Tired of the pointless farm

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Riftmaker, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. dough

    I read, understood, and responded. Now you are complaining that you don't like that free to play takes time to earn the weapons. Sorry, but that is the F2P model. If you don't pay, you get to 'suffer' the time spent. Although I don't see how its suffering.. shooters are shooters.. and the starter weapons allow you to kill at will given that you have the skills.

    The starter weapons are NOT gimped in any way (your reference in the OP to 'pay to win', which is utter nonsense). Go re-read YOUR post for comprehension, THEN mine, THEN this. Your OP boils down to whining about F2P and making points about the game that just aren't true, my post boils down to 'you are making bad assumptions/assertions about the game.. deal with it and stop whining'.
  2. Dr. Allcome

    I mostly agree with the OP.

    They should either increase the cert gain rate or just sell the damn certs. The slow rate is not a motivation for future sessions but a source of constant frustration.
  3. f33die

    The certifications system and in-game store has been a mess since beta and frankly I expected these issues to be solved before the game was released, but here we are.

    How can someone seriously justify that a flashlight mod costs 100 certs while the Sunderer's AMS system costs 50? It's harder to get a useless flashlight than it is to get a huge tactical advantage! Has the person in charge of unlock prices even played this game?!
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  4. Crazyfingers

    One's a luxury item the other is core to the game. The 50 cert cost is there to stop people from spamming sunderers from quickly generated alts, nothing more. There are more variables at play for cost than simply how important something is.
  5. Urnefar

    They should definitely increase xp/cert gain or lower weapon prices.

    Snail-pace upgrades and cert-expensive weapons = current PS2, low player-count (and potential paying customer count) and most people just grinding away mindlessly to afford that weapon or upgrade to unlock more depth and variety.

    Faster upgrades and cheaper weapons = more enjoyment and certs for upgrades occurring as a byproduct of fun instead of grind, equaling higher player-count.
    Less emphasis on selling guns to people and instead selling more cosmetics, more emphasis on having fun - people with many or all upgrades have fun killing, commanding and/or inspiring newbies with ambitions.

    Personally, I can't see how anyone with a gaming-budget to consider would spend money on this in its current state, or recommend that their friends do so. I bought some SC on triple day and did have fun with the upgrades I bought, but having to wait for such infrequent unannounced sales, pay 7$ or spend 30hours to experience another little fraction of the content/variety is a detriment to keeping the players (content) coming.
    And that's not mentioning the lack of a announcement about server merges, or the fact that the subscription-model counts on people setting their payment plan to fire-and-forget if they want their monthly SC...

    Also, the grand amount of posts saying "nothing should change, the model / prices are fair, you're just entitled 'cause the game is free" all over this forum, is astounding. Have some perspective please, I wan't to play a fun Planetside 2 as much as you, but it isn't happening on all low servers with only the elite core subscription players on them.
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  6. Riftmaker

    Do you seriously lack the ability to understand what the problem is here ? I already stated that i bought SC and i was happy with what i purchased. The real problem is that the SC/cert cost balance of the weapons is off. There's been a post in this very thread showing the prices and pointing out how messed up it all is. All the upgrades cert wise are fine imo,because they're just small upgrades to things you can already use most of the time(even though there are flaws even in the cert system(check previous posts for examples)). But buying weapons adds diversity to the game,it keeps it fresh and fun. I said that the stock weapons are good,but they might not fit everyone's playstyle. And besides that,there are many weapons that are a must buy.

    So again,did you really take your time to read and then UNDERSTAND what the issue is here or do you like to argue with people ? It's ok if it's the 2nd but if it is i'll know to ignore your posts and focus on the ones that actually add to this thread.
  7. oOCKYOo

    If you were playing the game just to have fun, you would not be complaining about the cert rate.

    Take a look at my character page in my sig. Look at my XP per minute. Do you know why its that low? Cause I specialized into my role and have nothing left to focus on in terms of certs. Yeah to max nanoweave armor I need 1000 certs. to max stealth I need 500 certs, but the difference that last level will make wont effect my gameplay.

    I spend half my time staring at a map, planning as a platoon leader for my outfit, missing out on kills and most other XP there is to gain but I enjoy playing regardless.

    If you had everything unlocked ingame, would you still play? If you identify fun as farming certs then youre gonna be disappointed at the end when there is nothing to farm for anymore.

