The Problem for TR on Matherson....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xariusk, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Xariusk

    It isn't that everyone else has better guns, or better tanks. or anything to do with the game in general.

    It's that TR has the vast majority of useless losers playing in supposed "outfits" that continent hop when they actually have to fight the opposing team.

    Night after night, I see the same thing for TR on Matherson.

    Large groups of people who belong to the same outfit, sitting in the warpgate areas waiting to transfer to another continent that's empty of opponents.

    Point in fact... Last night. We had 52% of the population on Esamir. We NEARLY had the continent locked up when NC pop started rising and they started contesting areas.

    Rather than finish the lock and fight, 2 large outfits left the map and went to another continent bringing our pop from 51% to under 20% in the space of 20 minutes.

    Every night it seems like I'm fighting alone while playing for TR. Yet when I go to the warpgate it's got 20-50 people standing around.

    Why do you guys bother playing a COMBAT GAME anyways? should we perhaps change the name to "Capture the flag that's completely undefended while being bored out of our minds running around in a zerg"? Sure it's easy XP. But it's entirely NOT THE POINT OF THE GAME.

    I guess most people on TR (on Matherson at least) only know how to zerg empty bases and no idea what small scale combat is.

    I have a little pro tip for you guys, killing 3 people is MORE XP than capping a small base. and 3 kills you can have in less than 1 minute if you actually FIGHT.
  2. Rager

    Matterson is just a bad server. But on waterson TR are just as bad it seems.

    Maybe TR is just a bad faction?
  3. Drsexxytime

    Here's the real problem with TR on Mattherson.

    • Up x 2
  4. MrHenderson

    Hundreds of eunuchs logging on at the same time, ready to do whatever it takes to please their dim witted yet egomanical dear leader at the expense of ever having fun, i.e. participating in good shoot em up battles. The stream is so cute...dear leader screams for everyone to recall and attack something, they get there and outnumber the opponent by a 15-1 margin yet still barely manage to cap it, stream fills with congratulations of "great call" and "best leader ever".

    Video game cults are funny.
  5. IMTasty

    What did I just watch?
  6. Drsexxytime

    "Listen to" more specifically.
  7. Rager

    The problem is 2 fold.

    One you have baddies who just wants to do own thing. While this is ok in some sense, at the same time. It should be helpful to the empire as a whole. The ones that are not helping and not listening to people who are willing to lead, is causing problems.

    When leadership acts like that. It is not helpful at all. A good leader will have backup plans if one does not work, or change of plans and not name call. Thinking on your toes is a lost art with leaders today.

    Both the players and the leadership on TR are at fault. People don't want to lead, or follow on TR side.
  8. ({x})Kyoji

    For Waterson TotalBiscuit actually has some decent tactical prowess but his guild doesn't have a lot of how do you say recruitment requirements so they get a lot of idiots and people that do not work well in a team environment.
  9. AngryPlayer

    I'm hoping I'll be able to find a server where the VS population isn't a constant 40%. What makes it even worse, is out of the 20 so aimbotters/hackers I've seen on Mattherson, all but 2 were VS. One was NC and one was TR the rest have all been VS. Honestly, it's ******* pig disgusting.
  10. ({x})Kyoji

    Waterson TR have the pop advantage at 40% usually, but they suck in comparison to the VS and NC players it seems.
  11. ReactionDT

    Goddamn someone please get a picture of buzzcut so I can put a face with this nerd. This kid is terrible 1v1 yet he yells how bad everyone is. I don't see how he handles life everyday.
  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    If you do a Google Image search for BuzzCutPsycho, there's an image alleged to be of him. I'll just say that, if that's actually him, "roid rage" comes to mind as a possible explanation for his behavior.
  13. LightningDriver

    I'm surprized that the "good" outfits on NC and VS haven't figured out how to crush Enclave each and every time yet. They do the same thing day after day. I'm hoping you're working on a super secret strategy to eventually frustrate them so they leave all at once.

    I don't think they're all bad people, some actually say thanks when they are repaired and healed, and a few do know how to read a battle and not blindly charge in a room, since they are so used to fighting with 5 to 1 numbers.

    For the most part, playing TR on Matherson is like Lord of the Flies.
  14. Varben

    That's a cropped picture from a homosexual dating site. I mean if that's him that's cool and all, but why would you use that picture for your outfit photo?

    I typed up this huge post about giving factions backbone and spirit, but then I realized what the OP was saying was that the big outfits would leave. There's nothing you can do if your leaders won't fight, aside from try to be a leader yourself. But that's not easy, that is not easy at all. If 2 outfits pulling off will bring you down from over 50 to 20... there's no way to improve that other than those outfits pulling themselves together and being willing to get their hands dirty instead of padding their stats to give their life meaning after their done being a gas station attendant.
  15. LineTrap

    Implying we haven't. Not that the one-size-fits-all Higby Miracle Launcher has helped matters much. But, for the most part, if the Enclave comes out of a Biolab we pick them apart until they give up and fly to Whereamish/Isanyonehir (a.k.a. NC Country).

    We (the VS) have, for basically a month, denied Mr. Psycho the only strategic goal he cares to try for: uncapping VS on Indar. Quite aside from any question of TR actually capping Indar for itself.

    The frustration shows whenever he loses a key battle or series of battles. Heck, following the trials and tribulations of PS2's top celebrity maniac (like getting called out on Twitter by Smedley himself) and his merry little band has become the closest thing we have to a metagame, while we wait on the devs.
  16. AngryPlayer

    Actually the TR have manage to cap Indar. We just don't keep it because your VS constantly out pops the other factions. Not to mention dealing with constant magrider spam is boring and tiresome.
  17. Garzin

    I can see why his name has Psycho in it.
  18. Rycon

  19. CommodoreFrank

    Don't worry, the NC on Mattherson seems to also love doing this. I've also noticed the VS bug out from fights a few times, so I think it's just players in general being afraid of large fights. People like to go for what they feel is the easiest path, and if ghost capping Esamir is their thing, more power to them I guess. If only server populations were higher, these issues would be much less pronounced.
  20. footjam

    we beat them all the time, with fewer numbers so I don't understand this comment. They do all leave at once the suicide macro claims victory and they hold in the bio lab for the rest of the night.
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