solstice or solstice SF?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by ExarRazor, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. ExarRazor

    so im having trouble deciding between these two guns

    im pretty much settled on using grip, 2x scope, and suppressor on the solstice

    and grip, compensator, and 2x scope on the SF.

    given the above attachments, which one would you use more?
  2. zarfoobla

    Default Solstice.

    SF is only useful for access to every possible carbine attachment and (lol) slower RoF for long-range shooting. Discounting those, the default Solstice is far better at spitting plasma in CQC.
  3. Kulantan

    The difference is basically that with a solstice/merc/trac5 you'll kill people more often in a straight shoot out where as with the S variants you'll get multi kills with the 'tube, gib people with the shotty or use the smoke as cover. There is literally no reason to use the S variants if you aren't going to use the under-barrel stuff. If you like it for the burst fire modes or the compensator then you (and I mean this a nicely as possible) need to work on your manual bursting and recoil control.
  4. Iridar51

    Unless you're gonna use underbarrel launchers, Solstice SF is worthless.
    For long range (HV Ammo + 2x grip + compensator) Pulsar C would be better, and any other carbine for anything else.
  5. Hawktitan

    The underbarrel attachments make the Solstice SF good (really really good in my opinion). The normal Solstice is 'meh' in every way.
  6. Village

    I only use the Solstice SF for the UGL which is fantastic, otherwise i use the Serpent with advanced laser dot and suppressor.
  7. Daibar

    i used solstice basic alot, since i had a tendency to floor the mouse button, aka spray and pray, i got the burst to pick up the habit of bursting a weapon, then when that ability was down, time to see if the smoke was a good as i've heard, so far i've used it with the solstice SF with great joy, good for making those C4 drops or escapes, like a ninja or Batman

    depending on skill and game style, you should try the weapons and see what suits you.
  8. Skiptis

    The SF doesn't really shine for LA as it does for Engi that can restock the UGL themselves. It's an okay weapon; I have an LA loadout with one that I use sometimes when I don't have a clue about what I'm going to run into or I know I'll have an equipment station nearby for an extended time but still need to move around a lot (spawn Sunderer parked under the wall of an amp station with all or most generators up for example), but I'm not sure I'd recommend getting it as "main" weapon. The extra firing modes are pointless. For most situations where you could argue for it's use there are better weapons, most of which are covered by "use a CQC carbine", "use a shotgun" or "use a slug shotgun".

    Edit: This was written assuming using UGL. Like previous posters have said, if you're not going to use one of the SF specific attachments then it's pointless getting it.
  9. Zenanii

    Solstice SF with NV and smoke grenade launcher is soo cheap, but so freaking fun.
  10. cKerensky

    People saying the SF is a waste? You're all crazy. I got the SF and never looked back.
  11. tugernut

    if you plan on getting underbarrel attachments go SF

    if not go serpent
  12. Skiptis

    No one is saying the SF is a waste, just that it's a waste if you're not going to use the underbarrel attachments, which the OP was not. Read his post.
  13. Roland2TowerCame

    But if you use underbarrel launchers, Solstice SF is frickin sweet.
  14. Iridar51

    that's kinda what i meant
  15. chrollo

    the reload time is really good on the sf which I think gets overlooked :|
  16. Iridar51

    Solstice SF reloads longer than default Solstice.
  17. chrollo

    my bad meant to say solstice and sf
  18. Deschain

    ^^ This, the SF +UBSL + Irnv is amazing.
  19. Autarkis

    I'm quite a fan of the Solstice SF with NV, UBSG, HV Ammo and Compensator. I'd recommend the UBGL but the hit detection is too bugged to be reliable.

    That said, the SF is the worst Carbine in the group if you measure it on its own ballistics and handling. The folks here telling you that the value of the SF is in its attachments are right.