Where is my station cash!!!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by xDealerz, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. xDealerz

    I just purchased $25 worth of station cash via PlanetSide 2 in game. I followed the intrustions on screen and It placed the $25 worth on my steam account??

    How difficult does this have to be, why cant it be like every other game and its automatically placed without the bs!
  2. itschristalking

    Use the game launcher independent from steam, then it won't go through steam. Make sure to verify the transfer etc and it will go though.
  3. Hydragarium

    I think you're misunderstanding something. The steam "version" simply allows you to use your Steam Wallet for ingame payment, which is why you most likely got your "station cash" in the form of Steam Wallet money.

    So all in all you've lost nothing, only gained the ability to spend that money elsewhere.
  4. xDealerz

    So in a way I get screwed for following in game instructions... that makes sense.
  5. Hydragarium

    Screwed? You can still use your money ingame. I don't see your issue here.
  6. xDealerz

    OK there is obviously some confusion here. Youre NOW telling me that I can STILL use the money that went directly to my steam account rather then PlanetSide 2. Please tell me step by step on how to buy new weapons with the station cash that doesnt appear in the depot of Planet Side 2
  7. Hydragarium

    When you buy items ingame it should refer to your Steam Wallet when you press buy. Or at least that was the intention as far as I was to understand.

    ... great now I'm in doubt. Thanks a bunch :p (Either way a support ticket - or a response from a TSR here in the thread should help sort this out)
  8. xDealerz

    I tried buying a new weapon and it didnt work or didnt attempt to purchase through my steam wallet.. I just dont get it.. following in game purchase intructions and this is what happens.

    Yes a response from someone who has the power to place the money in my account would be appreciated, not everyone has "real" money to through around.
  9. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    You should be able to buy Station Cash in the game and it deducts from your Steam Wallet.

    EDIT: To clarify, you actually have to purchase Station Cash with your Steam Wallet funds, then you'll be able to purchase weapons, camo, decals, etc...
  10. Hydragarium

    And how would one do that exactly? Seems like the "buy SC" option refers Dealer to buy Wallet funds instead of SC. :)

    (I'd love to help find an answer but I don't use the Steam version anymore)
  11. xDealerz

    If if were that easy id have figured it out aleady.. can i PLEASE get a step by step on how to do that?

    This is clearly an issue for many other players as ive read many threads...

    and I find it funny that the customer support link doesnt work on his sig
  12. Kinigos

    you put money in your steam wallet
    you enable steam community in game throuh steam option
    you log n the game
    you purchase SC and it deducts money from your steam wallet
  13. xDealerz

    'you enable steam community in game throuh steam option" There is no steam option "in game" like you said and I have the ps2 steam version
  14. xDealerz

    A reply from someone that has actually solved this problem would be helpful
  15. Kinigos

    are you trolling?
    there is a steam option to "enable steam community in game"
  16. Hydragarium

  17. FeraIMuse

    Okay I'm sorry, I have to ask the same question--I went through the Planetside 2 purchase for credit, spent twenty-five dollars, and it went to my Steam wallet. Okay, that's all good... except it's not being credited to my Planetside 2 account. As in, at all. Now, does it show up on my Steam account? Yes. Can I access that twenty-five dollars, which was intended for my play in Planetside 2, *in* Planetside 2? No. Look, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always the brightest Crayon in the box, but this is confusing. When I made the credit-purchase through Planetside 2, it said "Your purchase will still need to be verified by Steam." And then it kicked me out to Steam. Okay. And then it showed me the twenty-five dollars in my account. Alright, it's all gravy on biscuits. ... and yet when I go *back* into Planetside 2, it doesn't show me the money (in Station cash, or in any other credit... it simply doesn't exist...) and when I try to make purchases that *might* credit that money, it tells me "BZZT! INSUFFICIENT FUNDS! ADD MORE CASH!" ... but... wait... I have twenty-five dollars over there! So, seriously, somebody, please, walk me through this like a five-year-old blind child going through an obstacle course where they keep moving the furniture. How do I go from the credited amount in my Steam wallet, to Planetside 2. Don't generalize. Walk me mouse-click by mouse-click.

    EDIT: And yes, for the record, I went to my banking-account and checked, and the twenty-five dollars has been deducted, so.... it's everywhere BUT where I want it to be. Help!