[TR] The Enclave wants YOU!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. Shogun

    As an Enclave member in that cloud of Mossies, thanks! It's really fun to be part of 40 or 50 something mossies even if I can't dogfight in one worth a darn vs. a Scythe.
  2. aclayttu

    Joined up recently. Active, talkative and thoroughly entertaining.
  3. BuzzCutPsycho

    Ops tonight at 5. Can't wait to try out the new Platoons!
    • Up x 2
  4. AzureWatcher

    You guys going to camp the NC at Waterson? Or are you going to try the Vanu again at the Stronghold?

    Edit - You guys are really fun to play with. The trashtalk in /yell is always entertaining, even if I am terrible at it.
  5. DiddyMao

  6. Spin Doctor

    No telling. We go where the Terran Republic needs us - be it at Waterson, Crown, or sitting back at warp BBQing.
  7. Spin Doctor

    Be ready for some serious operations tonight. Warp gate rotated and platoons.
  8. Beautiful Lies

    I hear it was named after Diddy, as he was some kind of war-hero. Don't quote me on that though :]

    Edit: I think it was his famous "Barrel-roll" lib tactics and professional ground-hugging that got him hero status.
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  9. Isila

    Depends on how things work out with the rotated warp gates. We did Mao/Waterson/Alkali to keep the VS off of Rashnu/Zurvan, and it's a natural expansion being directly north of those two bases. Now that we're in the southwest corner, Mao and Waterson are on the opposite side of the NC warpgate from us, and the terrain no longer naturally funnels the VS towards our bases.
  10. kidRiot

    As much as I'm getting bored of fighting the typical Lib/Max Enclave spam, at the very least they keep it fresh and push further than most other TR on West 01.
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  11. BuzzCutPsycho

  12. Sardus

    Always fun to play around Enclave.

    That Mossy thing over MAO you had going on yesterday was bad ***.
  13. blackdiamond

    It's good to see so many Emerald outfits still out there. BlackDiamond/ChillinVillain from The Enforcers here. Haven't seen any of my old crew rolling around, but was shocked to see how many vets are coming back.
  14. BuzzCutPsycho

    We should work together.
  15. rambo1369

    Since Join Enclave

    BuzzCut and his officers are the best in the game so far

    If you want a real fight and to own the enemy Join THE ENCLAVE
  16. DiddyMao

    So..., Libs should be able to barrel roll.....
  17. BuzzCutPsycho


    reporting in!
  19. Sardus

    Considering we're on the same server and in the same empire, that wouldn't exactly be a bad idea ;) You guys are a well organized outfit and I respect that.
  20. BuzzCutPsycho

    Feel free to hop on TS3 and talk to me about it sometime. I am available from 5AM to 10PM EST on the weekends at anytime. Those are my work hours and I usually hang out on TS3 from work.

    Any other time just hop on our TS3 during our hours of operation and we can get something rolling.

    Or PM me, etc, etc. Tons of ways to contact me.
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