[Suggestion] Make firing a weapon end cloak

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by RachelGomez, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. RachelGomez

    Simple change, make it so that firing a weapon while cloaked is allowed, but immediately drops the cloak. We're already blatantly visible while "cloaked" to anyone looking directly at us, so combined with our lower survivability and inability to regen shields while cloaked, this seems balanced to me. Cloak seems more like a peripheral vision thing anyways, for people who aren't looking right at you, and for them, this change makes no difference.

    I would like to be able to actually ambush people.
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  2. Rogue Eagle

    I would support this as a mostly non infiltrator player who occasionally dabbles.
  3. icesail

    no. I would rather they fix our cloak and make it useful. Firing while using a 12 second cloak is all but useless.
  4. PeterLawford

    People keep talking about this and I don't get it. What's the delay between dropping your cloak and firing? It's got to be under a second. What's the big deal? I'm way more upset about showing up on IRNV and thermal while cloaked.
  5. XRIST0

    No , bad idea .. You could just headshot someone then re cloak and run off and do it all day .


    Stop camping
  6. ArcKnight

    we're infiltrators
    we camp, we snipe, we run for cover when it gets too hot for comfort..... it's what we do

    have you even played infiltrator ?
  7. Veri

    Found it no big deal to uncloak and then shoot.
    I personally find it more of an advantage gained if shooting auto removed cloak to the point where it would be too easy to camp.
  8. HvcTerr

    Sure, as long as you don't touch the delay. In other words, make it a control improvement. If you're already cloaked, clicking to fire should do the same thing that the cloak/decloak button does.

    We don't need to decloak faster, we just need to avoid certain cases. Like when cloak stops on its own at the same moment you press to decloak, and it recloaks you instead while you're busy trying to shoot...
  9. Jac70

    I think they could borrow the mechanic that Crysis2 has. You can shoot from cloak but you lose all your cloak energy if you do so. So in an emergency you can still take a shot but 99% of the time you'll want to de-cloak first.
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  10. HvcTerr

    Firing direct from cloak with no delay would a problem when it comes to the bolt-action low-zoom rifles.

    Even if it didn't turn out to be overpowered in effectiveness, it would cause a disproportionate amount of frustration.
  11. RachelGomez

    I don't camp or snipe. I run around CQC with scout rifle.
  12. RachelGomez

    Then make it only work with non-snipers. I had short range ambushing in mind with this suggestion anyways.
  13. zarfoobla

    I only support this partially, because just popping out of cloak with no penalty just doesn't feel right.

    Further suggest that shooting a weapon while in cloak overloads it, drains all energy and stops players from further cloaking for 5 seconds.
    Now you get to pick between a true (lol) stealthy approach by decloaking before firing, or go for that surprise attack at the cost of delaying your ability to blend in for a few seconds. All it will be then is an issue of self-control.
  14. PsyStorm

    If you get spotted you are getting fired on immediately. We already have low health and mostly die in this scenario due to cloak delay and have no time to fight back.
  15. OldMaster80

    You described a sniper. Infiltrator is another thing.

    And auto uncloak on fire 1) is not a good idea as it would be great advantage for snipers 2) is not really needed because if just uncloak 2 mts away 99% of player won't be able to hear the uncloaking sound.
    I could accept auto uncloaking only if it cause an increased capacitor consumption and if it would sligtly delay fire.

    I'm against this, honestly I see dozens of possible improvements for our class that would be much better than this.
  16. MeltingCPU

    I'd rather have silent cloaks. It would improve infiltration without altering sniping balance.
  17. Raidashi

    I would only support this if they made firing from cloak instantly drain your cloak to 0, so you couldnt just spam this over and over.

    But at the same time, they need to get rid of the time delay between dropping cloak and being able to fire.

    But first they need to fix the fact that our cloak is louder than a ******* jetpack...
  18. ArcMinuteLight

    Damnit ANOTHER one of these threads really?
    There are countless threads that say this exact same thing, LET IT DIE ALREADY!
  19. Nogrim313

    if you couldn't one shot people maybe but this is basically total freedom to line up a head shot while invis, at least the delay gives them a chance (now the sound is ridiculous when the LA jet pack is silent ffs)
  20. RachelGomez

    Cry me a river.