions.

    About the only thing I'd like to see is a way to cert into a consumable ammo pack for the utility slot. (Like the Medical / Restoration kits, except it gives you more ammo.)
  7. Vultraz

    Flight lets them take really easy shortcuts to get to places faster than enemies can, find good vantage points to fire/stage an ambush from, and (sometimes) screw up the enemy's aiming during combat, if you can move erratically enough.
  8. AnnPerkins

    It's a great tool but it is a little too slow for me to give up my assault rifle, rezing and self healing. Oh, I still do c4 suicide attacks. Tanks and MAXes know to fear me.
  9. HyperMatrix

    LA has C4....I love my LA....if you don't like it, then it's just not the class for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with LA.
  10. Compass

    Good luck defending my insta-gibs from the air, leg-users?
  11. Raidashi

    i've never had to "suicide" to kill a sundy... Launch some smoke grenades ontop of it, drop some C4 hate, plus a few grenades for the extra kills, and skirt off using the drifters you came in on... Dead sundy, probably 3-4 dead players, and one "hell yea!" for you and your team...

    Waiting to get nerfed...
  12. Compass

    So, I've been spreading the word about how awesome Drifter Jets are. Everyone wants to get them now ^_^