How to assault Scarred Mesa Skydock

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphOfMan, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. TriumphOfMan

  2. Tantal

    Ultimately, this is what allowed VS to push out of the warpgate and prevent what at the time seemed like an imminent TR continent lock.
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  3. oOCKYOo

    Knew that many libs was a bad idea. Think there was more libs bombing allies than anything and I saw a few crashing on the initial approach too.

    Would've like to see a fair fight though.
  4. Thardus

    I got on just in time to hear my fellow Ghosts exclaiming over what went down at the Skydock. Not sure what it was, and I'm not going to be watching the whole video, but kudos to whatever it was you pulled off.
  5. VexTheRaven

    What server are you on? I want to join you and TK the hell out of you for being an obnoxious ******.
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  6. Bishock

    Haha, I like how the video doesn't mention the previous two attempts of assaulting the skydock. They first all drop podded in which failed and then tried bringing several sunderers to the jump pads which also failed.

    EDIT: Lets also not forget that TR focused all their attention on the skydock and ended up losing half their territory when they were close to capping the continent.
  7. LoveJuices

    Hahahhaa that was a nice scuffle today!

    As someone else mentioned though you really should have included the absolutely humiliating drop pop massacre. Also given a text-book example of how to get farmed on the jump pad and lose all your sundies from HA with a perfect angle on your deploy points.

    Although you did in fact take it so nice job. We got our ***** kicked off our high rock.

    Shame it took you half an hour and diverted enough attention off the Warpgate from the rest of the VS to rally and push out. Came pretty close to losing Indar. Kudos to AT for saving our collective bacon.
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  8. DeimosRising

    Amen to that. If you watch the last 20 seconds of the video I give 'ol Buzz and company a fitting victory gift. For Vanu.
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  9. VSMars

    The video is amusing to watch, though ... if you ever were there, you'd already know that this place is very vulnerable to getting attacked from the air, as defensible as it may seem.
  10. LineTrap

    Classic bait and switch. We coax the Enclave into snafus like this all the time on Mattherson, baiting the "epik fight" one place while achieving strategic objectives elsewhere.

    Still, kudos for a great assault. Bonus points since the Indar pops were pretty close (for once).
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  11. Ripshaft

    Well at least I know where most of the cod kids are. Was damn fun to see though.
  12. LoveJuices

    Oh neat, I got the Buzzkill. Didn't even notice that :3

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  13. sladuog


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  14. VampireCrono

    buzz farming using a lib? no way i refuse to believe it!

    Watched the stream. Was a good fight!
  16. Rumless

    Nobel: I will consider any further tells from you harassment

    I lol'd at this part
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  17. Cyridius

  18. Corviid

    The platoon lead in this video is a complete ****, there is no argument on this. Playing games is meant to be fun not somewhere to be insulted by some fat ***** who thinks he is some amazing strategist which gives him the right to be a ******. number 9 where is your spine, should have told this guy to eat ****.
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  19. VictorDracul

    OK I have 2 things to say here. First, looked like a good takedown well done. But the second point I have to make is who is the a r s e hole in charge. If that guy got any more up his own backside he'd be turning inside out. How anybody can follow somebody that arrogant and nasty is beyond me. I guess there will always be people that feel they need to be treated like animals by somebody and fair play to them if they like it. But I'd be screwed if I'd let ANYONE talk to me the way he talks to his "friends" in his outfit.
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  20. Talizzar

    Wow, what a great outfit to be called so many names by the leader. Why do you people stay for that crap? Dagger 9 whoever you are, if you are looking for a decent, friendly outfit send me a tell.

    TE does this all the time. They Zerg one hex with everyone and TR loses 5 to 10 hexes instead of them dividing and conquering.
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