IR scopes are pointless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. JohnnyMaverik

    That'd be a good idea, you could let people toggle it on and off (just use L I guess) but if they do it during the day they just get a white/green flare up, like you would in real life, at night, ta daa. ATM people just use them as a recoil reduction sight.
  2. Weylin

    You can jump with IR scopes and it doesn't completely butcher your aim?
    Every time I so much as slide down a slope the gun goes straight up in my face and I can't see ****, so that would be nice.
  3. Kurreah

    You aren't being trolled. The IRNV scope effect changes a lot with the graphics setting.
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  4. MrPokealot

    yeah...idk if its a bug or something but its definitely easy to use when flying/running
  5. Tersky

    First of all the scope in question is not infrared, it's thermal and there is a huge difference between two. IR only suppose work in dark/night, thermal works anytime.
    Secondly it's the best close combat scope an infantrymen can dream about. Allow you to see everyone (even cloaked infiltrators) and everywhere, through smoke and fire, in day and night. There is no hiding from it. Being 1x allow you to effectively stay on target even if its moving away.
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  6. drNovikov

    Mommy, they made it impossible to farm people with my zepher! It was so easy o spot people with NV and spam them with zeph shells! Now I have to descend where they can see me and hurt me! What a cruel world! QQ
  7. Monnor

    And this make me wonder why people, which clearly cant aim in this sitaution , headshot you with no problem.
  8. drNovikov

    Actually, thermal is infrared.
  9. Monnor

    Then this scope is really ****** up. Cause it works like crap.
  10. Torok

    Ir scope is best scope ever. period
  11. MrK

    Anyone not using IRNV indoor isn't doing it right.
    But since I abuse smoke usage, I should keep my mouth shut and let them crying about how useless it is... Shhht!

    Btw, IRNV being far more stable than anything else doesn't make any sense to me. They should correct that, there is zero reason why IRNV, on top of being a legit texture hack, should allow you to jump all over the place and not worry getting hit when all other scopes don't allow for that.
  12. Kinigos

    At night you cant vanu players easily.Thats a fact.I spot one and it turns out another one is standing still against the wall.With the ir scope i could see him but you shouldnt have to invest certs into that

    IR scope is only 30 certs. Also TR default camo blends almost just as well at night, especially when there's ocre rock formations or desert areas in the background. On Indar for instance, TR default camo blends alot better with terrain than VS camo at daytime. Night cycle is shorter than day afaik. VS shoots glowing plasma balls. Magriders are mobile discos at night. 3D spotting etc etc. VS's dark camo is seriously not an issue. I'm Terran btw.

    B2T: IR scope is hands down the best optic in the game for close to medium range atm. Doritos remain at ranges where the scope loses its effectiveness. It allows for bunny hopping. No ADS time penalty afaik. There's very few reasons not to use it...
  14. TeknoBug

    Yeah IR is SO useless that it's so much easier to get headshots with, right? :p
  15. Littleman

    The thing that pisses me off most about the first video is that when I'm in those positions everyone on the enemy empire seems to make a point of gunning solely for me. WTB dimwitted and blind enemies (I ain't proud.)

    IR/NV really needs to be looked at. The range on it actually isn't THAT restricting. I could easily pick out infantry at standard long range distances for an assault rifle. It near completely negates the 1x reflex. I really would have preferred if SOE kept it to being useful at night only like it was in early beta. Thermal should be picking up the heat emanating from the ground, especially on Indar, like it did in early beta. Right now it's the go-to sight unless one needs a zoom function.
  16. Muerte_LOL

    The IR optics is great for CQC. If you are having trouble with it it may be that you are using it incorrectly. I only use it in 1 loadout, but that loadout is for in-base fighting. It is an optic not a scope and is not meant for long range. Try using it for it's intended purpose and see how you do. It's worth another try in the right condition.
  17. Banick

    The whole point of IR/NV is to highlight objects at distance that could not be effectively viewed by naked eye.

    The current rendering range of IR/NV is redundant because you can clearly see during day and night the distance it renders. The IR/NV should highlight objects further.

    Whether this is undertaken by stage certed levels of IR/NV or just across the board. The nerfs to air IR/NV effectively ensure death to the aircraft by flak once you are within range to view targets, and the scope IR/NV is redundant. Stage certing both would be in the best interests of all players and not a disadvantage considering all can cert into it.

    Alternatively, a better arrangement would be to alternate the between IR/NV a video scope if needing to fire beyond effective render range. It would be acceptable to have a delay when switching, 1-2 second say, but it would then be down to the player to decide at which points of a battle would be most advantageous to the alternate scope option.

    I also don't understand why IR/NV scope does not have it's cross-hairs affected by recoil, yet x1 reticule sights are greatly affected (on NC the worst). I will either use IR/NV or iron sights.
  18. HappyZaps

    ^^ That speaks for itself.

    As to the topic, Weylin's post history suggests that he is an AI programmed to manufacture weird complaints about random aspects of the game.
  19. GhostAvatar

    A little tip for you, try bunny hopping while scoped in the reflex, then try the same while scoped in the IR.
  20. Phaze

    In about 90% of infantry combat situations, the IR scope is the best.