[Suggestion] Do the developers even admit/acknowledge vehicle spam is killing PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dulu, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. jak

    I STILL don't understand why they deviated from PS1's design that vehicles let you put the siege on a base but infantry was what took a base. In PS2, there are tons of outposts and bases that you could take with a handful of tanks and 1 infantry against multiple times the number of enemies.
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  2. Blackholedreams

    What vehicle spam? You mean people using vehicles in a combined arms game like they're supposed to? What's stopping you from pulling a vehicle?
  3. Isila

    Because they wanted to make Battlefield: Auraxis Edition instead of Planetside 2, but didn't have the rights to the Battlefield IP.
  4. TheBloodEagle

    Yeah I definitely agree. Hell if you look at earlier PS2 screenshots, the bases had shields over the entire thing to protect against air zergs. They even took that out. Not that I really think air a is problem, it just goes back to base design.
  5. Daedrick

    Sad but true.
  6. paleohayduke

    I actually like the fact that this game is more about vehicles than simple infantry fights. That is half the reason I am playing it.
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  7. LineTrap

    Every patch has brought infantry buffs and vehicle nerfs.

    The pure infantry kawadooty nuts will simply never be appeased.
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  8. VoidMagic

    Many pilots have left the forums in disgust. We still play, however, listening to this insesant whining and crying just isn't fun. Neither are the changes but, I'd rather get mauled by nerfs than listen to anymore drivel. While that 2 to 3% of elite pilot haters sit in thier little circle the majority of players just can't read anymore whining.

    Because aircraft are visible and render to anyone that looks up, the hatred is misdirected, any vehicle will and can camp spawn. ESF however, have suffered endlessly from the nerf cries thus the newly OP Lib and soon the OP tank crying.
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  9. Sith

    Didn't read all the posts, but Higby made an post on what they're working on, and underground rooms / tunnels will be making an appearance in major bases to help combat this issue.
  10. Stormlight666

    I do, since they are locked in and usually sitting waiting. Although the best is when you wait until they cap it and start to move off THEN you lock on to the ATV's driving away and blow them and their drivers out of existence.

    And the galaxy is a vehicle, just it's too big for one guy with a launcher to take down unless you get 15 rounds and they stick close enough to get hit.
  11. jak

    I still don't understand why they haven't done simple things like put some form of wall around a majority of the outposts. Snake Ravine being the prime example...the outpost has no redeeming value other than to be a vehicle camping ground.
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  12. Kubor

    I don't have any problem with ground vehicles personally.

    When I see a crapton of air I immediately want to log off and go and do something more interesting, like lobotmise myself with the blunt end of a hammer.

    When I see a zerg of Tanks and Lightnings I rub my hands in glee and get my HA out with a Decimator or Annihilator. Or maybe even load up my Prowler with AP shells.

    I thinks it's because ground vehicles are far more managable. You can force them back, trap them and then use C4, you can lay mines or ambush them from above. Fighting ground vehicles is challenging but fun because there are lots of ways of countering them and they can't easily escape.
  13. LameFox

    Sounds like a waste of a rocket to me.
  14. WycliffSlim

    Depends on whether you're trying to further the squad or up you K/D I suppose.
  15. Stormlight666

    I'm sorry if fun eludes you but you've never seen an ATV leap off a ledge only to be caught by that rocket. They're like mini-fireworks that give you XP.
  16. Stormlight666

    Exactly. K/D is for people looking for cert grinds. I'm the guy who fires a rocket at the scythe chasing down a friendly pilot, buying them some time to turn and kill them while the scythe dodges my lock-on shot. Who sits with his launcher sighted on a far away target keeping it red and illuminated for friendlies to come after and kill. Any tank driver who stops to give me ammo out in the field knows that i'm out to keep the enemies at bay while we move forward and give them lots of xp while I reload to do it.
  17. Stormlight666

    And the Battlefield players were too whiny to have one person drive a tank and a 2nd (or 3rd) to gun. So they made tanks 1-person killing machines.
  18. AzuratteV

    I've never found myself out of resources, ever. Most of the time they're full or I have enough for the vehicle I want. I find the timers the only thing holding me back. I play NC and Helios holds about 3 hexes at any given time, and I still get mad crazy resources. Something has to change.

    Oh and one person driving and gunning in the vanguard is silly, lightning I can see; but, throw a couple gunners and a driver in it and give the driver some lights, smoke screen, faction specific stuff to play with. There will always be someone who just wants to drive around at some point when he's tired of all the shenanigans.
  19. jake taylor

    people who go to posts knowing exactly what its about simply to say "boohoo you guys" is really anoying now... anyway, to stop all the confusion people seem to have on this perticular post (made obvious by how most posts are dont seem to even be about what the op said), no one is saying that tanks are over powered! all that is being said is that the game allows for too many tank spams too often. a problem that could easily be fixed if they changed their broken ressource system. no one cares if you dissagree because it is a fact that there is a problem at the moment

  20. LameFox

    This after you've had problems having enough rockets... o_O