Is this legal...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xeen, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. LameFox

    This reminds me of when I was on my NC alt with my brother's TR character, and we were testing the behaviour of air-to-air missiles (he had my old TR mosquito with AAM equipped and I had a reaver). After we'd been doing it for a bit we landed the planes next to each other and just started walking on them and such because hey, you don't get to look at them side by side often.

    Then, walking out of the desert, comes this almost dead TR MAX firing his noobgun (I can tell it wasn't a mercy 'cause I would have died) at me. So I pulled out my pistol and shot him in the face until he died. :p

    I presume he either thought we were boosting, or was just really, really lost.
  2. Zorlox

    lol @ tearing them a new one, exactly what I was thinking when you opened fire.
    and yeah it's boosting just report them and they should get banned.
  3. Compass

    I would have found it more ironic if, after you had killed them, you Proximity Chatted, "Am I doing it right?"
  4. bendplz

    no its not, its clearly abusing the game's experience mechanics and if i was a gamemaster they deserve a lenghty ban to think about cheating, and perhaps playing the game properly. We can't really blame these folks tho, the cert gain being so slow and the pay2win aspect of aircrafts.
  5. AMW1011

    How is this illegal? Both Delerith and Buzzcutpsycho have done this in much more extreme and obvious ways than this and neither of them are banned. (They were banned once, but then it got lifted)
  6. Transvestosaurus

    This feels like the video gaming equivalent of dogging.

    Sneaking off into a bush with two or more furtive gentlemen and... er... grinding...
  7. VelcroPudding

    yes, as others say, report them, but I'll be damned if I wouldn't have shot the VC guy to mess up their bots
  8. Xeen

    this was shot appx. 9 hours ago at 1:30 pm central time....
  9. Hoki

    the 30 second boost mobile add or .. oh yeah thats boosting
  10. Hoki

    Also posting a daily motion video should be banable. Jesus Mohammad that video takes for every to load.
  11. Xeen

    loads instantly for me
  12. wwwyzzerrdd

    i was going to watch your video but it took 10 seconds to load an ad, so i said "**** you" instead