Planetside2 will NOT die.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by beastmode619, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. beastmode619

    i wish i could have experienced planetside 1 to be able to relate to you...but sadly i havent even heard of the game until last month. planetside 2 was discovered while i was watching videos of dust 514...and people in youtube chat brought it up...
  2. Stormlight666

    PS1 (in my opinion) was 10x better for gear because your armor type determined backpack size. So a PS1 Heavy Armor had 2 slots for big weapons and a large backpack. A combat engineer could fix in the backpack 8 mines (+1 in the 1,2 weapon slots) and 2 heavy weapons (rocket launchers or grenade launchers with no extra ammo outside the regular 3/4 they could carry). Part of the fun was scavenging for ammo when out in the field and being able to grab other faction weapons to use. Anyways an engineer could deploy a set amount of mines in the world at one time (I believe 16), 8 spitfire turrets, 4 barricades and 4 motion detectors. The engineer "mines" were actually a universal tool which you could cycle through types on deploy (ie: it'd start as a mine and you could cycle through it being a spitfire turret, C-4, etc.) so it'd allow you to use it in whatever way you needed at that moment.
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  3. beastmode619

    Man that sounds really cool :(. Whyyyyyyyyy did I miss that game :/

    I must have always Thot of LOST planet whenever I hear planetside. And I hated lost planet by capcom...
  4. beastmode619

    Yea I just realized we're not allowed to pick up guns :(
  5. MeowMix986367

    It's amazing that in chat, everyone longs for PS1 again. How come they didn't just upgrade the engine to this instead of redoing it entirely?
  6. Brok9000

    Sure, thee are enough who enjoy it as is that it will continue for awhile.... but it could be so much more.
  7. Jourmand1r

    You cant argue with delusional fanatics.

    Anyone who thinks this game's only problem is a lack of tv commercials needs to be hospitalized for the betterment of civilized society.
  8. Mietz

    Reading comprehension fail.

    Re-read my response, re-read the op.

    Stop derping.
  9. stalkish

    Read most of this forum very interesting points made.
    Just wanted to say tho those talking about advertising, PS2 is way more advertised than PS1 was so they doing alot better there. Youtube, and all those social media sites are very popular these days, TV adverts are extremely costly and you have to pick the right time / channel or your audience will not be interested. However having said this if the 'Death is no excuse' video was aired on the TV, gamers would sticky their pants and instantly log on, especially when they see 'free to play now!' at the end of the ad.
    Whether the 1000000s of bugs and ridiculously OP libs will put them off is another question.
  10. Deroth

    You, my friend, are on crack. I am a hardcore BF series fan and will say that BF3 is not as good as 2142 which was my favourite or even BC2 which I also liked more. And still, BF3 will outlive PS2 simply because DICE has SMART developers that have a SENSE on how to make a fun and rewarding game, and cmon the overall balance in BF3 runs circles around current state of PS2.. The only thing vaguely unbalanced in BF3 is the M16, in terms of overall gameplay however, the game is WAY more interesting -- vehicles are not OP as **** as they are in PS2, and while gunships and airplanes reign supreme just like they do in PS2, the difference is that you need VERY SKILLED people to operate them to achieve half the degree of success anybody can have flying in PS2.

    And oh yes, the BF3 has this thing called AC130 which everybody hates, but guess what, you don't like it, you go to a map that doesn't have it. In PS2 whether you like it or not you WILL get aoe spammed from the air 24/7.

    I was initially VERY psyched about PS2 and dropped 65$ in the first week to try out new stuff. I immensely enjoy infantry gunplay in PS2, more so than in BF3 actually, but right now the frustration of being continuiously ripped apart by aoe from rocket podders and libs is just not worth it. No matter how good you are as infantry, your fun will be ruined FAST that's just how the present experience in PS2 is. The other day I convinced a friend to try out PS2, I tried to choose areas for us that were not being spammed by AOE the entire time, and yet, at the end of the day 75% of his deaths were from air. His reaction was 'wtf is this unbalanced garbage'. If you actually look at the BF3 youtubers (lvlcap, xfactor, etc) who were SUPER excited about PS2 at beta/launch, they are barely playing this game anymore and are mostly back to BF3.

    I just don't see the urgency and the vision on the part of PS2 developers to fix this game before the majority of players who prefer infantry combat leave for greener pastures. On any MMO launch you can quickly distinguish whether the team behind the game has what it takes to make the game work long term, and this one is turning out to be a dud.
  11. Jurav

    I totally love this game, it brings back some fond memories of countless hours playing Tribes, but even better with all of the depth the game has.

    With that being said, I think in order for this game to stay alive, SOE is gonna have to make some serious changes. Otherwise it will just continue to be a boring spawn camp fest.

    • Fix the OP of Air - Maybe give Infantry somthing more to defend against air with. Lock-on rockets and Maxes on timers are not enough. I think if they make aircraft able to be damaged by standard infantry weapons, it would be enough. Even increasing the damage that a sunderer can do to air would be a help. Right now, the Sunderer anti-air is more like shooting bb's at a tank.
    • Find a way to stop the hacking before it gets totally out of control - /report is not doing it, they need an autodetect function for specific hacks and then hardware and IP ban players for a time.
    • Fix the overpopulation imbalance of one side over the others. It's fine to have one side slightly higher on a given continent, but when one team has a 75% higher population on one continent, the game is just pointless. The other two sides cannot defend anything.
  12. Idono

    I died less than 1/15 times from AOE spammers. Know why? Because i can play tactically and know how to adapt. I don't keep running out of a spawn that is being bombarded. Insted i spawn at the next base and take out counters. It's called being a good gamer.

