going to boycott the "empire showdown"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kracin, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Kracin

    i don't see how they thought this was a good idea?? go find some random crappy youtube celebs, get them to play the game for 10 minutes and put some videos up, then tell all the players "these are your leaders".

    why didn't everyone get to vote on their own factions leaders from respected members who have been around since ps1? people who know the game in and out and have good followings.

    personally, i hate these kinds of publicity stunts and it is idiotic the way they did it. and i plan to boycott it by having an indar warpgate party on the selected server(s)

    so log on jan 25th, and hang out at the WG. theres gonna be music, techno sundys blasting lights and strobes, ATV jump contests to see who can get their atv the highest, and esf tag.....

    but probably no fighting, because i don't see the point when its just a big advertisement and does nothing for the community
  2. Jonas Wingren

    Simple, cheap PR.
    And since we need a bigger population, it's needed and good. Could've been better but it's good.
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  3. Fuel Truck

  4. Kracin

    but why wouldnt they at least poll the community to get leaders.

    one would think that the community would choose people who have knowledge of the game. their first vs leader choice is no longer even a leader for them as he got canned cause he didnt even play the damn game, or wanted to play for that matter..

    if this was supposed to help the community, they may want to rethink the way its going down.

    hell, right now, these "leaderS" dont even play on the same server, what is going to happen when they hit jan25th? they gonna make new characters and have 0 leadership certs and try to lead platoons? sounds like fun.......
  5. antonejacobs143

    i don't think you know this but totalbiscut has played planetside1 played the beta and the game for planetside2 and so has seananners so go figure.
  6. HadesR

    The overall PR might end up being bad though .. Loads of people + render distance problems and I bet the hacker's are already looking forward to it
  7. Protential

    Either the Empires Showdown.

    Or the Empires Shutdown.

    Somebody gotta make some money. I am not rolling a character on that server though.
  8. Jonas Wingren

  9. Pockets

    Fortunately none of this nonsense is on my server. Though I suppose I would like a shot a shooting these supposed "leaders". They didn't pick anyone all that interesting.
  10. Tenmar

    Oh relax and have some fun. It is good PR for a game that REALLY needs to work out it's marketing arm and what better way than having people who actually made careers out of playing video games which for the most part are...

    TB- Dedicated PC gamer
    Seananners- FPS fanatic
    LevelCap- Battlefield 3 shoutcaster

    Honestly, for an FPS that isn't so bad for a stupid fun 3 hour event. Remember, the event is only for THREE HOURS. That's it. After that it is done and Planetside 2 has to find another way to try and get people to play their game and keep them playing. I mean if you really think about it TB, Seanannners, and Levelcap really won't matter much in the event. It will be up to the outfits on Connery to have the will to play and be organized for the event. And no amount of smurfing from the other servers unless you throw a stupid amount of money will be able to make much of an impact with how important upgrading classes and vehicles are. So the player base is going to be the main attraction while we simply get to watch TB, Seananners and Levelcap create a fun performance of drama that makes the game fun when we call the NC Rebel Scum and the Vanu a bunch of heretics.

    I mean think of it like this, if this does be successful then maybe next time the player base can pick the leader next time around or have MORE events for players to have fun.
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