Waterson VA v NC 1/18 8pm est

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fear The Amish, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Fear The Amish

  2. Doxy

    Hope to see alot of Yellow Pansies at this event. Stop hiding under a rock and come on out =]
  3. RasFW

    I would love to come, but I have prior obligations to helping myself "get a life." :(

    Maybe after I'm done striking out I'll come home and jump on Esamir. :D
  4. imb0r3d

    This will be epic ;)
  5. DeltaGun

    The VA is bringing the heat! Esamir is gonna get MELTED!
  6. Fear The Amish

    BUmp for awareness
  7. Putmalk

    Cool, I'm really happy that says "New Conglomerate" and not some random outfit.

    How did the last event with VA vs BRIT go? Who won?

    Waterson ;)
  8. Fear The Amish

    It ended with Half the cont VS and other half NC with TR warpgated;)
  9. Metalsheep

    Thats because the entirety of the NC on Waterson is about the size of an Outfit. All 15-20% of them.
  10. Fear The Amish

    pops are starting to even out wouldn't be surprised if you guys never hold a cont again ;)
  11. Putmalk

    Total bullshit.
    • Up x 1
  12. Eacaraxe

    I'll make an effort to be there, wrecking my sunderer, god only knows where.

    But hey at least I'll be drawing fire off the good players!
  13. Fear The Amish

    hey we always need decoy's ;)
  14. Leoben2

    All NC scum will die
  15. Waf

    Hey Amish, if you get a chance could you swap in the current version of FreeDome Eagle?

    • Up x 2
  16. Rubius

    'Twill be a glorious night, as Reavers rain down from the sky in pieces.
  17. Paramecium

    Oh hell yes I'm gonna be there
  18. ({x})Kyoji

    hell yeah! XoO represent!
  19. zackman_88

    lol mother of god yes.
  20. Spartan 117

    I won't be able to attend. Playing "Epic Mickey" on Wii with GF tonight lol. However, wish the NC best of luck. I'm sure the TR will undoubtedly interfere. Hope to see some interesting videos.