    Just saying :)
  8. Riftmaker

    Pretty obvious that you didn't take your time to read all my post,and i'm sure that you didn't even bother to check the rest of the thread. I already said that those upgrades are fine cert wise,for the very same reason you feel that way. Because they are small things that barely affect your gameplay. My issue is with the weapon cost being too high. Those affect your gameplay. New weapons keep the game new,it makes it more fun. And yes,if i'd have everything unlocked i'd still play. It would be even more fun for more since i could switch around classes,vehicles and so on and still be as effective as i would be with my main class.
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  9. Patrician

    If you don't feel you're gaining Certs fast enough within normal game play, spend some money and stop expecting everything for free!
  10. Riftmaker

    Spending time on this forum really makes me lose hope in humanity. Basically what you're saying is that you don't see anything wrong with the fact that it's way easier to get a weapon with SC than with certs=> some pay to win arguments could be made and that what everyone should do is just spend more money on a thing they are supposed to also be able to get in-game in order to maintain a balance. This is mind-boggling to say the least.
    While i agree that you should reward a company if it makes a good game,buying WEAPONS for SC is the wrong way to do so. Yes,you do have access to them with certs,but it takes so much time to actually unlock them it's beyond a joke. I don't know why i even bother at this point,but i just hope SOE doesn't listen to the small part of their population that says the cert system is fine.
    Just a bunch of kids that learned a new word "self-entitled" and are now throwing it around and helping SOE cause reasons.
    A depressing sight but what can you do.
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  11. oOCKYOo

    Yes I did read everything. Believe it or not I spend a good few hours on the forums daily reading suggestions and monitoring my outfit thread.

    As stated in post 36, unlocking every weapon in the game would require 48850 Certs. BR 100 requires 18,868,950 XP or which gives you 75 475 certs at 250XP per cert. This doesnt include medal certs or daily passive cert gain. The game has always been designed to give older players one advantage over new players. Versatility. A new player can get into a specific role fast and be the best at it but thats where it stops. A veteran can play multiple roles and use multiple things depending on the situation. This was the case back in Planetside 1 as well. In time you will have tried and tested everything because you've played long enough to earn the privilage of doing so.

    Yes its a long road to get there, but thats the nature of MMO's. The free to play model is to encourage you to buy the guns with SC. See it as the price of time. Besides, do you really want to trial every gun and every weapon? Do you not have a single thing you can pin down that you enjoy doing above everything else?

    Im just curious why you would want keep testing everything once you find something that works for you thats all :)
  12. Riftmaker

    A long road,fine,i agree that it should take some time to upgrade your class/vehicles. What i don't agree with is the fact that it takes so much time to unlock what is considered by SOE a sidegrade. If there's just a small difference between the weapons and it all comes down to personal preference why are they so expensive cert wise ?
    Fact is i'm BR 41 now and the only weapon i unlocked was the VX6-7,and i unlocked it with SC. Why ? Because i felt that the cert cost wasn't worth it. I even have the last level of the magburner cause that thing actually is worth it. I also have 2xC4. I have the grenade bandolier. Those are worth their cert price,the weapons on the other hand,are not worth it. That was the whole point of this thread. Do you now understand what i'm trying to say ?
  13. oOCKYOo

    I realize what you mean. They are expensive. Thats why there is trial. To test them first and then pick the one or two you like. Its to blame on the F2P Model mostly and it sucks. I feel your pain. I personally have the Solstaice SF as its unlock on the LA and the Engi and the parralax (SC'd it with the most recent triple SC). I dont bother with the other guns as they dont allow the underbarrel upgrades and the Solstice SF isnt even the 1000 cert weapon.

    They changed these prices a lot during beta and this is where it settled. I dont think you will convince them to change it anymore.
  14. Riftmaker

    Not their best call but then again it's not their only design mistake. But even if we think things might not change we still have to try. If they really listen to feedback as they claim they might notice threads like this and reconsider the cert system. If we don't try at all then all we have on the forum is fanboys claiming that this is the best game ever,not offering any worthwhile suggestions or constructive criticism since they are not capable of doing so,and this game might end up going downhill.
  15. siiix

    what i want to know ... where you been in the last 10 years or so ? :)

    FUN got scientifically out-marketed by ADDICTION ;) and i say that in the most positive way ! i actually dont mind

    addiction sells better ;)
  16. Riftmaker

    I mostly played single player games. Can't really nickel and dime those with an in-game shop. You buy it once and you're good to go.
    I still spent money on PS 2 and will probably spend more if i keep having fun with the game. But as it is now,with their current sales model,i don't think i want to support them.
  17. siiix

    i know a guy in battlefield heroes who spent more then $6000 on that free2play game

    and to be honest, i have not spent a cent on a single player game in 5+ years, nor did anyone i know in real (off line) life ... that's what pirating is for

    i know the reality is sometimes brutal, but it it reality after all ... the dinosaurs and many other species died out for a reason
  18. Kelly0481

    Maybe the developers didn’t want players running around in a FPS game being their own personal wrecking crews whipping out whole towns by themselves. Maybe that is why the really, really good guns are really, really expensive. Or so you think.

