The Vanu Sovereignty Leader has been Sacked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. TheRealMetalstorm
  2. Curse_Gamerkin

    This is old news, And i represent TR when i say "HA" if you check his youtube ude see that someone who doesnt even play the game should represent a faction.
  3. Tecnotronics

    It's news to me!

    I figured something like this would happen when I was surprised and delighted to see Toby on the thing (remember for 'this rock is my Boone' on Amnesia, referencing Fallout: New Vegas). I think APB reloaded hired Toby too, and he would advertise to try out the game but never really play it outside contract (because of the way a game is, it doesn't really support or benefit that style of gamer, idk never played APB reloaded).

    I guess it just shows a shift, that SoE is moving towards the MMO playerbase (few hrs/day playing instead of few hrs/week playing). They heard loud n clear I guess to get someone who plays and enjoys PlanetSide 2 to show up! Anyway it's just weird corporate junk, kinda like Planetside 2 wanted to copyright infringement on Toby's popularity.
  4. bendplz

    toboscus has less than 1 hour played on planetside 2. he deserved to be replaced. but at least i found out about him and his awesome happy wheels episodes, his minecraft episodes are boring though because he switches it to peaceful when he's about to starve.
  5. TheRealMetalstorm

    Lol this was half meant as a joke thread