    Keep your server switching. It doesn't make you a better gamer. The ammount of kills i get as an AOE spammer is equall to the ammount of kills as an infantry. I choose my own battles and decide if it's worth dying 20 times by overwhelming forces or deploying to another fight close by. Hell i even have flak armor unlocked incase i need to protect my self from AOE spammers. Maybe you should invest in that if you constantly keep getting killed by air.

    I'm also a long term Battlefield player. But i'm also a long term player of moste games and i can spot broken and unbalanced miles away. BF3 is not a balanced game and it doesn't keep interest up with it's broken gameplay. What keeps the game interested for people like you are the tons of DLCs and unlockable content. Progression is probably the worse thing in any game since it substitutes the satisfaction of being good at the game with unlocks. Thus the influx of whiners.

    And to refresh your memory as well. BF3 was in no way a walk in the park on release. The game was beyond garbage it was infact so broken that i was worse than any MMO launche that i've ever experienced. And what's worse is that they stoped fixing bugs and only been releasing tweaking patches the last 8 months. I really enjoyed beta testing the crap out of the game post release. With the hundreds of crashes, exploits and bugs that pretty much killed the game for alot of people. My favorit so far is still the self destructing TV missile, wich in fact is still ******* PRESENT in the game!

    And oh man i love the flying APC. It's possibly the best capturing vehicle in the game. I still remember the tactic. Bug it out and fly to different flags almost instantly.

    Here's the interesting part about what you'r saying. That the devs don't care? The do indeed care. They have done more to this game than any other F2P dev team has done to theirs. The beta was really impressive. SOE worked hard and effectivly changing gameplay for the btetter. The balance isn't all perfect but it never is in any game during release. It takes more than just 2 months to make changes. Even more since there was a bloody holiday season! Something you seem to be forgeting. The chanses that the game will die is slim. Since this is the only large scale battle FPS in the world! The devs are treating this game and i have good confidence in them.

    So please go back to you'r scrub FPS game and please let the door slam you on the way out as well. We don't need you'r kind here and we will be much happier without you'r eternal whine.
  13. Liquid23

    because except for the tiny vocal group that "loves" PS1 (most of whom still don't sub so they don't even think that games worth the 50 cents a day to play) the majority of that game's players abandoned it long ago because it was a piece of crap that was completely trashed... why would they spend money to upgrade and re-release a game that only managed to hold on to a playerbase smaller than my friends list on facebook? ...
  14. maxkeiser

    LOL at people comparing BF3 to PS2.

    BF3 is a complete JOKE of a game. DICE took the BF series and totally destroyed it.

    PS2 is closer to BF1942/BF2/2142. BF3 is not similar at all to those games.
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  15. Chrysalis

    You're right, it's not GOING to die because it already has. No matter how you spin it, retaining an 8-10K playerbase (even when just evaluated through STEAM, I'm a betting man and willing to bet that STEAM accounted for the lion's share of people that joined up in the first place) when your servers are at least nominally supposed to be able to handle 6K EACH and you have so bloody many of them, is not a very good performance at all.

    And remember: It bled down to 10K over the course of its opening month. Retention only becomes more of a problem with time, not less.

    This game has failed to stick in the minds of most of the people that tried it, hence it will fail to stick overall. I don't doubt that it's shambling zombified corpse will be maintained long after the demise it has already suffered, but that's all it will remain. Just like what became of PS1 after BFRs were released and they took too long to make those reasonable.
  16. KraggTheGrim

    The game may actually get better with fewer server. With a dense population a good fight could easily just be right around the corner.
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  17. Yazmo

    im playing since the beta and let be honnest ppl are leaving
    also include myself on this. until they make infantry capable to kill air and tank more efficiency ppl will continue to leave
  18. maxkeiser

    They already are capable - in a group.

    You want BF3 paper tanks so that 1 single infantry man can dance around, jumping, and take out a tank??

    Tanks are SUPPOSED to destroy infantry out in the open.

    When I see a tank coming in PS2 I run for cover (as I should).
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  19. maxkeiser

    Good post and I agree pretty much entirely.
  20. AnnoyingFlies

    wow. this thread. Completely derailed.

    This is rubbish.
    3 days ago i killed 65 people on bf3 (attacking on rush) in one tank, one life, ezmode. And trust me, i had my fair share of getting hit with rockets.
    It's probably easier to dance around and kill a tank how you describe in PS2, because a Heavy can have C4 AND Rockets AND a shield. Seriously, It's pretty damn easy.

    Oh geez Idono, where do i start :rolleyes:

    This, i Agree with you. If you keep getting killed over and over with no progress, its time to change tactics. I play with a squad of 4-6 people in an Outfit and we seem to do more damage picking our own fights rather than running against a brick wall.

    No, Completely Disagreed. BF3 is pretty well balanced. Sure, when Armoured Kill was released, the gunship was just too powerful. It got fixed a few days later. Besides that, Classes have roles, guns have strengths and weaknesses. Just like PS2. I myself do not think about DLC much because sometimes i still play the base maps to this day. and what you are saying about progression and unlocks i cant even understand...

    The first sentence is true. I played Beta, and it was Hilariously bad at times. on release, it was much better. it's improved however, as games do as the mature. Everything you've said after that first sentence is unintelligible garbage.
    8 months? (
    PS2 was no better on release. Games need time to mature. PS2 has come a long way from the unplayable first day. At least BF3 was half playable. No idea about the TV missile either, i use it all the time with no problems. o_O

    By the way, i love both games. Just as much as each other. Bf3 is more Visually stunning, and has better gunplay. But PS2 has larger, more intense battles and huge amounts of teamwork.
    You cant say one game is better than the other.
    Also, I'm both a Planetside Vet and a BF2142/BF2/Bf1942 Vet.
    Now get back on topic.