[Guide] 3 Transparent editable maps of each continent on AURAXIS.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blueberrybadguy, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Blueberrybadguy

    I made 3 Transparent editable maps of each continent on AURAXIS. For all your map customization needs. Check them out.

  2. Sanatio

    The link is broken for me :(
    • Up x 1
  3. bendplz

    Can anyone confirm if this is legit?
  4. sladuog

    It is.

    You have my permission to post those lattice edits I made wherever by the way, blueberry.
  5. DJStacy

    Link broken for me also
  6. Playful Pony

    Doesn't work for me D=
  7. Dark_Horst

    guys.... you can copypaste
  8. Marked4Death

    OP's link, and yes it's legit, its just maps.
    Nice work Blueberry, now if you want to show us your secret tactics :)
  9. Turiel =RL=

    For some reason I like these maps more than the current ones....


    P.S.: This map is proof that Vanu was OP even back in the old days.