What is this HA using?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CheaterBuster, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Deadeye[3.1]

    Psh, this is just the new class SOE is testing...
    ya know, the Light Heavy Infiltrator rocket pod....

    Seriously tough, SOE, about that Anti-cheat stuff you mentioned implementing?
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  2. CheaterBuster

  3. Sgarv

    Either he is lagging like a brazilian or he is speedhacking
  4. Lakora

    1: He's obviously speed hacking...
    2: Seen the firing thing from myself along with others (Had a nice Vanu engineer show me his Sundy with the "Bug" as he ran away)

    3: I find it funny how everyone thinks they don't have an Anti-hack and that everything else does... It's even funnier seeing the exact same threads in other games. :D
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  5. CheaterBuster

  6. CheaterBuster

  7. Ryloxx

    Interesting is that it only seems to activate when he uses his heavy shield, but means it will be an easy fix for SOE if that is the case.
  8. CheaterBuster

  9. Skadi

  10. NightFall

    not supporting hackers though but does that hurt anyone else?
  11. PieBringer

    On-topic: While I believe it IS possible to get that kind of speed with the momentum built up from going down a hill, at just the right angle that you don't go splat... I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case in the video provided.

    On the subject of "minor subtle bonuses". While unfair to other players it would seem, there could be ways it would just be a free cert rather than an outright advantage. For example, if talking about the ASC. "I REALLY want that final rank of ASC, but that extra half a second is not worth the certs." using a script that provides the exact same 0.5 second reduction in shield recharge delay, while it would basically be "cheating" it wouldn't really give an absolute unfair advantage as long as he didn't get that final rank of it. However, cheating is cheating, especially with no personal downsides. Plus there's also the fact that using such a thing would free up those certs for something else, which would also pretty much be cheating for a free item/ability upgrade.
  12. CheaterBuster

    Everyone in the community.

    This is the most flawed logic I've ever heard.

    So, a small unfair advantage (cheating) is OK? Cheating is cheating. Period. Have some morals.
  13. LameFox

    Nope, he doesn't see the second one, everyone else does. I get this all the time in my tank, it's annoying as hell because I can't tell which rocket will do actual damage and which is a dud.
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  14. LameFox

    I think he means like extra health/damage, not as in cert gain.
  15. CheaterBuster

    ... Extra health/damage isn't cheating?

    One of us is very confused - either I'm completely misunderstanding you, or your moral compass, and grasp on ethics are completely flawed.
  16. ImGladUmad

    Dat Dere running Implant from planetside 1.
  17. LameFox

    What? He was asking if it hurt anyone else; I assumed he thought the 'passive bonus' being referred to was cert gain or something. I'm not even sure what you're talking about.
  18. CheaterBuster

  19. Darkzero

  20. TomoB

    So what even if he's banned, he'll make another account... and another... and... wonders of f2p.