    I personally don’t think $5 bucks for a gun or if you look under the deals you can get like 4 of them for 700 SC sometimes is all that much. They are not the best but they work. I mean if you outfit 3 character its, but not just one.

    As far as I know and how I try to play the game I only need one good gun per class. In fact, even the free one you got with your class kills people.

    Here is another thing. 5 guys with starter guns shooting at one guy with the best gun in the game the 5 guys usually win. 2, 3, or even 5 might die, but the guy is dead too.

    The Certs Earns are for your characters Skills, not the guns. SOE has to make money on this game somehow. They need to eat and pay bills too!

    To be perfectly honest, if you cannot afford to pay $30-$60 for a game you probably shouldn’t be playing a game. You should be looking for a job, and if you are too young to get a job go back to your Bob The Builder game. This is an adult game pay to play game with microtransactions in it.

    I hate to break it to you but this is actually a Pay for Play game using Microtransactions instead of the mandatory monthly fee, a monthly fee some of us actually pay on top of the Microtransactions.

    I personally think SOE made a big mistake by letting people in here for free hoping they will buy gear. The only thing it has done is attract a bunch of people, or little kids I should say; who think people at SOE work for nothing and only built a game to give it away. Then they complain about how much stuff cost and that the characters and accounts they are playing for free should be just as good as the ones that are being paid for.

    Yeah, 1,000 Certs is a lot, and I am never saving up 1,000 Certs for gun.. Ill just buy it if I really, really want it, or save up the 500SC I get each month with my account. Those Certs are for my character skills.

    Just because they let you download it and play for free doesn’t me it going to work for free. What, this game cost like 28million dollars, cause that is about the average game cost it not lots more.

    Let me get this straight, SOE is supposed eat millions they put into this game in losses of revenue so you can play for free, and do so just as well as everyone who is paying?

    If that were the case, why would I pay?

    See SOE, give them an inch….they will want millions.

    Yes, the game seems really harsh when you don’t have to nickels to rub together. Maybe instead of wasting time posting here about how bad it is for you, you should do something about your nickel situation.
  19. Riftmaker

    Let me just highlight the most important things of what you said and try to explain the problem in a way that even you can understand.
    So you start by saying that some weapons are really good,that they are actually so good that only one player could wreck a whole base by himself. That is just wrong,all the weapons are either situational(they shine in some roles but are just downright awful in others) or they are personal preference(more damage per bullet but less ROF,higher ROF but less damage,less recoil but also less dps,i think you get the idea by this point).

    "Here is another thing. 5 guys with starter guns shooting at one guy with the best gun in the game the 5 guys usually win. 2, 3, or even 5 might die, but the guy is dead too."
    This will never happen unless those 5 guys are complete strangers to fps games in general. The game is balanced in such a way that a BR 1 stands a chance againts a BR 100. So what are you on about here ?

    Then you just point out the problem and agree with me even if you try to argue with me:"The Certs Earns are for your characters Skills, not the guns. SOE has to make money on this game somehow. They need to eat and pay bills too!"
    This is the whole issue,and that's why some people claim this game is pay to win. With these current prices there's no way you would look at a weapon and say:" Oh yeah,i'm totally buying that with certs." cause it's worth it. All weapons are supposed to be sidegrades and 1000 certs is just way too much for ONE WEAPON. Hopefully you can now understand what is wrong with the game,i don't think i can explain it any better. And before you keep crying they can still make alot of money from boosts/cosmetics. As it is now this whole system is just some fast cash grabbing with no interest on what it might do in the long run.
  20. Riftmaker

    That's what i'm trying to say. Free to play games tend to give the companies way more money than the pay to play model would. And lowering the cost of weapons cert wise or increasing the cert rate will in no way bring SOE to it's knees and make them bankrupt as some people claim. It really makes you wonder what is happening to this world when you see them typing away on the forum.